Led by Iron-blooded Kai, a man who claimed to be Kakashi’s ‘fateful enemy’ of Kiki, Li Jinwu easily found Kakashi in the village.

Kakashi was holding a copy of ‘Intimate Paradise’ and seemed to be lying idly on a rock and watching, only one eye exposed was full of concentration for several years.

“Kakashi, accept the challenge of my youth!” Iron-blooded Kai jumped over very excitedly, but Kakashi Kiki was indifferent at all.

So Li Zhenwu also stepped forward.

“Hello, Kakashi-sama.”

Calling people of higher status, or people of higher status, as adults, is an invisible unspoken rule.

Eye, the relationship between Li Jinwu and Kakashi is more complicated, because Kakashi is a disciple of the three generations of Hokage Wave Feng Shuimen.

And the teacher of Bofeng Shuimen is another disciple of the three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun.

And Zi Laiye, even if it is Li Zhenwu’s difference, does not seem to value it much.

Therefore, there was nothing wrong with Li Jinwu directly calling Kakashi an adult.

Kakashi’s gaze turned, and a dead fish eye saw Li Zhenwu, and at the same time, he instantly recognized who Li Zhenwu was: “The newly promoted Zhongnin Li Zhenwu, a disciple of Naruto-sama.” ”

Now, several days have passed since Li Zhenwu alone defeated half of the candidates from the preliminary round.

In the past few days, the Zhongnin exam has ended.

It’s just that only two or three of the ninjas from other ninja villages passed the final exam, because they were all dressed up in the preliminary round, and they were beaten by Li Zhenwu.

These days, ninjas from other villages have returned to their countries or ninja villages.

And going back with it, and spreading out, there is another name.

Li Zhenwu! Konoha monster Li Jinwu!

And this name is accompanied by Li Zhenwu’s various intelligence information and his various battle achievements.

The Nine-Tails Rebellion was born, born with a tail, the tail cut can continue to grow, since childhood strength is extraordinary, the amount of food is very large.

At the age of three, he joined the ninja school, graduated in less than three months, and took the Chūnin exam a month after graduation! Cut the whole process and crush all the candidates!

These information and achievements are being transmitted back to their countries by ninjas, and Li Zhenwu’s name and the title of Konoha monster have also spread throughout the ninja world.

The outside world has already known these things, and as a ninja in this village, it is naturally even clearer.

Coupled with the relationship with Iron-blooded Kai, Kakashi can be regarded as knowing Li Jinwu better, but the two have not met much.

“It’s me.” Li Zhenwu nodded, “I came to Kakashi-sama today to ask for something. ”

“What’s going on?” Kakashi jumped up from the stone, stood up, and put away the affectionate heaven in his hand.

“Teach me ‘Chidori’.” Li Zhenwu said in a deep voice.

When Li Jinwu and Kakashi were talking, Iron-blooded Kai did not interject, he knew that this kind of occasion was not the time for him to talk more.

What is Chidori? It is the entire ninja world, belonging to Kakashi’s exclusive ninjutsu, and it is an exclusive ninjutsu.

So, unless Kakashi himself wanted to, no one would learn this technique in any other way.

“How did you know about my technique?” Kakashi asked, he and Li Jinmu had never dealt with each other, and Li Jinmu was so old, did he already know his information well?

“It was Sarutobi-sensei who told me, and he suggested that I come to you and learn this technique.” Li Zhenwu calmly replied, but in fact, from the anime works in the previous life, Chidori or Ratchet, the ninjutsu shined in the entire anime, and the power was good.

“So it is.” Kakashi nodded, but his face was covered by a mask and he couldn’t see the expression of his face underneath.

Li Zhenwu continued while the iron was hot: “If I can, I can use my skills to exchange ‘Chidori’ with you. ”

“Your technique?” Kakashi came interested and asked.

“That’s right, it’s this technique.” Li Zhenwu nodded slightly, and then the figure shook slightly, and two of them appeared in place in an instant.

Then, Li Zhenwu made a seal, and Sheng Sheng once again differentiated into two of himself.

“This is my self-created technique, the Afterimage Doppelgänger Technique!” 、

The first skill Li Zhenwu drew on the Saiyan lottery interface was the Afterimage Fist.

The afterimage fist is different from the doppelganger technique of this world, and the afterimage fist is obviously just an afterimage, but this afterimage can be fixed, but it has no attack power, and can only confuse others and affect the senses.

But after combining with the doppelganger technique, this technique becomes interesting, the doppelganger and the afterimage coexist, and the virtual and real are very vibrant.

This technique Li Zhenwu created and has been used many times, and it can be regarded as invincible and unfavorable.

Kakashi kept the essence in the eyes of the dead fish, and looked at Li Jinwu carefully, and then said after a while:

“Interesting, very interesting technique, virtual and real, the confusion effect is far more than the doppelganger technique, except for the special pupil technique, it is difficult to distinguish.”

Kakashi took a closer look and came to a conclusion.

Pushing his mask, Kakashi said, “I promised you.” ”

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