"I'm sorry... the navy was defeated and the whole army was wiped out!"

Akainu said with guilt after hearing the words, and immediately looked at the corpses floating on the sea, "Not only us, but the pirates, the [Four Emperors] and the top leaders of the Revolutionary Army were all annihilated by Loisnan... He alone defeated the whole world! "

"In other words, only Luis Nan is alive?" The voice of the Five Old Stars on the other side of the phone bug was low and strange.

Akainu also heard the subtle changes in the Five Old Stars, and immediately said seriously: "That's right."

"Akainu... Your navy has served the World Government for many years, and now the government will help you get revenge on Loisnan!" After saying that, the man who was one of the Five Old Stars closed the phone.

All that was left was Akainu, whose face was blank and sluggish.


After half an hour, Wuchen finally found a few women and the trace of Bai Xing, stuffed them into the system, and was about to release Infinite Moon Reading.

The sea beneath my feet suddenly trembled ~ trembling!

"This is?"

The sky also turned fiery red, Wuchen's pupils shrank, and when he looked at it from the extreme, the sky in the distance was burned to fiery red, and at the same time, the sea surface was rolled up with monstrous waves.

An unprecedented shock spread, not a small town, not an island, but the whole world, and the whole world was tumbling like an explosion.


PS: Pirates are over recently, I beg the comment area to discuss the next world, thank you very much!


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Chapter 944 Pirates End (eight) [First]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


"Damn, what's going on?!"

Aware of the strangeness of the whole world, dustless, his face turned sharply, his fists clenched, and his majestic perception wanted to take the changes in the world into his eyes.

It's not an illusion, it's not an illusion!The whole new world is falling apart!

The dormant crater erupted again, and the mountains on the seabed began to dislocate, shaking violently, hot magma erupted in the deep sea, and the weather in the new world became lightning and thunderous.

There are constantly sinking and destroying islands, whether they are entrenched by pirates, or once inhabited by the navy, or some unknown desert islands, all sinking rapidly.

Disappears from the map tile.

"Could it be that…"

The pupils shrank, and Wuchen suddenly realized that after a big event that touched the taboo~taboo, this kind of shocking scene would happen... The body immediately swept out like a storm!

Staring at the dying figure on the floating object in front of him, his body stopped.

"Is this also in your plan? Sakaski." His feet stayed in the void, looking down at the lingering Akainu in front of him, Wuchen asked with a frown.

"This, this..."

Trying to open his eyes, Akainu said with all his strength: "Although I will do anything to achieve my goal, but I haven't reached this level. This is done by the Five Old Stars, and it has nothing to do with the Navy."

After that, Akainu closed his eyes forever, his breathing and heartbeat stopped forever.

"This guy... forget it."

Looking at Akainu, who passed away and defended the navy in the end, there is nothing to say. Although Akainu is extremely ideological, he can sacrifice anyone for the so-called justice, and he exists like an executioner, but it is undeniable that he is Sincerely safeguard the navy, there is no selfish desire, at least this is the most respectable.

"Damn the five old stars, the ambition is enough to swallow the sky and the earth, in order to kill me, he even took the whole world to bury!"

If you guessed correctly, the Five Old Stars did what Zefa wanted to do, but didn't do it, and used the "Dynamic Rock" to detonate the three locations that maintained the balance of the new world.

Cause the new world to collapse!

"Playing beautifully, not only one pirate who successfully wiped out the world, but also the navy and me, the five of them will be able to sit back and relax as new creators."

Most of the world's powerhouses gather in the new world. If these people are destroyed, the world ruled by the Five Old Stars will fall into unprecedented peace.

They will also be called god-like beings by the world!

"Boom boom boom!"

A series of explosions continued endlessly, and the scope of the spread was hundreds of kilometers away. The entire new world was devastated and involved in this explosion feast.

Countless islands vanished from it, terrified people were brutally wiped away with no escape, and by the time they died, they didn't know what had happened.

"Humph! Come out and clean up the five of you in a while."

Looking at the new world that was swallowed up by explosions, as well as various geological disasters, such as volcanic eruptions, super earthquakes, and large tsunamis... The dust-free floating void was swallowed up by the vortex, and then the whole person disappeared silently.


In the world of Shenwei.

Although the source of the dust-free Shenwei belongs to Obito, the Shenwei space is worlds apart. Although it is not a paradise on earth, it is refreshing and comfortable.

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