Chapter 947 The strongest swordsman in the soul world [fourth more]


I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Hokage: Almighty Master] Personally, I feel pretty good.


Wuchen lowered his head and thought, pondering this unexpected change, from a transmigrator to a prisoner, even with his vast knowledge, his thinking was chaotic.

"Boy, what are your last words?"

The vicious voice carried sympathy and pity, and looked at Wuchen with a downward gaze.

A gust of wind blew, and this person's captain Yuori was blown up. The black "Eleven" characters on the back were very conspicuous. After Wuchen glanced at him lightly, he looked away.

"This guy should be the tenth generation Kenpachi - Kiyan Castle."

The eyes changed rapidly, Wuchen thought to himself, and ignored it directly, this unlucky bastard will be killed by Di Gengmu Jianpachi in the future.

"I'm not a traveler. I used to live in the No. [-] block of Liuhun Street, and I just accidentally awakened Zanpakutō."

The clear eyes fell on Jingle Chunshui, Shiruro Ukitake and others, and finally fell on the gentle face of the fourth division captain Unoka Lie.

In the impression of dust-free, these few people still have a conscience.

However, as the saying goes, the plan can't keep up with the changes, and soon someone will come to dismantle the stage, and he is still a good impression of Wuchen, and he said with a smile: "It's not good to lie, there is no Reiatsu fluctuation in your body, and you seem to There is no death tyrant, and your Zanpakutō is nowhere to be seen, boy..."


Wuchen's face was stunned, he didn't expect Uzhihualie to be so shrewd, he gave her an angry look, and quickly thought about countermeasures, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind, "This is my Zanpakutō!"

Rippling ripples in the void, and an ancient long sword, much longer than the normal Zanpakutō, swept out of thin air.

"This is... a very weird Zanpakutō."

The captains looked at each other in dismay, staring curiously at the Zanpakutō floating in the void, seeing such a long Zanpakutō for the first time.

"A bunch of idiots, this is the first generation of ghosts!"

Wuchen's face was the same as usual, but he secretly laughed in his heart, and immediately said: "As for why there is no spiritual pressure in the body, the reason is very simple. I unfortunately encountered Daxu just now, and when I was fighting with them, I exhausted all the spiritual pressure and fainted!"

No one has seen it anyway, and Wuchen can make a fool of himself.

However, after these words fell, the captains' doubts were not dispelled. Instead, their brows were wrinkled, and their eyes were salvoed at Wuchen. After seeing his calm and clear eyes, they all looked suspiciously at Guiyancheng. Sword eight.

The safety of Liuhun Street is guarded by the [-]th Division, and it is a big sin to be inexplicably sneaked in by Da Xu!

"Bastard, kid, don't give me nonsense!"

Old Ghost Yancheng Kenpachi had a green face, his eyes were spitting fire, and the Zanpakutō seemed to be slaughtered. A sharp cold light appeared under the refraction of the sun, and the tip of the knife swept towards Wuchen's throat.

"call out!"

A beautiful shadow galloped over, resisted in front of Wuchen, and blocked the knife light that raided Wuchen, "Captain Ghost Yancheng, the captain of this matter has his own decision."


When Wuchen heard the words, he nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and immediately said yin and yang angrily: "He wants to kill people and silence them. After I die, I will die without proof, and he can also put all the blame on me!"

Looking closely, this person is Aizen Soyousuke... At this moment, Aizen is extraordinarily bright and upright, with both hands open to resist the ghost Yancheng Kenpachi, with a righteous face.

"Captain Gui Yancheng, don't be impatient, Suo Yousuke is right, the captain decides whether it is right or wrong."

Shirou Ukitake stood up to support Aizen, and his remarks immediately resonated with all the captains, all of whom agreed with Aizen's proposal.

"This kid deserves to be the best actor. He plays beautifully. No matter what happens in the end, he will have a good reputation as a sage." Wuchen was quite unhappy, looking at the righteous Aizen with disdain.

Aizen quietly used Wuchen to gain a good reputation. If you don't know who Aizen is, Wuchen will also be deceived by this gentle appearance. In fact, he is a vicious snake.

Gui Yancheng's face was gloomy, and he stared at Wuchen with murderous intent, and finally chose to take back the Zanpakutō, and asked badly, "Boy, what's your name?"

"My name is... Wuchen."

Uchiha, the former surname, was also selectively forgotten by Wuchen.

"You said you defeated Da Xu?"

Gui Yancheng's eyes are full of cunning, especially insidious, and sneered: "It is very simple to prove your innocence, the lowest level in Daxu is also Kylian, and the strength also needs the deputy captain to deal with it, you can kill it. They show that your strength is at least the level of a vice-captain."

Speaking of which, Gui Yancheng Jianpachi released the soaring spiritual pressure and all rushed towards Wuchen.

"I will suppress the level of vice-captain. As long as you beat me, what you said just now is the truth. Otherwise... it means that everything you did before was bullshit, and I will kill you with my own hands!"

A murderous smirk spewed out of Gui Yancheng's throat, and the meaning was self-evident.

"This guy……"

When all the captains heard the words, their eyes flashed with displeasure, and they scolded this fellow for being shameless... The captain is the captain, and even if his strength is suppressed to the level of the vice-captain, he can easily defeat the vice-captain.

"Captain Guiyan City, you have gone too far."

Mao Zhihua Liedai frowned, and her indifferent tone was obviously a little more angry. Bullying the big and the small was simply disgracing the thirteenth team of the Guardian, and insulting the title of "Jianba", the meaning of Jianpachi is The strongest swordsman in the Soul Society, Gui Yancheng's approach is completely opposite at this moment.

"no problem."

Looking at the ghost Yancheng Jianpachi who wanted to eat people, Wuchen's indifferent answer caused all the captains to look at each other.


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