"It's too late to say this now, Lord Wuchen."

Bai Jue shrugged frivolously, and immediately chopped off his arm resolutely. Half of his arm merged into Doflamingo's bruised body. The latter's bruised body was repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Mutiny? You forced it!"

Doflamingo, who was gradually recovering, roared: "People like you can't live in the world at all, your existence is a blasphemy to all living things! Not only me, I'm afraid Hawkeye also has the same idea as me, a person who can never surpass A person, he can only be at peace when he disappears!"

When people have great power, they will be isolated, and now Wuchen is like this, including Bai Jue, who was created by him, and left him.

Hearing this, the last remaining conscience in Wuchen's heart also disappeared, "Human nature is so ugly, I originally wanted to destroy the rule of the world government and establish the excesses in my dreams... Now it seems that my previous thoughts were a little naive."

A wicked smile swept the corners of his mouth, and Wuchen suddenly said loudly: "Since the creation of the world is not possible, then let's just destroy the world... With [Infinite Moon Reading] to end this rotten world, the dawn of dawn guides all mankind into happiness The blissful dream!"

"Sir Wuchen, stop dreaming, my purpose is to pull you down from the altar, replace it with me, and become the new king of the world, how can I let you release that technique..."


The white afterimage that came from behind instantly penetrated Wuchen's chest, his hand inserted into his heart, and then a mysterious energy wave surged out. Instead of destroying Wuchen's body, it unexpectedly gradually merged.

"The spirit of yin and yang escapes together!"

The body quickly became liquid, and Bai Jue's arm had turned into a liquid body, and he wanted to become one with Wuchen, "Since when Lord Wuchen created me, I knew that it was impossible to kill you, thanks to you. Give me the yin and yang escape, so I can directly replace you!"

"Are you going to occupy my body? Ironically enough, this scene is so similar to Madara and Kuro Uchiha."

Looking at the big white hand on the chest, Wuchen said with emotion, and then his eyes turned cold, and a strange fluctuation directly evaporated the big white hand of the body.

"how is this possible?!"

He hurriedly pulled out his arm, and Bai Jue looked at Wuchen in disbelief and said in surprise, "I've planned all this for several years, and it's impossible to fail!"

"Planned for years? Stupid!"

The corners of the mouth swept thick ridicule and contempt, and the dust-free irony said: "The person who created you is me, and the person who gave you yin and yang is also me, and secondly... I am not Uchiha Madara, and you are not Hei Jue."


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Chapter 925 The stream and the sea [fourth more]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


Bai Jue's eyes widened in disbelief, and his pupils were as wide as he had ever been in his life.

"Impossible, how can you ignore that technique?!"

Bai Jue shook his head, thinking it was a dream, trying to free himself from the illusion, his expression looked quite painful, he had secretly planned a plan for many years, and now the bamboo basket was empty, and he was deeply affected.

And he also exposed himself!

"There is no invincible technique in this world..."

Turning his head to look at Bai Jue sympathetically, Wuchen looked down at him who was overwhelmed, shook his head and explained sympathetically: "The creek is always just a creek, even if he shares the same root with the sea, and wants to assimilate with his murmuring water. The sea is impossible..."

Compared with Wuchen, Bai Jue's weak yin and yang control is not worth mentioning. It is a fool's dream to want to swallow his will and take his body as his own.

All in all, after peeling the cocoon and spinning, Bai Jue's self-assured idea is actually just a joke, it's not realistic!

"What about your last words?"

Looking at Bai Jue, who was a little nervous, Wu Chen asked in a very boring way, it seems that just now was Bai Jue's last resort, and there was no other trump card available.

"Last words? Joke! I still want to take your body, how could I die in such a ghostly place!" Bai Jue's expression was ferocious and kind, and his words were deeply coveted and yearning.

He is the same as Doflamingo, even more lurking than Doflamingo. He has been a lackey for so many years, and Bai Jue also wants to understand what it feels like to step on the top of the world.

"The mountains don't turn and the water turns, there is still more time in the future, just wait and see!"

The moment the words fell, Bai Jue's body began to sag. Now that he has completely torn apart his face from Wuchen, he naturally cannot follow him.

"You bastard want to abandon me and run for your life alone?!"

Doflamingo's surprised voice came, but Bai Jue's face was expressionless, treating Doflamingo as air, and it was useless to take him in his eyes.

Just a pawn.

"Ah, ah, ah... a dog bites a dog, you don't have to feel sad, Brother Doflaming."

Witnessing Doflamingo's murderous awe-inspiring expression, Wuchen patted his chest, gave a thumbs-up and promised, "Don't worry, both of you will go to the underworld to renew your fate, and if you have any unresolved hatred, you won't eat it. , now... it's better for me to kill the two of you first."

"Want to kill me, hum, dream!"

Bai Jue said with a snort, with an unusually proud tone, and immediately fell into the ground without a trace, and the whole person seemed to evaporate from the world.

"Thinking that I'll leave you helpless, what a failure, I actually created such an idiot!" Wuchen said with a self-deprecating smile, with deep sarcasm in his words.

"Kill me if you have one!"

Bai Jue in the depths of Fishman Island roared furiously. He naturally understood the ridicule of Wuchen's remarks, and he immediately retorted without showing weakness.

"That bastard named Bai Jue, let me kill, before that... you should kill me first, Luo Yisnan!"

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