Taking out the design drawing of Hades, Wuchen shook it, and the eyes of the pirates and the navy also swayed. Even a humble person like the red-haired Shanks had a vague expression of greed and covetousness. .

The world of Pluto's blueprints is also at your fingertips. Who can be relieved of the throne of the king of the world?

"What a sly guy..."

Garp and Sengoku looked at each other, the pirates who attacked the dust-free all around, their eyes changed obviously, they looked at each other, and they changed from temporary allies to malicious ones.

"Jie ha ha... This kind of thing is of course Lao Tzu's!"

Blackbeard laughed loudly, and the whole person turned into a gust of wind, the sky condensed with invisible big hands, filled with high-density gravity, and covered the design of Pluto on Wuchen's body.


Seeing this, Wuchen smiled secretly. Not only did he not stop him, but he popped out the design of Hades, deliberately letting the design fall into Blackbeard's hands unharmed.

"Jie ha-"

Grabbing the design of Hades, it was as if he had grasped the whole world. Blackbeard was about to open his mouth and laugh, but suddenly he realized that the eyes of everyone looking at him had changed.

Instantly became the target of public criticism!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!!!"

The domineering and domineering dance rages wildly, the earth trembles, the sea churns, the clouds in the sky disappear, and the sky is bleak.

"Whoosh whoosh!!!"

The sword energy was raging, and the awe-inspiring fighting spirit was infinite. The person who took the lead in attacking Blackbeard was the red-haired Shanks... The leader of the revolutionary army, Dorag, was no exception.

Perhaps, the big and small pirates swarmed up, all pounced on Blackbeard!

"You don't even move... Be careful that the design of Pluto will be preempted by others."

The navy side has a lot of rules. Although they are jealous, they rationally choose to stand by... Wuchen quietly looked at Commander Kong, as well as Sengoku and Garp, and suddenly noticed that there were a few people missing.

"Why is the Five Old Stars not here on such an important occasion?"

Wuchen has a lot of reverie in his heart, and the inexplicable evaporation of the five old stars is unreasonable.

"Our navy's mission is more than Hades blueprints..."

Akainu saw that Sengoku, Garp, and General Kong were all there, and he immediately reported with confidence, full of confidence, "Besides that, there are also your heads!"


PS: Pirates are over recently, I beg the comment area to discuss the next world, thank you very much!


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Chapter 940 Pirates End ([-]) [Third]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


Wuchen's pupils are dead and still, and some are infiltrating, and they can devour the minds of human beings.

"This group of people... The navy is really shameless." He raised his brows and said indifferently.

His eyes fell on Sengoku and Garp who looked indignant, and Wuchen was murderous. Since they could cut off the relationship in the past, Wuchen could also do it.

"Gravity Knife Tiger!"

The domineering and unparalleled slash swept across, the power was strong, and the range was so exaggerated that it was despairing. The deep crack!

Sweep towards Wuchen with the momentum of destroying the dead.

"The defeated generals in the district are so arrogant!"

Wuchen will naturally not choose to sit still, the Chakra in the body is vast and galloping, and an extremely dangerous fluctuation floats out from Wuchen.

"Don't try to succeed!"

The whole body of Warring States shone with light that was more dazzling than the sun, and the body swelled rapidly, turning into a sacred and solemn Buddha.

Karp and Akainu exchanged glances at the senior navy leaders, each showing their supernatural powers, their domineering power and their respective abilities burst out with the might of destroying the world.

Without exception, the locked target is dust-free!

"Boom boom boom!"

The location of the dust-free combat power suffered countless powerful attacks and was instantly wiped to the ground, and all the buildings in Dressrosa also vanished.

Even the pirates who were fighting nearby were involved, and no corpses were left behind!


A huge roar sounded, and a crack that stretched for countless meters quickly spread, swallowing the entire Dressrosa, and this island that had been inherited for thousands of years or even more collapsed in the blink of an eye!

split into two!

"Such a powerful attack, even if he is immortal—"

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