The third generation of Hokage looked serious and told Li Zhenwu the task to be done next.

After listening to the words of the three generations of Hokage, Li Zhenwu was stunned to find that the reason why he still needed such a mess now was that he made a fuss himself!

In the original history of the Hokage world, when Konoha was fifty-one years old, the country of thunder sent ninjas to Konoha to sign a peace treaty, although the incident of the Hyuga family happened in the middle, but because of Konoha’s tolerance, the peace treaty finally played a role, and the entire country of Konoha and the country of thunder entered a period of peace.

But now Li Lingling, because he inserted a Li Zhenwu abruptly, and the last time Yunnin Village tried to sign a peace treaty, and wanted to kidnap Hinata Hinata to explore the secret of the white eye, he was kicked by Li Zhenwu…

It was because of Li Jinwu’s shouting in the village last time that Yunnin not only bankrupted the conspiracy of the Hyuga clan, but also caused problems with the peace treaty between Konoha and Yunnin.

This is the change brought about by Li Zhenwu, Konoha and Yunnin, who were supposed to return to calm after the peace strip in history, are not optimistic now.

After that incident, there were still some small conflicts between the two, when Tie Blood Kai was not in the village for a while, because of this incident.

Although this small contradiction has continued, there has not been any major friction.

But recently, the small friction has begun to escalate.

The atmosphere between Yunnin and Konoha became even more tense, and the war between the Land of Thunder and the Land of Fire also began.

Now the task assigned to Li Jinwu by the third generation of Hokage is to also go to the battlefield between Konoha and Kumo Shinobu to support Konoha.

Indifferently, it is a little too much to say that it is support, but letting Li Zhenwu go over is undoubtedly a matter of heart to train Li Zhenwu

The third generation of Hokage said slowly: “If you go this time, I will let the special Shinama be with you.” ”

“I don’t know about the fire genma?” Li Zhenwu was slightly surprised, surprised that the three generations of Hokage actually let such a superior Shinobu act with him.

“Is this to protect yourself?” Li Zhenwu thought to himself.

I don’t know that Hogenma is Konoha’s special Shinobi, with strength and gold, and once served as the personal escort of the fourth generation of Hokage.

Moreover, I don’t know that Huo Xuanma is still the cousin of Li Zhenwu’s previous teammate who doesn’t know Huo Xuanshui.

“Good.” The third generation of Hokage nodded: “Although Zhenwu’s strength is not weak, as a ninja, what you are good at is still a little single, and it is very important to have a ninja who can complement you.” ”

Looking at the three generations of Hokage, it seemed that he would not let himself act alone, and wanted to send someone to protect him, Li Zhenwu did not refuse, but nodded and agreed: “Since that’s the case, so be it.” ”


On the day after receiving the mission from the Third Hokage, Li Jinwu simply said goodbye to his family, and before he even had time to say goodbye to Inuzuka Hana, he had already set out on the road with the unknown Hogenma to the place where he was at war with Yunnin.

Li Zhenwu and Ignorant Huoxuan are not strangers, not only do they have the relationship between Ignorant Huo Xuanshui, but when Li Zhenwu conducts the Zhongnin Assessment, I don’t know that Huo Xuanma is also acting as an examiner on the spot.

Therefore, I don’t know if Huo Xuanma knows Li Zhenwu’s strength.

And this time, he also understood what his mission was – to protect Li Zhenwu!

Originally from the escort team, the unknown fire genma is not only strong, but also has his own unique place in terms of protecting people, so the three generations of Hokage sent him to work with Li Zhenwu to protect Li Zhenwu’s personal safety.

Now for the entire Konoha, Li Zhenwu has changed from the ‘Konoha monster’ who originally represented the unknown to the ‘Konoha monster’ of Konoha’s super genius in one fell swoop.

Although Li Zhenwu’s now can’t be compared with the three Shinobi who are revered by the village, Li Zhenwu, who is also a disciple of the third generation of Hokage, is also a high-level existence in Konoha!

In this case, I don’t know that there is any resistance between Huo Xuan and Xuanjian that he needs to specifically protect Li Zhenwu’s safety.

“Li Zhenwu… It’s Konoha’s future! ”

In the village, there are already people who uphold this idea, civilian origin, strong talent, and Hokage disciples are neutralized together, so that people can have such ideas, it is not surprising.

Li Zhenwu and Unknown Huo Xuanma quickly became familiar along the way.

When they arrived at the front front, the relationship between the two people was not bad.

Moreover, unknowingly, Huo Xuanma did not dare to treat Li Zhenwu as a four-year-old child.

In other words, everyone who has contact with Li Zhenwu is difficult to say that Li Zhenwu is regarded as a child, but as an equal existence.

Arrived in the battle line, came to greet Li Zhenwu, which surprised Li Zhenwu.

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