
I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


As the largest organization in the world at present, the Navy received the news earlier than the Four Emperors, and held an emergency meeting at the first time. Due to the very special reasons this time, it only called for high-level executives with real power.

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. After getting the design of Hades, it is not a problem to build it with the government's capabilities. You can use Hades to end the era of [Great Pirates]... You must rush to Dressrosa!"

"You don't need to think about it to know that this is a conspiracy. Who would call out such a precious thing as the Pluto design? The navy can just watch the fire from the other side, and calmly watch the pirates fighting for the Pluto design to kill each other... This old man is determined not to. Agree to mobilize all forces to attack Dressrosa!"

Within a few hours, at the meeting of the Navy headquarters, it was these two topics... The one who agreed to attack Dressrosa was naturally the radical Akainu [Sakaski], and he was not weak in the slightest and always opposed it. Yes, it was General Fujitora with a smile.

"Teng Hu, make it clear to me that the Admiral is Sakaski, not Teng Hu Yixiao!"

The hot magma rose from his hand, and the cigar was turned into ashes together. The Akainu on the main seat sat in the position that used to belong to the Warring States period.

After being the marshal for a while, he didn't have to feel the slightest difference, instead he got more and more headaches!

Especially the general in front of him who often fights with Akainu, the two sides are no less conflicted than Akainu and the original Aokiji, even compared to Aokiji, Fujitora is even more excessive. He doesn't care about the marshal's face at all. Stand up and hate him.

"The old man's eyes are blind, but his heart is not. I know that the marshal is Sakaski."

Fujitora said in a calm tone, and immediately made Akagi's whole body shiver with a single sentence, "If I were the marshal, you would have been kicked out of the navy long ago, and it is not your turn to be bossy."

Hearing this, Akainu's old face turned black, and he took a deep breath and tightly suppressed the flames that were rushing in his chest... First, the situation is special, and he cannot directly remove the position of General Fujitora, and second, he has the Sengoku and the army commander-in-chief. , and veteran naval support like Karp, who often oppose Akainu without any scruples.

"Sakasky, rashly attacking Dressrosa is a dangerous move. You all understand Doflamingo's nature." Fujitora lowered his voice and lowered his posture to persuade him.After all, Akainu is also a naval marshal, and the most basic face is still to be given.


Akainu sneered and sneered at this: "How about a dangerous move? What about a trap? Can't you just watch the design of Hades fall into the hands of the pirates? It is reported that the pirate leaders of the new world-- There are signs of the [Four Emperors] joining forces, let's go one step later, the design of Hades is theirs, and the new world in the future will probably be one-third of an acre of land without a navy."

The admirals nodded silently. Akainu's remarks were by no means alarmist. The Navy got the blueprint of Hades and waited for Hades to be born. The first unlucky ones were the Navy and the World Government.

"But this is Doflamingo's conspiracy, we will definitely be calculated when we go there!" Fujitora smiled and argued, and even an idiot could see that this was a big pit.

Brother Doflamingo dug a deep hole. Their navy knew it was a trick, but they jumped into it without hesitation. It was a brain-damaged act!

"Makes sense."

There are also many admirals who think Fujitora is right.

"Don't fight the two of you."

The old voice stopped the quarrel between the two, which was surprisingly useful, and Akainu and Fujitora immediately stopped arguing.Looking closely, it was Lieutenant General Crane who was currently the oldest in the Navy.

"This kind of thing is all over the world. The design of Hades is beyond the management scope of the Navy. In fact, it is useless for us to discuss such important matters, and we can't control it at all. The right to speak is not in our hands. I'm afraid I'm thinking about countermeasures now, and I believe it won't be long before their orders reach us, so there's no need to talk about quarrels, and our navy has said nothing from the beginning to the end."

After speaking a series of words one after another, Lieutenant General Crane was also a little tired.

Looking at Akainu and Fujitora who were stagnant, Admiral Tsuru's old face was gloomy and gloomy... Not to mention cooperation between these two, it was extremely difficult to sit quietly and discuss plans together.The tempers of both sides are stubborn and aggressive at the same time, and neither of them is willing to admit defeat.

"Then wait for the call above!"

Akainu can only put the flames in his stomach. If he can, he can't wait to beat Fujitora with a smile. This old guy is really annoying. This kind of scene is not once or twice. This marshal can't get down to the stage... and even sometimes becomes the target of public criticism.

There is no quality to be a general at all!

"Then wait for the call from Five Old Stars." Fujitora silently took a nap after hearing that.


After about half an hour, the black phone bug, which had been silent all the time, suddenly rang. This is usually dedicated to contacting the Five Old Stars.

"Sakaski, it's me!"

On the other side of the phone bug, there was a powerful and powerful voice from one of the five old stars. Akainu opened his mouth and was about to ask the navy how to act when the news from the phone bug shocked him.

Not only Akainu, but Fujitora, who was out of breath, also had a dull expression on his face, as did Vice Admiral Tsuru, including other Vice Admirals.


PS: Pirates are over recently, I beg the comment area to discuss the next world, thank you very much!


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Chapter 935 Prelude to the collapse of the world [fourth more]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


All the navy members turned to petrification, their eyes widened, and their faces were full of disbelief. Even Lieutenant General Crane, who was usually the most calm, had a dreamy expression on her face.

Even if it wasn't for the black phone bug, and if she had the honor to hear the voice of the Five Old Stars, I'd probably think it was someone else's conspiracy to impersonate!

"Well? Are there any questions!" The Five Old Stars on the other side asked with a little doubt after hearing that Akainu [Sakaski] didn't answer for a long time.

"This one……"

Akainu's expression became rigid, and he looked around, and all the navy came and nodded.

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