Immediately waiting for them is "Unlimited Monthly Reading"!It’s never wrong to plan ahead.

"Speaking of which, how is the situation in the new world recently... Kaido and Bigu Mum are both dead, and most of the pirates in the world are caught up in disputes."

Tiandao Uchiha Madara replaced the beast Kaido, but his territory, Wuchen did not inherit it, and the same was true for Bigu Mum, which caused pirates all over the world to kill each other, all jealous of the last remaining one" Four Emperors" position.

"That group of pirates really are short-sighted."

During this cruel period of competition for the position of the "Four Emperors", the Navy Headquarters stayed on the sidelines and turned a deaf ear to the competition of the "Four Emperors". Kill each other and die.

In the end it was cheaper for the navy.

"The Revolutionary Army and the Red-Haired Pirates have gotten very close recently..." After a while of silence, Hancock suddenly said surprisingly.

"This is expected. The relationship between Luffy and the red-haired Shanks is well known, and Luffy's father is the leader of the revolutionary army. It is normal for the red-haired Shanks to hook up with him."

Speaking of this, Wuchen's tone suddenly stagnated, and then he sneered: "The two of them also have a common enemy, which is me! Red-haired Shanks and Drago are not people who sit still, they will choose to find another way out. As it should be, it's normal for people who are embarrassed to come together to deal with me."


PS: Pirates are over recently, I beg the comment area to discuss the next world, thank you very much!


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Chapter 928 Team Up To Die [First Update]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


Speaking of this, Wuchen's tone suddenly stagnated, and then he sneered: "The two of them also have a common enemy, which is me! Red-haired Shanks and Drago are not people who sit still, they will choose to find another way out. As it should be, it's normal for people who are embarrassed to come together to deal with me."

The conspiracy of Dorag and the red-haired Shanks, and even other people participating in it, is also within the dust-free prediction, and everyone will not sit still.

It is normal to even give up grievances and join hands with the former Blackbeard... There is no eternal grievance, only eternal interests... Blackbeard also regards Wuchen as the biggest enemy, and it is normal for them to come together.

In fact, as Wuchen thought, Blackbeard and Red-haired Shanks had contact during this period.

"Thinking that working together can stop me? This is as ridiculous as the sun coming out of the west tomorrow." The corners of Gao Yang's mouth showed contempt, and Wuchen scoffed at the practices of the "Four Emperors" and the revolutionary army.

"It's all the fault of the young master!" Hancock rolled his eyes and complained.

If she were the red-haired Shanks, Monkey D, Dorag and others, she would also choose to do this. After all, she has a god-like enemy, and there is no other way but to join forces.

"That is to blame them for their own fault, and this is the price of doing the right thing with me!"

Dust-free murderous intent was revealed, his body was filled with a dangerous aura, and his deep eyes instantly became like a beast, "The red-haired Shanks was against me more than ten years ago, and then he chopped off his arm, Ben. I thought that kid would be more interesting, but now it seems that instead of realizing the inadequacy... he has intensified."

Since he is so ignorant, Wuchen can only smash and annihilate him!

"Right, young master..."

Seemingly thinking of something, Hancock frowned, "Kelia [Saint] made a sudden visit a few days ago, and you happened to be away from Mary Joa in those days."

Wuchen was confused when he heard the words, scratched his head and didn't remember knowing this person, and immediately asked blankly: "I don't seem to have an intersection with this person, especially since her name has [Saint] after her, it should be a Tianlong person. , I don't even have such a person..."

A golden figure suddenly appeared in his mind, and Wuchen suddenly thought of his fiancée of more than ten years...

The long golden hair cascading down like a waterfall, the holy blue eyes are as pure as gems, flawless, the perfect face is like a masterpiece of heaven, the magic work, the wearer is a slender holy sword, and the temperament is noble... An inch is perfect.

"Strange... Why did she suddenly come to the door, more than ten years have passed, I thought that Keliya had died... Also, she hasn't called me for more than ten years, I'm afraid she's already old!"

Waving his hand, Wuchen said annoyed, "Tell her that you are not allowed to come to me in the future!"

Anyway, the two sides didn't have any intersection, they just had a relationship, and Wuchen almost killed her at the time, so you don't need to think about it to know what the relationship between the two sides is.

"Young master is worrying too much. Like the young man, Kelia [Saint] has not lost her appearance, and still maintains her original appearance." Hancock smiled mysteriously.

"Just by her?"

Wuchen heard the weirdness on her face, not because she looked down on her. That girl named Klia was a general, and she was in the same category as the Four Emperor Kaido and others. In the eyes of the world, she was strong enough, but she wanted to achieve It is impossible to stay young forever.

"Forget it, no matter what, don't ask her to come to me in the future, or I'll be welcome."

Hancock shut up and wisely shut up when he heard the words. The impression that Kriya [Saint] left Wuchen was really bad. Wuchen still clearly remembered that she not only broke into Wuchen's bedroom, but also criticized Wuchen. The words written by dust are rotten.

"And that woman is very evil and doesn't seem to belong to human beings. I'm not interested in that kind of person."

Wuchen was shivering unnaturally. If a toad turned into a human, and he also became a hard-working fiancé, he would shiver just thinking about Wuchen.

"Tap tap..."

In the corridor, there were suddenly messy steps.


Staring at Kalifa who suddenly appeared, Wuchen said in surprise, he had arranged for Kalifa to collect intelligence before, and Bai Jue's betrayal, all the intelligence information fell on Kalifa's head.

"The leader of the Revolutionary Army, Drago, met with the red-haired Shanks, and it seems that there is also a black-bearded Marshall D. Tickey." Carly French was extremely uneasy, which was equivalent to the three "four emperors" joining forces.

"It has nothing to do with me, this should be the Navy's concern, it's not our turn..." Wuchen chuckled, very calm, and then added, "If the three of them can form a team to come to Dressero Sa die, that's the best."

Dressrosa, with beautiful scenery, is very suitable for the cemetery of the "Four Emperors".

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