Before the voice of the Warring States fell, the void condensed a dazzling light, and the dust-free body revived, not only that, but also accompanied by a flash of light running through everything.

"Bachi Qionggou Yu!"

The extremely dense rays of light are overwhelming, and the cold light is flickering. It is far sharper than the light of a knife, and it is also extremely hot. There is no way to avoid the torrential rain.

"Leave it to the old man."

Under the domineering perception, Fujitora noticed the exaggerated attack, only to see the tachi in his hand tap the ground lightly, and a miraculous scene was staged in an instant.

The ruined buildings on the ground completely ignored the existence of gravity, slowly lifted into the air, and finally floated in mid-air!

"Boom boom boom!"

A lot of smoke and dust splashed in the sky, and all the ruins were crushed by flashes of light in the sky. The navy on the ground was safe and sound, and was rescued by Fujitora's ability.

"Since it's destruction, it's better to destroy it completely!"

Seeing that the attack was blocked, Wuchen's pupils became even colder, golden rays of light wafted from his body, and his body was enveloped by his broken two-faced Susanoo!

He stared at the island beneath his feet with contempt.

"Heavenly Shocks the Stars!"

The clear sky was instantly dark, and the strange scene made everyone stunned and looked at the sky in unison.

Deep in the clouds, a huge meteorite with a diameter of about fifteen kilometers fell slowly, covering the entire Dressrosa.


In the crowd, an untimely laughter resounded through the sky, and then a broad figure rose from the ground. Compared with the meteorite, this person's thin body was obviously not worth mentioning.

But no one dares to underestimate it, and Wuchen is no exception.

"This old thing... Where is this moon step? It can be considered flying." Wuchen's tone was somewhat stunned.

The person who soared into the sky and swept toward the super-large meteorite was the naval hero Karp... It was completely like a rocket and stabbed into the sky, not like a moon step at all.

"Boom boom boom!"

The overlord is domineering and wreaking havoc. For the first time in decades, Garp has shown his full strength. Under this monstrous weather, the meteorites falling from the void unexpectedly paused for a few seconds, as if being supported by a big hand without substance!

Looking around, the earth is dark, as if the whole world is covered with a transparent gauze, and it is bleak.

Under everyone's astonished gaze, the dark iron fist slammed into the meteorite that could destroy the world!


There was a crisp sound from the slowly falling meteor, and then it shattered... With Garp's fist as the center, a thick and hideous crack spread endlessly, as thick as dozens of people stacked up!Erosion of the entire meteorite in the blink of an eye!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!

A large number of fragments also peeled off, which is as big as a naval battleship. It will definitely collapse when it hits the fragmented island, but fortunately, Fujitora used his ability to transfer it into the sea.

"Not broken yet?"

A look of surprise flashed across the rough old face, and upon seeing the lingering meteorite, Garp roared up with another fist.

"Boom boom boom!"

The meteorite that destroyed Dressrosa vanished into a cloud of debris.

The splendid scorching sun poured down, and the dark shadow disappeared, and the navy and pirates were also relieved. Just now, they half footed into hell.

"Think that's all? How can it be that simple."

A sneer grinned at the corners of his mouth, the sky did not stay clear for a long time, and it was pitch black again, shrouded in despair... Looking up, a meteorite that was no worse than just before struck again!


PS: Pirates are over recently, I beg the comment area to discuss the next world, thank you very much!


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Chapter 941 Pirates End ([-]) [fourth more]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


The lower part was torn apart and turned into two halves of the island. All the creatures stared at the exaggerated meteor in stunned silence, and the atmosphere was dead silent.

All living beings felt that a large guillotine was standing on their necks... I thought they would see the sky when the clouds were cleared, but they were not expected to be welcomed by another meteorite!

"Ah ah ah... Really, you young people... Eh, now we have to do it for the old people, are we going to go back as we live!"

These words aroused everyone's peeping, and their eyes were looking for the source.

The place where everyone's eyes focused was on an old man with a Mohawk head, with explosive muscles all over his body, even stronger and stronger than Karp.

The vicissitudes of life is very old-fashioned, but the piercing eyes are sometimes sharp and piercing.

The Commander-in-Chief of the World Government's Armies - Empty!

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