However, from today onwards, Aizen Soyousuke has brought a new understanding to Uno Hanaritsu.

Exactly how it felt, Uozhihualie couldn't tell the truth, but in a word, it was the opposite of before. When he saw Aizen in his heart, he couldn't help but be on guard.

"So much the better."

Aizen Soyousuke breathed a sigh of relief, and when he was about to tinker with his next plan, a figure he was extremely unwilling to see came out again to disgust him.

"I... have an opinion!" Wu Chen said flatly.

The simple four characters attracted everyone's attention, Dong Xian Yao's expression suddenly became extremely cold, and the Zanpakutō in his hand seemed to be unsheathed. He knew that Wu Chen was doing it on purpose.

"Are you going to question the credibility of the Central Forty-sixth Room?" Kuchiki Byakuya opened his eyes and asked awkwardly. As a nobleman, he was rather stubborn.

"It's not."

Hearing this, Wuchen shook his head in denial, and immediately said: "What should he do after Bailegang is imprisoned in the Soul Society? The Daxu of the Vastord level is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and he can't send two or three captains around him all day long. Bar!"

"I thought it was a big deal, and I would develop the props to limit him." Nie Yuli spread out his hands when he heard the words, and said very simply and casually.


Aizen agreed with it, and immediately invited Ying to fight and said: "Although the strength is weak, but with the limitations of the props developed by Captain Nirvana, the strength of Balegang is bound to disappear. For the sake of the Soul Society, I am willing to be responsible for guarding him! "

These remarks flattered Nie Yuli without a trace, and Aizen also held himself to the commanding heights of morality. The name of the actor is well deserved!

However, what happened next made Aizen Suo Yusuke dumbfounded. Not only him, but all the captains were dumbfounded.

"Bastard, what have you done to me? Hurry up and save me!" Balegang screamed in shock when he noticed the abnormality in his body.

At this moment, his body collapsed strangely, and the skeleton of his body turned into pieces, slowly peeling off to the ground, and immediately under everyone's astonished gaze, the peeling bones disappeared with the wind!

The body collapsed inexplicably, without being attacked by any, but directly vanished into ashes!

"Don't go near him."

With a stern look, the old man Yamamoto, who instinctively felt a danger, ordered, and then his eyes swept across the captains, and finally fell on Wuchen.

"This has nothing to do with me. You have seen it. He was fine just now."

Wuchen has nothing to do with his high-profile appearance, and immediately cleared the relationship, and immediately said with a serious face: "You can't live by doing your own sin. There are too many people who have offended Bailegang in this life, and there have been countless battles. Maybe it was in the past. The sudden onset of a hidden illness killed him."

Although this reason is a bit far-fetched, this kind of thing happens from time to time.

"This is impossible!"

Aizen Sangyousuke finally couldn't keep his smiling face, looking at Balegang whose body gradually disappeared, old blood almost spurted out, such an important chess piece died so inexplicably, how could he be calm.At the moment, his face was ashen, Aizen had fought against Bailegang before, and he knew how his body was, and he was very tough.

And I have never heard of Da Xu who died of a dark disease, this way of dying is too ridiculous!

"It really makes no sense!"

Wuchen suddenly gritted his teeth loudly, with the meaning of slap injustice, "Captain Blue Ran just said he was going to guard Bailegang, but he died suddenly, God really doesn't give face!"

"It's his own fault. Bailegang killed too many gods of death. This is the proper ending. It's completely self-inflicted!"

Lan Ran Suo Youjie immediately forced a smile on his face, and replied without a smile, his heart twitched, he was extremely intelligent, of course he knew that Wuchen's words were satire in disguise, and it was useless to mock him.

Sprinkle salt on his scars with integrity!


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Chapter 963 Offending Aizen [fourth more]


The book penguin tore the water concentration camp【11438516】


The commander-in-chief was expressionless, but the fact that Balegang was dead was to his liking.Death is death, emptiness is emptiness, there is no need to do trivial things like imprisoning Balegon.

"This is the end of the matter, and we will not discuss it in the future." The commander's tone was firm, revealing the meaning of inviolability.

Aizen could only smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach, followed by nodding. The virtual circle did not have the deterrence of Bailegang.

If you Ruowu glanced at Wuchen, Aizen withdrew her gaze.This beam is finally settled.

Wuchen, who has been observing the changes in Aizen's expression, has also noticed the slight change in his expression. At the moment, he just smiled in his heart, which is inevitable.

It doesn't matter to him anyway!

"This invasion is over..."

Raising his brows slightly, looking at the chaotic world of corpses and souls, old man Yamamoto flashed an awe-inspiring murderous intent in his eyes, and suddenly felt that it was a pity that Balegang was killed without beating him!

"Within half a month, each squad must resume normal operation!"


The world flies, and in a flash, it is a hurried month!

The efficiency of the Soul Corpse Realm is still extremely high. It is said that it is half a month. In the case of full mobilization, the Soul Soul Realm only got out of the shadow of being attacked by the virtual circle and recovered like this in a few days.

In this sudden war, if it is said that the biggest profit is nothing more than Wuchen.

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