After teaching Li Zhenwu psychic arts, the three generations of Hokage also pointed out how Li Zhenwu could obtain ninja beasts and how to sign a contract with him to become a psychic beast.

“If you are interested in auxiliary psychic beasts, then it is recommended to go to the Inuzuka clan and ask for a ninja dog, thinking that according to your relationship, the Inuzuka clan should not refuse.”

“Akai’s psychic beast Ninja Turtle also has the existence of signing a contract, if you are interested, you can also go to him.”

The three generations of Hokage considered everything and pointed out Li Zhenwu’s many ways to obtain psychic beasts.

“If you want to obtain a combat psychic beast, then you can go and find the wandering senior brother Zilaiye… With his approval, he was not unable to sign a contract with the Toad clan. ”

The three generations of Hokage gave many paths, and choices, and then waited for finally Li Jinwu’s own choice.

But Li Zhenwu already had his own ideas in his own heart.

Gently rubbing his hands, Li Zhenwu asked, “Teacher Ape Fei… How is your psychic beast? ”

Questioned from the side, but the three generations of Hokage already knew what Li Zhenwu meant.

“Good boy, you still hit me ape-demon’s idea.” The three generations of Hokage instantly understood what Li Zhenwu meant, but there was a reason why he didn’t directly say a choice to Li Zhenwu just now.

After thinking about it, the three generations of Hokage slowly said: “Ape demon, some special, very stubborn temper. ”

The third generation of Hokage explained: “So it is not easy to sign a contract with the ape demon, if you really want to choose the ape demon, you can do it, but be mentally prepared.” ”

“Can you choose an ape demon? Then choose the ape demon. Li Zhenwu said.

“Since you decided, then I won’t advise you.” The three generations of Hokage Ape Fei nodded, and then respected Li Zhenwu’s choice.

After the three generations of Hokage finished speaking, they were on the clearing, their hands were sealed, and then one hand slapped heavily on the ground.

Circles of black circles were set one by one, and eight black runes formed a line of experiments in all directions.

“Psychic!” The three generations of Hokage drank lowly, and then a white light flashed, and the tall ape demon with white hair and a tiger skin skirt had already appeared in place out of thin air.

As soon as the ape demon appeared, it was still in an attack stance, but after two seconds, he relaxed after discovering the situation on the scene.

“What’s the situation, Ape Fei, he didn’t ask me to come out to fight.” Ape Demon asked a little strangely.

“My current identity, the gradual peaceful environment of the ninja world now, and when will we be able to strike together.” The three generations knocked the pipe in their hands.

“This is a flag.” Li Zhenwu didn’t speak, but after listening to his teacher’s words in his heart, he couldn’t help but secretly said.

Because according to the normal trajectory line, in a few years, Orochimaru will make a Konoha collapse plan, and the third generation of Hokage will also die in that accident.

However, the ape flying sun chop who is saying this right now obviously can’t think of what will happen in the future.

The ape demon nodded, and then said, “Also, it seems that the ninja world is finally going to be peaceful for a while.” ”

“Since there is no fight, then you asked me to come over, what happened?” Ape Demon asked.

“It’s because of my disciple, it’s time to learn psychic.” Three generations of serious Dao.

Only then did the ape demon really notice Li Zhenwu on the side, and said with some surprise: “I thought this little devil was your grandson… Although he doesn’t look very similar, it turns out that he is your disciple? ”

“Yes, my disciple, the most outstanding disciple.” The three generations of Hokage were faintly proud and helpless, proud that Li Zhenwu’s strength was very strong, but helplessly Li Zhenwu’s strength was strong, and it had little to do with his own teaching.

“Unexpectedly, you actually accepted another disciple, and you are still such a little ghost.” Looking at Li Zhenwu’s appearance of not being too old, the ape demon couldn’t help but say.

“Matake is the most genius ninja of this generation of Konoha! Even my previous three disciples were not as good as Zhenwu. The three generations of Hokage did not hesitate to praise Li Zhenwu.

“Is that so? Is that this ‘true martial artist’ going to learn psychic arts? When the ape demon heard this, he began to look at Li Zhenwu seriously.

Psychic art is a non-complicated technique, Chakra can learn to use it if it is enough, but the prerequisite for using it is to have your own ninja beast or sign a contract with a psychic beast.

In other words, the most critical step in psychic is to have psychic beasts, or ninja beasts.

The ape demon began to look at Li Zhenwu seriously, and Li Zhenwu also looked at the ape demon without scruples.

The ape’s gaze was on Li Zhenwu, looking from head to foot, and then, he suddenly saw the tail behind Li Zhenwu.

“Huh?” The ape demon was serious and turned his head to look at the three generations of Hokage.

“Ape Fei, you disciple… Is it people? ”

(Weak for flowers, late update~)

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