"The golden wheel is reborn!"

The negligible light in his hand was instantly magnified ten times, a hundred times, or even a thousand times. Originally, Wuchen was thousands of kilometers away from Mary Joa. With the unlimited extension of the lightsaber, it became close at hand and within reach. bump!

The world-destroying lightsaber can't hit Mary Joa precisely, but... it covers the entire Red Earth Continent!

"Boom boom boom!"

The rays of light swept out, unstoppably passing through the red earth continent, cutting it apart effortlessly, and the majestic red earth continent was cut in half.

Trembling, it could be destroyed and flattened at any time.

"This is the final attack!"

The five fingers spread out, condensing the dangerous strength, the edge faintly shattered the whole world, and Wuchen did not aim at Mary Joa, after all, the location was thousands of miles away, and he could not locate it in detail.

The target that Wuchen chose to attack and destroy is always the Red Earth Continent... If the Red Earth Continent is completely smashed and turned into ruins, the Five Old Stars will also be doomed.

"Bang bang bang!"

The boundless repulsive force that almost covered the whole world erupted, and the impacted red soil continent collapsed directly. It was cut in half by the arrogant lightsaber before, and now it was attacked again by this repulsive force, and the unsupportable red soil continent finally collapsed.

The whole line of the red earth continent showed a chain reaction, and they were loaded into the seabed one after another. Mary Joa, who had stood at the top for more than [-] years, also disappeared into the sea.

Under the blessing of controlling the repulsive force of the moon, the sea also set off a super tsunami with a height of [-] meters, and it attacked the red soil continent that had vanished.

In the face of this huge disaster that is enough to change the world's landscape, the Five Old Stars can't even survive by means of Tongtian. Moreover, according to Wuchen, the five of them are all capable, and they will be unable to fly if they fall into the sea.

"The next step is the last step!"

He tapped the sea with his toes, and Wuchen immediately floated in the direction of the moon, and the emerald light all over his body quickly converged, returning to his normal human appearance.

The reincarnation writing wheel eye is gently rippling, and the pupil power spans thousands of miles, reflecting on the surface of the moon.

The corners of Wuchen's mouth murmured softly, and the obscure language is difficult for ordinary people to understand.At this moment, he made a seal with one hand, and his slightly gloomy face outlined a touch of eagerness, and immediately looked directly at the red moon that turned into a reincarnation writing wheel, and did not hesitate to start the prelude to the extinction of the world.

"Unlimited Moon Reading... Light up the world!"

As Wuchen's voice fell, an extremely dazzling light poured down, covering the entire planet. Even if the activities were under [-] meters in the deep sea, and the animals in the depths of the ground, they could not escape the capture of the flash.

After a few seconds of pause, the pupils of the creatures affected by "Infinite Moon Reading" all turned into reincarnation eyes.

This is the case with any living body in the sea, land and air. No one can escape the shackles of light. This white light is far more dazzling than the sun and can penetrate the shadow of a person.

"There's one more process left."

Dust-free in mid-air, his eyes swept away, as if he could see through the whole world, and finally his eyes fell on some undestroyed islands, and then his hands were sealed.

"God Tree Realm is coming!"

The emerald-colored towering tree stretches at the speed of light, and the speed of growth is unpredictable. Just the moment it hits the ground and takes root, the tree with strong vitality takes over the entire island.

The dense roots grow vigorously, endlessly, with infinite vitality, and finally march toward the depths of the seabed, growing continuously, and will not stop until it spreads over the entire planet.

The large torso grows densely packed with small roots, wrapping the humans or animals who have been "infinite moon reading" like a mummy.

Slowly suck the life force in their bodies, until this towering ancient tree bears new fruits, everything will end here!

"Looks like it will take a while."

Brows furrowed, Wuchen said helplessly.The top of the huge divine tree has already produced ruddy fruits, but it is only the size of the thumb of a hand.

"Sure enough, it is a ruthless technique, which is completely nourished by the vitality of all living things..."

Wuchen smacked his tongue secretly, his mouth was like this, but his heart was very open and magnanimous. Although the methods were extremely cruel and bloody, he was surprisingly transparent.

People are selfish, and Wuchen will not benefit the world... After all, he has only one identity from beginning to end, that is, a predator from other dimensions!


PS: This is the end of the pirates, the next world death!


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grim Reaper

Chapter 946 Invasion of the Corpse Soul World


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


system in the world.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it is seven days.

During this period, the divine tree also bore fruit again, and Wuchen divided it into several women in the system. Although it was not known if they could live forever, at least their faces could be restored to their youthful years.

"This world...changes so fast!"

Under the cool shade of a tree, Wuchen is condescending, with gentle eyes, looking down at the girls who are slender and fat, laughing and laughing, and muttering to themselves for a while.

In the past, I was alone, but now countless beauties accompany me... At this point in my life, Wuchen has no desires or desires.

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