The faces of the redhead and Dorag were ashen. Even if they knew that this was a conspiracy, they had to drill. Once the world government got the design of Hades, they would definitely be destroyed!

"That kid can play like that?!"

The black beard who wants to understand vomits blood, the messy hair is like a chicken coop, and crows are entrenched. This is a complete conspiracy. I haven't seen it for a while.

But no one knows that Doflamingo at the moment has been made into one of the six realms by Wuchen.


PS: Pirates are over recently, I beg the comment area to discuss the next world, thank you very much!


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Chapter 933 Shocking the World [Second]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


Blackbeard was taut and sophisticated, his nostrils spewed hot air waves, and he tried to find a reasonable explanation to comfort himself, but after thinking for a long time, he couldn't find an excuse, and he couldn't get comfort.

The dignified "Four Emperors" who reigned over the world were calculated by the mere "Seven Martial Seas", let alone for the time being, even if he knew that this was a trap, he still insisted on drilling in, and the suffocating flames almost burned his head.

"That bastard... is smarter than before, setting up a trap that even if we know it's a conspiracy, we have to get into it and let him be slaughtered, damn Doflamingo!"

The red-haired Shanks also had an extremely ugly expression on his face. There were blue veins on both sides of his forehead, and his iron fist was clenched tightly.

It doesn't matter if you are calculated by the other "Four Sovereigns". Anyway, everyone is a person of the same level, and you can exchange politely... But inexplicably, you were slapped by Doflamingo, but he still couldn't fight back. Not only that, but he also led him Let's go with his nose... This is beyond the limit of what he can tolerate.

"You are just a part of my plan. The actors are far from enough. You represent only the pirates and the revolutionary army. You can only be regarded as the second and third protagonists. The number one protagonist is not you."

Through the sight of Tiandao Uchiha Madara, the dust-free chuckle in Dressrosa... Pluto can attract the attention of forces all over the world, and the pirates and the revolutionary army are only part of it.

"It's not just us, those who know the precious power of [Pluto] will definitely rush to Dressrosa, and the one who wins Pluto will conquer the world... Who can resist this kind of temptation? You can't, neither can I, Not all over the world."

Munch D Drago said heavily, sweat dripping from his temples.

"The five old stars of the world government, including the navy, must not be able to escape the temptation of Pluto. They should use all their high-end combat capabilities to fight against the odds, and it is impossible for Pluto's design to fall into our hands."

His eyes rolled suddenly, and Dorag's eyes were filled with cold murderous intent, "That bastard, Doflamingo, this time he is determined to bring the whole world to an end, no matter who owns the [Pluto] design. Both suffered heavy losses.”

"You are right!"

Tiandao Uchiha Madara agreed with the Dao, and immediately made a cautious expression, "Don't forget that the dragon man named Loisnan is still in Dressrosa. If we want to capture Hades, we will definitely be with him. In the battle, you must bring all the elites to defeat him barely."

"It's true that all the elite pirates should be concentrated. When confronted, they will inevitably encounter the navy, and even the high-level officials of the world government. Maybe even the old antiques like the Five Old Stars will do it themselves."

Everyone nodded, and they agreed with Tiandao Uchiha Madara's remarks. In the face of a god-like enemy, they must have a god-like formation that is not weak at all.

Of course, the overtones that Tiandao Uchiha Madara reveals are unintelligible.

"And, even if it's a trap, what can I do? After capturing the design of Hades, the history of the entire world will likely be written by me in a new chapter!"

The words of Tiandao Uchiha Madara led everyone to fall into a real dream... In a trance, they saw the evil rule that destroyed the world government, standing on the top of the world and being praised by all living beings...

The recovered Dorag and the others looked at each other, and if they didn't want to do it, they had to do it. In that case, it's better to give it all you can.

"This group of troublesome ants has finally been dealt with."

Dust free in Dressrosa, it was a laborious task to bring them together.

"First use Pluto to kill you, the most threatening people, and then end with [Infinite Moon Reading]. Then use [God Tree Realm Descend] to connect all human beings with the divine tree... In this way, a new investigation will be formed. Carat fruit should be useless... Even if they can't reach the same realm as me, prolonging life and staying young forever is still no problem."

Recalling the few girls in the system, Wuchen sighed a little tiredly. After so many years of work, it was all for them. Now everything is about to come to an end, and the shackles she has been carrying have disappeared completely, which is extraordinarily comfortable.

As for the guilt that "Unlimited Monthly Reading" brought the whole world into the world of illusion... There is no such feeling.To be oppressed by pirates is oppression, to be exploited by the world government or to be exploited, anyway, it is just a distorted world.In this case, it is better to go to the dream world together to be your ideal self.

"They should also thank me, the creator!"

In the end, dust-free came to such a conclusion.


With Dressrosa's announcement that the final winner of the arena will get the blueprint of Hades, people in the whole world are like sharks smelling fishy, ​​rushing to Dressrosa one after another.

It's just a design drawing, and it ignites the emotions of the whole world... The forces that understand what Pluto is naturally can't wait, and ignorant people who don't understand what Pluto is scoffed at.

In short, the whole world was stunned by Doflamingo's sudden movement.

At this moment, there is also a major event happening in the naval headquarters. The generals of the navy are also divided into two factions. At first glance, there seems to be a sign of division!


PS: Pirates are over recently, I beg the comment area to discuss the next world, thank you very much!


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Chapter 934 The Red Dog Who Spited Blood [Chapter Three]

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