"Let go of my white star." Wuchen said with a headache.

Looking at Princess Otoji who was taken as a hostage by Doflamingo, Wuchen gave her a consoling look, indicating that she had no need to worry.

"What else do you have to explain, Brother Doflamingo..." The emotionless eyes fell on Doflamingo, and Wuchen asked lightly.

"I... Hmph, I have nothing to explain, as you can see!"

I don't know why, maybe it's because of the habit of being a lackey. Every time Wuchen talks, the first thought that comes to his mind is how to... flatter him!

Thinking of Doflamingo, he became very angry. After being a lackey for more than ten years, it has become a habit to obey Wuchen. Every time he hears Wuchen's voice, he will reflex and show a flattering expression!

"That's right... Between you and me, there's really nothing worth saying... Maybe I should ask directly, how do you want to die when you arrest my woman?"

The indifferent face is restrained, and the dust-free face is as cold as a knife, staring at his expression, his eyes are slightly stinging.


The members of the Don Quixote Pirates murmured unnaturally and looked at Wuchen with fear on their faces. After Whitebeard was annihilated by him, the title of the strongest man in the world fell on him.

Wuchen's bottomless strength terrifies all creatures living under the sea, land and air!


PS: Pirates are over recently, I beg the comment area to discuss the next world, thank you very much!


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Chapter 922 One Finger [First Update]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


Compared to his subordinates whose souls were chilling, Doflamingo was as calm as a mountain.

"I warn you, if this guy catches our handle, he will never let us go and betray him. There is only one way, death!"

For fear of some unrealistic thoughts from this group of family cadres, Doflamingo had to raise his voice to warn, and there was an undisguised threat.

"Don't forget, we still have a hole card!"

Pointing to Princess Yiji next to him, Brother Doflaming regained some confidence. The role and benefits that this hostage can play is absolutely beyond imagination, and the effect is even greater than that of a "four emperors"!

After all, the "Four Sovereigns" have to kneel when they meet Wuchen, only this woman will be indecisive.

The cadres of the Don Quixote family breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words, and finally gained some confidence, and invariably leaned on Princess Ottoji, which was a bargaining chip to save their lives temporarily.

Naturally, look closely!

"Want to threaten me? It's good for the five old stars to take this method earlier."

Seeing this, Wuchen couldn't help shaking his head, squinting his eyes calmly, this kind of funny trick is meaningless, not to mention Doflamingo doesn't dare to kill Princess Yiji now, he still needs this hostage to save his life for the time being... Retreat one Wan Bu said that blood was really splashed on the spot, and in terms of the level of reincarnation, resurrecting her was also a trivial matter.

"Boom boom boom!"

The particles on the ground suddenly became agitated, and immediately floated strangely, and the same was true for Princess Otto. The whole world seemed to be floating... The sudden scene made everyone stare, including Princess Otto, who was also full of shock, and she had never Realize what happened.

"Vientiane Tianyin!" A magnetic voice fell, revealing the perpetrator.

Doflamingo's face is sullen, and his whole body is full of killing intent. Now that he has torn his face with Wuchen, he is naturally merciless... Even if Doflamingo wants to talk about love, Wuchen will definitely ignore him.

His eyes were fixed on the unsuspecting back of Princess Otoji, and Doflamingo's eyes flashed a stern look and a dark and wicked smile, and then dozens of transparent lines popped up in his hands, connecting Princess Otoji's limbs.

"Parasitic wire!"

Brother Doflamingo's fingers swayed slightly, and Princess Otoji's drooping limbs immediately lifted up, waving her fists in pain, and smashing them towards Wuchen's face.

Only those with excellent sight can find that Princess Otohime's body is controlled by transparent lines!


He opened his palms and easily grabbed the incoming tender fist.This white line that controls Princess Otoji naturally cannot escape the dust-free capture.

"Jie Jie... In the face of your lover, even if you are cruel, you can't do it... It's really ridiculous. I used to think that you were an invincible and perfect existence, but it turned out to be a mortal."

Seeing that Wuchen couldn't bear the pain to kill, Doflamingo said with disdain: "You control this woman to attack, you are also helpless, Jie Jie..."

Wuchen didn't even look at Doflamingo when he heard the words, staring at the sharp white line with contempt on his face, "Helpless? Ridiculous! Don't compare me to a mortal like you, it's easy to decipher this line."

The members of the Don Quixote Pirates and Doflamingo himself watched in amazement, and the dust-free petite right arm touched the parasitic thread connecting Princess Otohime.


The lines as hard as iron were like encountering a deadly natural enemy, touching the black fire that was enough to devour everything, melting and collapsing in an instant, and Princess Otoji's painful expression also recovered.

"You can't do it, but that doesn't mean others can't do it."

After sending Princess Yiji to Bai Xing, she finished her murderous intention, "On the thin side that you have served me for more than ten years, today I specially give your team a discount... Let's go to the underworld to report together!"

His eyes shot blood-red arrogance, and Wuchen leaped across the space with a single stride!

"Bastard, so fast! Everyone spread out!"

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