Both fame and fortune, and the strength of the captain is also solid, and even Wuchen can detect it, and the members of the second team who occasionally monitor him have also disappeared.

No matter what, the old man Yamamoto reluctantly trusted Wuchen.

Inside the quarters of the fourth squad.

In front of the mirror, Wuchen was wearing this brand-new outfit, and twisted his waist quite uncomfortable. He always felt a little awkward, and it felt a little uncomfortable for him to wear the death tyrant costume.

People rely on clothes, and Buddhas rely on gold clothes. Although Wuchen feels a little restrained, he is indeed a little different from the past when he wears the death tyrant costume. It doesn't look very funny, and it feels extraordinarily spiritual.

"Not bad." Uzhihualie said after watching for a while.

"Just good?"

Shutara Qianshoumaru glanced at Uzhihualie, and made no secret of his dissatisfaction, "It took me five hours to make this!"


Hearing this, Wuchen couldn't help but pouted, and ready to wear a dead tyrant in five hours, it must be a rough product without skills.

"You brat don't know what's wrong... I have to think about others asking me to be a dead tyrant." Stomping his feet in annoyance, Shutara Qianshoumaru glared at Wuchen angrily.

"Speaking of which, Lie, have you noticed recently?" As the conversation turned, Xiutuo Qianshoumaru frowned, and he was too lazy to talk to Wuchen, with a cautious meaning.

Uozhihualie's expression also became very solemn, "There has been a problem in Liuhun Street recently, and many souls have disappeared. Many ghosts of death in Jingling Court also disappeared suspiciously."

Hearing this, Wuchen has an expressionless face, pretending to be nothing, but his heart is like a mirror.

"It is estimated that he was caught by Aizen to create [Bengyu]."

Thinking of the mysterious existence of Bengyu, Wuchen's heart is very hot ~ hot, and a heart that has been sealed for many years, even rarely gives birth to greed.

Bengyu, at the very beginning, was actually used to break the boundary between the void and the god of death, and evolve a new dimension of the field. In fact, it is not the case. The real power of Bengyu is to develop people's inner hopes according to their own thoughts, but the conditions It is necessary to have the strength to realize this desire.

In other words, it is a heaven-defying existence that can achieve what you want!

"That kind of thing, ordinary people like Aizen don't deserve to have it, only I can control it..."

Judging from Wuchen's current strength, if the ultimate cheating device like Bengyu is integrated, the strength will be explosively improved, breaking through the boundaries of the god of death, which is by no means comparable to the blue dye in the later period of Bengyu.

The stronger the host's mentality, the endless evolution of Bengyu. Wuchen's ideals and ambitions are far from comparable to Aizen, and naturally it is impossible to stop at his level.

"Team Zero is planning to investigate further!" After a while, Shutara Qianshoumaru exclaimed in astonishing words.

The mysterious disappearance of the soul is not trivial, and can lead to imbalances.When Death and Quincy fought back then, it was because Quincy kept hunting and killing Xu. Death killed Xu to purify it, while Xu killed it completely. Over time, it led to disagreements between the two sides, and a war broke out.

"This time, helping you out is a reward for Bengyu in the future."

With a slight smile in his heart, Wuchen explained to Maozhihualie and Shutara Qianshoumaru: "The reason for the mysterious disappearance of the soul is related to the invasion of the virtual circle. At that time, many souls were brutally eaten by Kilian."

"Are you sure?" Shutara Qianshoumaru asked suspiciously.

"Still that sentence, what's the benefit of me lying to you?"

Wuchen stretched his waist and continued: "If you don't believe it, you can ask Yongyin, she was also present at the time, and the souls of Liuhun Street and many gods of death were eaten or killed."

In this scene, many gods of death have seen it with their own eyes, and Wuchen is naturally fearless.


Ask for flowers, ask for rewards, and automatically subscribe to all kinds of requests! ! ! ! ! ! !


Chapter 964 The wooing of the zero team [fifth more]

When Wuchen and Hu Cheyongyin and others arrived at the [-]th district of Liuhun Street, they happened to encounter a large group of Killian who were hunting for souls. Many gods of death saw this scene.

Just do a little research.

When Shutara Qianshoumaru heard the words, his face was as clear as jade, and suspicion appeared. His gentle gaze was extremely awe-inspiring for a moment. He stared at Wuchen intently. This calmed down.

"I hope what you said is true."

Wuchen said with great certainty: "Of course it's not bullshit, you also know that Xu is very fond of the soul of the god of death, do you need to lie about this kind of thing?"


Shutara Qianshoumaru and Uzhihualie undeniably agree that the god of death has always been a delicacy of emptiness, and in most cases it is eaten.

The soul of the god of death is a great tonic soup for Xu!

The relationship between Uzhihualie and Shutara Qianshoumaru is quite familiar. The two chatted vigorously for a while, and even the dust-free beside him directly ignored it.

"Right... I almost forgot about the big thing."

Suddenly remembering a major event in the Soul Realm this time, Shutara Qianshoumaru said loudly, and his strange eyes fell on Wuchen again.

"Is something wrong?"

Wuchen, who was drinking tea alone, noticed the abnormality of Shutara Qianshouwan, and asked curiously, and was slightly speechless about this startled woman.

"It's more than just something... You can seriously damage Balegang, and it will be difficult for the Soul Society to ignore you in the future."

Shutara Qianshoumaru likes to go straight, and he is too lazy to talk nonsense. His radiant eyes flicker constantly. After pondering for a while, he said, "Let me introduce myself first, I'm from Team Zero—"

"I know your name is Shutara Qianshoumaru, let's talk about it."

Wuchen waved his hand, but he didn't expect Shutara Qianshoumaru to report to her family, so she began to guess her motives, "Could it be that...they want to pull me like Team Zero?"

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