"This old man's strength has always been a mystery... Now it's not bad to be able to witness his strength with his own eyes."

In the void, Wuchen chuckled lightly, looking at the meteorite falling from the sky, his eyes flashed with disapproval, the effect against pirates with a reward of [-] million to [-] million was perfect, and against super-dimensional monsters like Karp and Sora. , can only set off their power!


The afterimage jumped up and dashed straight towards the falling meteorite, and even due to the exaggerated speed, Wuchen could feel the oncoming storm.

Without exception, just like Garp, his fist was also swallowed up in pitch black, and he pointed straight at the sky without fear.

"Boom boom boom!"

The unprecedented heavy blow hit the meteorite, the powerful force destroyed the sky and the earth, and instantly shattered the meteorite that covered the sky, and then Commander Kong disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Bang bang bang..."

In the uninhabited space, it was as if someone stepped on the air, and there was a rhythmic explosion... But when I looked closely, the birds and beasts disappeared.

"Full of flaws."

No one else can capture the fleeting afterimage, but the dust-free eyes are unobstructed.

"Light speed kick!"

The flash of condensed toes pierced the void and blasted straight ahead. The target locked was the flickering afterimage.

"Tips for carving insects."

Looking at the incoming beam of light, the extremely fast afterimage revealed the figure of the commander-in-chief Kong, just such a bizarre short-lived floating in the air, the tiger's eyes were calm and contemptuous!

A pair of arms with legs that are far larger than human beings and several times thicker, swallowed up by the domineering look of the armed, raised their fists high, and the penetrating power is enough to shatter an island.


The iron fist slammed out, and the high-density flashes burst and scattered. It was extraordinarily easy and simple... Commander Kong clasped his fists and looked directly at Wuchen, his tone with ten percent confidence, "Go ahead, you can't escape today! "

However, as soon as the voice fell, the ghostly sound of dust-free ghosts resounded in the ears of Commander Kong.

"It's not good to be so arrogant at such an age. The sky is not suitable for you as a navy, but the sea is more suitable for you."

After all, the dust-free right fist was also swallowed by the deep darkness, covered with a domineering edge of armed color, shining brightly, and even the sunlight could be reflected.

Immediately, under everyone's surprise, he blasted towards Sora's head.


Commander Kong, who was severely injured, vomited blood, his mind was spinning for a while, his mind was blank, and he instantly lost the ability to fight again.


There was an explosion from the calm sea, and then huge ripples swelled up, followed by a water column more than ten meters high, and Commander Kong, who was still facing off in the sky, evaporated!

You don't have to think about it, but what was blasted into the sea was Kong!

"It's you, Karp..."

Looking back indifferently, staring at Garp who was walking on the moon step in the void, Wuchen sneered, countless photons appeared all over his body, and swooped away with great momentum.

Light moves too fast to be caught by the naked eye.

"found it!"

After a few seconds of silence, Garp's tiger eyes shot out a dignified luster. Under the domineering perception of seeing and hearing, he understood the existence of Wuchen, and immediately turned around and threw his fist without hesitation.


The ripples visible to the naked eye spread rapidly. This unparalleled shock wave has a range of more than ten kilometers. If it is placed on land, it may smash Dressrosa in a one-time collision!

"When did this guy's armed arrogance reach this level?"

In mid-air, Wuchen and Garp's fists banged.The feeling of soreness and swelling in the fist made Karp feel a little trance, and it was the first time in decades that he had such a feeling.

"Bang bang bang!"

The dull impact resounded continuously, the ripples visible to the naked eye were repelled one after another, and the sky became a forbidden area, with only two ferocious figures fighting each other.

"good chance!"

Aware of Wuchen's rare vulnerability, Garp's fist slammed into Wuchen's right shoulder extremely cunningly, unmatched, and the power instantly increased dozens of times.

"Fish... Hooked!"

Seeing this, Wuchen was not surprised but overjoyed, and Tongli went berserk, "Shenwei!"

The body turned into reality, and Garp's fist inevitably slammed into the air. He didn't realize it, and instantly became a fat lamb in Wuchen's eyes.

While Garp was distracted and sluggish, a ray of golden light fell from the sky, and the localized Susanoo punched him with his fist!


PS: Pirates are over recently, I beg the comment area to discuss the next world, thank you very much!


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Chapter 942 Pirates End (six) [fifth more]

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