After a few seconds, Wuchen walked towards the castle where Shirahoshi and Princess Otoji were.


The castle at this moment... No, maybe it can no longer be called a castle. The surrounding area seems to be in ruins, there are fragments everywhere, and the previous castle has disappeared.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie... There is such an incredible ability in the world. It seems that the kid in Caribou didn't lie to me, but this kind of top-secret information cannot be known to outsiders, so go back and silence that kid!"

Doflamingo smiled gloomily and said, looking at Bai Xing and the giant sea kings behind her, his eyes were full of fanaticism, and he seemed to have seen the appearance of the future ruler of the world, and his eyes were shining.

There is also a graceful woman beside him, with dazzling golden hair, perfect facial features, and every move shows mature charm, which is very charming.

The only thing that provokes pity is that at this moment, there are two lines of clear tears hanging in the crystal eyes of the beauty, and behind her are many of Flamenco's subordinates.

"Mother mother!!!"

Looking at Princess Otoji who was taken as a hostage, Bai Xing's nose was sour, and he choked with anxiety and pain.

Many flamenco's hard-hearted are also used to it. Facing such a touching scene, not only did he not blame himself, but a grim smile hung on the corner of his mouth.


PS: Pirates are over recently, I beg the comment area to discuss the next world, thank you very much!


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Chapter 921 Outrageous Ideas [Fifth More]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


It is human nature for Doflamingo to be so ruthless. He was originally abnormal, and he was treated ruthlessly in his childhood, which caused his whole life values ​​to have been distorted, so it was right to be insane.

Because his whole life has been like this!

"Please let go of Mother, or I will be rude to you!"

Bai Nen's lotus arms wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, Bai Xing's eyes fell on Doflamingo, showing a rare awe, and the large sea kings floating behind him also swam around, the blood basin opened wide, nearly a thousand meters away The long mouth can even swallow the whole world, and all the officials of the Don Quixote family are shocked.

This level of sea kings can be dealt with by one or two, or even dozens of them, but what about when the number increases exponentially and becomes thousands?

Even Doflamingo followed suit, facing the siege of thousands of sea kings... General, the "Four Emperors" will definitely die... Of course, Doflamingo's face is still morbidly excited!

Looking across the time and space, Doflamingo has seen him standing at the end of the sky, bossing his way, even if the nightmare-like enemy Wuchen is bowing his head!

Just thinking about it, his heart "thumped" and he looked at the white star that was close at hand. He never felt that the position of the king of the world was so close to him!

What One Piece, the Admiral of the Navy is so weak!

"Jie Jie... It's okay to let her go, but you..."

His eyes revolved around Bai Xing, and Doflamingo said nonsensely: "Of course you can let your mother go, but in exchange, you leave here immediately to serve me~"

Brother Doflaming said with a wicked smile, with a cunning gleam deep in her eyes, of course she would not let Princess Otohime go, this is the only existence that can restrain Bai Xing at present.

"Don't listen to this man's nonsense, he is lying to you, the real purpose is actually you, get out of here quickly, your father will protect you!"

Princess Yiji is also a hot fried dough stick, so she naturally understands what Doflamingo is drawing, and hurriedly shouted at Bai Xing.

"You can leave, but..."

Doflamingo was calm, took out a musket from his arms, and aimed the dark muzzle at Princess Otohime's head.

"If you run away, your mother will be killed."

Seeing this, Bai Xing's thought of leaving immediately disappeared, and he looked at Doflamingo nervously, with a pitiful expression, and finally gave up the idea of ​​leaving.

"Jie haha... Sensitive creatures are really the best to use, what a bunch of idiots!"

Doflamingo looked up at the sky and laughed unbridled. He just saw Bai Xing's weakness, so he would use Princess Yiji as a breakthrough point to threaten Bai Xing.

The current scene is just as he imagined, and Shirahoshi really chooses to stand by!


The misunderstood Doflamingo's smile froze. If I remember correctly, the husband of Princess Otoji should be King Neptune, but that guy seems to have died many years ago. The father just mentioned is obviously not Nip. pause.

"Who is your father? Tell me, or I'll kill her right away!"

The musket was aimed at Princess Otohime's head, Doflamingo threatened.For some reason, he was always curious about this father.

"It's been a while... You've grown a lot more courageous, Doflamingo..."

The ghostly voice suddenly entered his ears, and Doflamingo instinctively gave off goosebumps. He was very familiar with this frivolous and lazy voice that defied all beings invisibly!

Not only is it familiar, but there is also a deep-rooted fear... The fear of that man seems to be an instinct, and Doflamingo himself can't control it!

Looking closely, next to Bai Xing, there is another figure - Wuchen!


Seeing the appearance of Wuchen, Bai Xing cried with joy, for fear that he would disappear again, he couldn't wait to hold him up, and immediately buried him in the Jade Girl Peak.

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