"You need to whip!"

The melodious sound of the heavenly sounds reverberated in the ears, and the void beside Wuchen rippled, and then a beautiful figure stood out.

Sanqian Liusi let the wind blow, her shining eyes were extremely wise, and she could see through Wuchen's mind at a glance, "The shackles that have been bothering you for a long time have disappeared, I feel much more relaxed."

Hearing this, Wuchen pursed his lips and smiled, nodding undeniably.

"For a long time, their lifespan has been my heart disease, and now it's finally resolved, it's natural to relax." Wuchen stretched, and happened to meet System Ling'er's malicious eyes, and was helpless at the moment, "You are such a system. Unfounded worries... Forget it, you still talk about the location of my next world."

The system consciousness Ling'er nodded, then her face froze, and she said seriously: "That world is a bit special, you can only enter it in the form of a soul."


There were some ripples in Wuchen's calm eyes, and he said a little nervously: "Soul? Do you want to seal my strength?"

Seal strength?What a joke!The strength that took more than half a century to acquire, said that the seal was sealed, and Wuchen was naturally unhappy.

"It's not to seal your strength, nor to suppress your strength. No one can do that, not even me."

System Consciousness Linger shook her head when she heard the words, and immediately said bluntly: "Your strength is still at its peak, but entering that world is in the form of a soul. I don't know what will happen."

"You don't need to care about such trivial matters. In short, it's good if you don't seal your strength... You can only get it if you have to give up. Even if there is an accident, it is inevitable."

Wuchen waved his hand, his strength remains at this stage, he doesn't need to be afraid of anyone, as the whole of the ten tails, he is an absolute existence that cannot be killed, not only in the body, but also in the soul.

"It's best if you have this kind of awareness."

System Linger nodded slowly, and then asked in a light voice, "Do you have anything else to explain?"


Hearing this, the corners of Wuchen's mouth twitched, his eyes were full of doubts, and he looked at System Ling'er with a bit of resentment. He always felt that this fellow wanted to explain his last words and other wills.

"Go ahead."

Thinking of his ability to defy the sky, Wuchen was relieved.


"Boom boom boom!"

Above the cloudless Soul Realm, after a loud bang, a huge hole appeared in the void, awakening the entire Soul Soul Realm, and the captains of the [-]th Guardian Team rushed over.

In this case, it is generally the rhythm of Daxu's invasion of the corpse soul world!

The huge hole circling in the sky is getting bigger and bigger, and it wants to devour the entire corpse soul world. The depths of the black cavity are filled with heart-pounding energy fluctuations.


A black shadow fell out of it, and immediately fell to the ground, fainting.

"Who is he?"

The captains who came from the [-]th Team of the Guardian are frowning, and they all stared at the young man lying on the ground without realizing it. They did not have this young man in their impression.

"Is this a travel accident... Temporarily imprisoned."

The old man on crutches ordered that he would not allow any factors that might threaten the Soul Society!

"Understood, Commander-in-Chief."


"My head hurts."

The sleepy Wuchen gradually opened his eyes and instinctively wanted to reach out and rub his eyes, but he couldn't do it at all. His body and limbs were all bound, and it was difficult to move his body.

Suddenly realizing something was wrong, his pupils instantly enlarged several times!

"What, what's the situation?!"

With a dull look, Wuchen was surprised to find that he was bound by a thick iron chain, and a knife-wielding executioner glared at him viciously.

Looking forward, there were several captains wearing white feather knitting, looking at Wuchen with a sluggish look.

"You....what do you want to do?!"

Bad thoughts rose in my heart, Wuchen's face was hazy, and he looked at the executioner with a knife. He was also wearing Captain Yuzhi, and his expression was extremely cruel, but Wuchen was bound with iron chains!

This scene... seems to be killing him!

"Traveling in trouble, you have hindered the safety of the Soul Society. You must be punished." The brown-skinned, purple-haired man wearing goggles said indifferently.

Also a captain.

"It's really a dog!"

Wuchen was depressed and vomited blood, and cursed in his heart. At the same time, his eyes were extremely penetrating for a moment, and the cold light was condensed. It was impossible for him to wait for death.

At the same time, Wuchen was extremely puzzled. In the past, time-travel was very stable. Only this time, although the system Linger was a little weird, he would never pit him.

Since it is not the system's reason, it is obvious that the problem lies in the Soul Realm.


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