
The sound of falling into the water attracted Wuchen's attention, followed the source, and Wuchen was embarrassed after half a sound.

In the clear lake water, the girl was naked, her snow-white skin and perfect curves were exposed to the dust-free sight, and a long golden hair danced around, so happy.

Looking up and looking up, the two strands of cherry red on the bao~mansuxiong are like a godsend, flawless, the scenery is so beautiful, it makes the dust-free hoarseness and pressure, and for a while, my mouth is dry ~ tongue ~ dry, and my heart is burning inexplicably The rising flames quickly squeezed dust-free reason.

"Cough cough..."

Remembering that there is still business to ask, Wuchen had to press the evil thoughts, deliberately raised his voice and coughed twice, attracting Keliya's attention, brushing his presence!

"I thought you forgot about Miss Ben." Kelia was overjoyed when she noticed Wuchen's appearance, and immediately muttered in dissatisfaction.

"Stop talking nonsense and put on your clothes."

Wuchen waved his hand righteously, and the appearance of a modest gentleman made Keliya angry and funny. When he took her most precious thing, Wuchen gave her the impression of a hungry wolf who hadn't eaten for many years. Squeeze dry thoroughly!

With a pursed smile, Kelia still went ashore generously, dressing herself gracefully.

"This little girl is indeed different from other Tiantaki people."

Peeking at Klia's every move, Wuchen was quite surprised.After more than ten years of meticulous service, Wuchen's heart has been rotten and sinking, and Wuchen has become extremely unfamiliar with such trivial matters as wearing clothes, which requires Hancock to do it himself.

This is also the reason why Wuchen lost himself in the rotten life of Tiantaki people.

The ease and simplicity of Kelia's dressing and undressing indirectly shows that in the past, she has always organized herself, practice makes perfect, and does not need the help of others.

"It's time to explain your origin to me." Wuchen blinked and asked very curiously.

Keliya nodded lightly when she heard the words, and her thoughts fell into memory immediately. The tone of the girl in the cardamom age was full of vicissitudes, giving people the illusion of an old monster who had lived for hundreds of years.

"To be honest, I accidentally ate a Devil Fruit [-] years ago, and the ability is to evolve all kinds of extreme heat weapons... Because the power is too terrifying, the world gave me a name - Heavenly King. "

Clia said proudly, with a hint of pride in her words.

"Then what do you have to do with the twenty kings who built the world government?" Wuchen asked in confusion.

Since the ability is so invincible, and the world has been awarded the title of God, there is absolutely no need to cooperate with the ancestors of the Tiantaki people, that is, the twenty.

"There is no invincible devil fruit, there are always some shortcomings. At the same time as I gain great power, there are also fatal loopholes. Some extremely powerful weapons have a limit on the number of times they can be used, and if they are used excessively, they will fall into a coma. ability, so the long river of life is just a snap for me."

Kelia smiled bitterly and said, if she can really exert her full strength, she will not be driven out of Mary Joa by the five old stars, and even have to commit herself to the dust-free eaves.

"These are enough. I'm not interested in knowing about your previous bad things."

He waved his hand, Wuchen interrupted directly, he just wanted to know the origin of Keliya, the rest was not important, and no one wanted to have an unidentified person around him.

"It's that simple?"

Kelia looked suspicious, and immediately emphasized: "I am an old monster who has lived for more than [-] years!"

"So what if it's more than eight hundred years?" Wuchen asked rhetorically, Kaguya is still an old monster for at least a thousand years!

"You can just wait here."

The body becomes virtual again, travels through thousands of time and space, and returns to the real world. Everything has changed and the whole world is desolate, like a hell on earth.

"I originally wanted you to go to the illusion world to dream of the [Creator], but now it seems that it's okay."

The right eye was twisted into Tenseigan, and dust-free hands were imprinted, and without hesitation, he entered Tenseisen Chakra mode, and there were several green spheres floating behind him.

Wuchen ruthlessly looked at Mary Joa countless miles away, and pointed at the five old stars!


PS: Pirates are over recently, I beg the comment area to discuss the next world, thank you very much!


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Chapter 945 Infinite monthly reading, illuminating the world [Second More]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


No matter when and where, under which starry sky, there is no shortage of existences in this world who like to die.

Emerald green light lingers around Wuchen's body, and his temperament has undergone earth-shattering changes. Under Tensei's Chakra mode, Wuchen becomes more and more indifferent, and the dead silent pupil has no human feelings.

Like a machine, standing at an unprecedented height, it is full of contempt for all living beings in the world, and looks at every grass and tree in the world with a downward gaze.

The sky is so small and all living beings are so unbearable, they can only shiver.

Thoroughly experience the chakra fluctuations circulating in the body, Wuchen has never felt that life is so worthless, the power to wave the hand to destroy the world and raise the hand to create the world is indeed intoxicating and fascinated.

"If you don't do it, you won't die... Since you do it, you will surely die."

The stern eyes looked away, the domineering eyes ignored the distance, and Mary Joa, who was countless miles away, had an unobstructed view.

"Go to hell..."

Several green rosary beads floating behind him, wandered in front of Wuchen, and then quickly liquefied, turning into a faint light to condense Wuchen's palm.

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