"Robin has tricked the Straw Hat Pirates into Dressrosa, but they seem to be leaving soon to travel to the next island."

Without caring about the perfect jiao~ body exposed under Wuchen's eyelids, Hancock dressed himself in clothes, ignoring Wuchen's wolfish eyes, and showed a calm expression.

Among the girls, Hancock has been following Wuchen the longest, so he knows his character well, and he can let go of his hands no matter what he does.

"Do the Straw Hats still want to travel? I don't need it. I think that's it for now. Since that kid likes to be One Piece so much, he will use the [Infinite Moon Reading] technique to pull him into the world of his dreams and let him do it for a lifetime. One Piece... Really, I've become more and more kind..."

What Wuchen said to himself attracted the eyes of all the girls, and they stared at Wuchen angrily. Although he didn't know what that "infinite moon reading" was, he learned from Wuchen's mouth. , this technique covers all human beings...

Hearing that Wuchen was going to attack the whole world, the girls were a little unacceptable. After all, this is the home they live on. However, as time passed, the feelings and fetters for this world gradually faded... No matter what. Whether it's Princess Otohime, Kalifa, or women like Perona and Hancock, there is nothing in this world worthy of their memory.

"Dong dong..."

In the dimly lit room, there was a sudden knock on the door, and Wu Chen, who bowed his head and meditated, also came back to his senses, and then cast a glance at Hancock and the girls, and they quickly put on their clothes.


About ten minutes later, Hancock sorted his clothes and opened the door with graceful steps!

"Loisnan [Saint]!"

M Caesar Kuran, who ran in, nodded and bowed, and he didn't even have the courage to raise his head to look directly at Wuchen. He turned his eyes to the right, the left side was hidden in the dark space, and the dead body without emotional fluctuations was clearly visible... It was Doveran. Brother Ming!

With the idea of ​​saving resources, the mighty Doflamingo was also made into one of Penn's six paths by Wuchen.

"What's the matter, don't tell me who came to trouble you again."

Stretching, Wuchen's tone with a warning, every time this fellow finds him, most of them have various problems, either they are bullied and beaten, or there is a problem in research.

"That's not true, Hades has been completed perfectly, and he can be dispatched at any time to end the world in front of him!"

Caesar shook his head like a rattle, and immediately replied: "According to your order, all the muzzles of Hades have been aimed at Dressrosa. As long as you give an order, you can destroy this island in an instant!"


PS: Pirates are over recently, I beg the comment area to discuss the next world, thank you very much!


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Chapter 927 The plan to end the world [sixth more]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


Caesar bowed his waist cautiously, raised his eyes, and glanced at Wuchen. He chose to remain silent. Caesar's cognition, the Lord in front of him belongs to the kind of moody person. Annoying Wuchen may be a word. The reason, if killed, it would be a loss.

"Okay, go back. When I order you to fire on Dressrosa, I will use the phone bug to notify you."

Rubbing his temples, Wuchen said drowsily, waved his hand, and regardless of Caesar's reply, he simply ordered the expulsion.


Caesar nodded, then stood up and turned to leave.

"Master is not saying that [Infinite Moon Reading] is the ability to destroy the whole world at one time. The existence of Pluto is already superfluous and completely useless."

Hancock tilted his head and wondered, in this world, her relationship with Wuchen is the most recent, and Wuchen is also happy to tell you about some unknown secrets.

"[Infinite Moon Reading] Although it is the enemy of all living things, there are exceptions to everything. Maybe... there are fish that slip through the net that I didn't expect!"

Infinite Moon Reading is a world-annihilation technique, but defying the sky does not mean invincible, and there is no guarantee that there is any strange ability, and it can be opportunistic to withstand "Infinite Moon Reading", after all, Uchiha Sasuke's Susano is almost Foresight.

Although Wuchen is very confident in "Unlimited Monthly Reading", but it has reached the last step now, so it is right to be safe.

"Using this thing to deceive the world's strong men to Dressrosa, then using [Pluto] to bombard Dressrosa, and then using [Infinite Moon Reading] to end this world, this is my plan. "

The slightly worn and yellowed drawings in Wuchen's hands can clearly see all kinds of dense data, and the outline of the whole day is an unprecedented giant ship.

It is the design of Hades!

"In a few days, Doflamingo, one of the six paths controlled by me, will announce to the world that the prize for the winner of this arena will be the design of the ancient weapon - Hades!"

Speaking of which, Wuchen is already full of murderous aura... He deceived Dorezas from the strong men in the world, and then used Hades to bombard them... The last thing is the main dish - "Unlimited Monthly Reading"!

This will undoubtedly require a lot of insurance. If the design of Hades is used as a reward, it can attract all major forces in the world, whether it is the "Four Emperors" among the pirates or the generals and marshals of the Navy headquarters, including the hidden revolutionary army. , even the five old stars will feel Dressrosa personally!

At that time, launch the ancient weapon Pluto to annihilate all of them, even if there are occasionally undead fish that slip through the net, there will be "Infinite Moon Reading" waiting for them, so that dust-free can be regarded as peace of mind.

"Inexplicably, I took out the design of Hades as a bait, and others would definitely think there was a conspiracy."

Hancock gently handed over the steaming hot tea, and then said with some concern that the group of people from the Navy Headquarters and the Revolutionary Army, including the "Four Emperors", are not idiots, and it is impossible for idiots to get into the trap. .

"There's no need to worry about this kind of small problem. As long as the design is true, even if they know it's a trap, they will rush to get in... This is human nature, whether it's the revolutionary army or the red-haired Shank of the Four Emperors. Pluto and Blackbeard, as well as the Pentagon and Sakaski of the World Government are all eager to get the Pluto blueprint."

Wuchen explained with certainty that it actually means the same thing. If there is something that can increase his strength, even if he knows that it is a trap, Wuchen will break through.

Human nature is greedy, that's what it means.

In addition, there is no doubt that the pirates definitely do not want ancient weapons to fall into the hands of the government. The same is true of the Five Old Stars. They hope that the government can control Pluto, and the revolutionary army also has its own ideas.

Therefore, it is destined that the group will gather in Dressrosa... Once the goal is achieved, Wuchen will order Caesar to completely destroy Dressrosa.

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