"Clang clang!"

The white line that is as hard as steel roars with a crisp roar, flashes fleeting sparks, and the flashes chop the lines one after another, smashing them, turning them into powder and falling to the ground... But these dense lines seem to have a regeneration function, No matter how much dust is cut off, the ground will pop up in more quantities to reconnect.

In the end, Bachi Qionggouyu failed to break through Doflamingo's defense.

"Don't underestimate people too much!" Doflamingo said confidently, taking time to take a breath.

There was a sudden chill behind him, and Doflamingo was about to turn around, whistling around his shining calf, and the contemptuous taunt, "How about I just underestimate you? Light speed kick!"

Before Doflamingo could react, the merciless blow tore his body to pieces!

"Boom boom boom!"

In the sand pit dozens of meters away, Doflamingo, who was riddled with holes, was deep in it, dripping with blood. The most striking thing was that his waist was almost torn apart by the "speed of light kick", showing serious burns. .


Beasts that are on the verge of extinction are the most dangerous... From Doflamingo's throat, a roar that does not resemble a human jumps out.

"Little Lord!"

The cadres of the Don Quixote Pirates were flawed, and as if they had negotiated in advance, they rushed towards Wuchen, showing their magical powers in an attempt to stop Wuchen's progress.

"You bastard fish should disappear ahead of time. You forgot to be grateful for Dade for so many years, but now you are still trying to take away my ancient weapon to kill the master. The white-eyed wolves really can't get enough, you people. .. all sins deserve ten thousand deaths!"

The blue sky turned upside down, and there were countless small whirlpools in the void, and then countless magical weapons came to the fore... The people pointed at them were the officials of the Don Quixote family who swooped in.

"I'm so scrambling to die... I can't believe that Doflamingo is a good idiot to train his men..."

His eyes were cold, and his big hand fell, and the magic weapon that floated in the void turned into a dense rain of bullets!

"The King's Treasure!"

The simple "four characters" staged a crushing slaughter-slaughter prelude. Even though Doflamingo's subordinates are proficient in armed and domineering, they can temporarily resist the erosion of magical weapons, but as time goes on, there are still more With the rapid increase of their strength, their physical strength was quickly annihilated by this boundless sea of ​​weapons, and they were beaten with many holes and flesh and blood!

All members of the Doflamingo Pirates except Doflamingo were killed!


PS: Pirates are over recently, I beg the comment area to discuss the next world, thank you very much!


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Chapter 924 Bai Jue's Betrayal! 【Third Update】


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


The dense quantity of the king's treasures is destructive, and there are thousands of weapons stored in it. It is unrealistic to want to resist with pure flesh and body, and moths will kill themselves.

The members of the Don Quixote Pirates were cut into pieces, and the bloody smell of the corpses filled the nostrils. The scene was extraordinarily depressing... In the face of such a cruel scene, Wuchen was surprisingly calm.

Traitors are not worthy of sympathy, all this is their own fault... In a sense, the dust-free method is already harmonious and gentle, and some perverted pirates treat traitors as torture, destroying him in October and August, and then see you again He was put to death in a short time, and this kind of appalling thing happened from time to time on the great route.

"Don't put on such an expression of hating me, or what I told you before, the way is your own choice, and I have never forced them to be traitors."

Sensing a stern look that was about to die together, Wuchen turned his gaze and landed on Doflamingo, who looked like a mad dog. He looked down at him with indifferent eyes, and there was a touch of pity and sympathy in his words.

"All of this...you caused it yourself. You can't blame others. You tried to challenge me with your meager strength. This is what you should end up with. It's a pity for your loyal crew."

Glancing at the Don Quixote family cadres who were smashed to pieces, Wuchen felt that they were worthless.

"Die for me... that's their blessing, and I will naturally avenge them!" Even though he had been knocked to the ground, Doflamingo's eloquent words were still unforgiving.

"Really, that's a pity, you don't have the ability to do it."

Hearing this, Wuchen sighed, deeply regretting it, and walked out immediately, with photons floating in his hand, and a big sword with cold light flashed in the blink of an eye.

Wuchen, who was holding the Tiancong Cloud Sword, planned to give Doflamingo a fatal blow.

A person's life is always accompanied by endless accidents. No one can say that he is absolutely in control of the world's affairs. The unforeseen events of Wuchen will be staged in an instant.


The ground next to Doflamingo suddenly burst, and a white figure stepped out of it, then helped Doflamingo, and looked at Wuchen together.

"You guy..."

Seeing this, Wuchen's face turned down sharply, staring at the figure who suddenly disrupted the situation, and said gloomily: "Bai Jue, what do you mean, don't forget who created you!"

The person who supports Doflamingo is Wuchen's most loyal subordinate - Bai Jue!


Hearing this, Bai Juehun smiled indifferently, and did not bow down like before, and said frankly: "Lord Wuchen is as you see, you are not mistaken, I... betrayed!"

Bai Jue said brightly, looking like a villain.

"It was a mistake to give you wisdom and consciousness in the first place."

When Bai Jue was created, in order to save trouble, Wuchen did not deprive him of his wisdom and consciousness... In other words, Bai Jue actually had his own way of thinking just like normal humans.

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