The current merged into the water flow of the water array wall, and it was quickly three times faster, but it was not enough to react in an instant, and it had spread throughout the water array wall.

And Li Zhenwu was still in the water array wall at the moment, stirring the water flow with the King Kong Ruyi Rod incarnated by the ape demon.

When the current comes… He made a decisive move.

“Ugh!” The ape demon spoke, then stretched out his two hands and shouted while making a seal.

“Chakra Isolation Technique!”

Then, the ape-demon’s body gushed out his own chakra, and soon the entire Vajra Ruyi rod body was fluidized, and after covering a layer of chakra, the power of the current was much less.

Even with it, Li Zhenwu’s hands were also wrapped by the chakra of the ape demon, avoiding the disturbance of electricity.

But this… There is nothing messy, Li Zhenwu, whose whole body is in the water array wall, can be regarded as a perfect target!

A large amount of electricity flowed to his body through the water, making him feel numb all over his body, and he couldn’t help but tremble.

In this case, Li Zhenwu saw the change in the King Kong Ruyi stick in his hand, and secretly cursed in his heart, while gritting his teeth and shouting: “Why don’t you add this technique to me too!” ”

“No, this technique is only for yourself, you can bear with it, or run.” The ape demon suggested.

“Run a hair!” , The current made Li Zhenwu’s hair stand up even more, and his hands and feet were trembling. Gritted his teeth fiercely

, Li Zhenwu roared, and then his hands were filled with all his strength, stirring even more violently!

“Boom! Rustle of falling leaves, snow and rain! ”

The violent agitation made the water array wall turbulent, shaky, and it was difficult to maintain the original high-speed rotation to defend the posture.

“Unexpectedly, he was able to fight against my two techniques with only his body, and his body actually had a high degree of resistance to Lei Dun!”

Darui, who was in the center of the water array, saw everything in his heart, and while secretly shocked, he also discovered his two ninjutsu, and he couldn’t help Li Zhenwu at all.

So, while the water array wall had not yet been broken, Darui decisively sealed the seal.

“Lei Dun – Black Spot!”

Darui’s technique has just been sealed, and the other side is “Boom! “.

The water array wall has been broken by Li Zhenwu wielding the King Kong Ruyi Stick! The water array wall that was originally rotating lost its power to rotate and flew directly on the ground, making a rattling sound.

And the thunder and lightning that originally crisscrossed it also entered the ground and gradually receded.

Only then did Li Zhenwu completely get rid of Lei Duan.

“Boy is good.” The ape demon praised from the side.

Li Zhenwu snorted, carrying the Vajra Ruyi Rod and about to jump forward, but found that Darui’s technique was about to be released.

It has always been composed of black thunder and lightning, and it is about to be fiercely pounced!

“Again!” Li Zhenwu shouted, and at the same time he was not idle, his figure shook, and he had already divided into three selves in place.

Afterimage fist!

Darui was shocked, because he didn’t see Li Zhenwu’s seal at all, so how did the doppelganger technique come out?

The legendary Muji ninjutsu? Darui said secretly, but then he carefully looked at the three Li Zhenwu, but found that this did not seem to be a doppelganger technique…

The three Li Zhenwu smiled in unison, and then continued to rush towards Darui together!

This is where the Afterimage Fist is superior to the Doppelgänger Technique, there is no need to seal at all, and it can be cast in a moment! Moreover, the afterimages that can be differentiated by the multiple afterimage fists can carry the attack power!

The leopard transformed by Darui’s ‘Thunder-Black Spot’ seemed to have taken shape and had to be issued, but it was Li Zhenwu who confused his sight.

“No matter!” Darui bit his teeth, chose one at random, and then released it.

“Roar!” The black panther transformed by the black thunder emitted thunder, and instantly pounced on ‘Li Zhenwu’, but this ‘Li Zhenwu’ was just a shake of the stick, and with the power of the black panther, it had already dissipated in the air!

“It’s fake!”

Darui’s gaze froze, since one of them was fake, then there was a real Li Zhenwu in the rest!

Fortunately, his ninjutsu has not ended here, but there are a series of subsequent changes!

The leopard’s tail transformed by the black thunder carried a thunderbolt, and after it pounced, the figure turned alive, and the whole body turned into many black thunderbolts out of thin air and shot out of thin air!


Another ‘Li Zhenwu’ was hit by black lightning and directly turned into a bubble and dissipated!

And the remaining real Li Zhenwu was already close to Darui’s side.

At this moment, Li Zhenwu was ruthless, did not speak at all, and directly swept across with a stick! But he was holding the breath that had just been electrified, and it was emitted at this moment!


The King Kong Ruyi Rod was in the air, making a sound that whistled and broke the air, and the next moment it had stopped Darui’s side.

Darui was a little shocked, and in the face of this menacing and unexpected stick, he could only hurriedly raise his hand and pull out the knife!


Darui’s knife had just barely been raised, Li Zhenwu’s King Kong Ruyi Rod had arrived, and with a sound of resonance, his knife had already been blurted out by jumping!

And at this time, the stick of King Kong Ruyi has not stopped! Darui’s knife only slightly offset part of the strength, and the King Kong Ruyi stick also hit Darui’s ribs fiercely with residual strength!


Just like a golf ball on a golf course that flew away with a hit by a golf club without any ability to fight back, Darui flew straight out tens of meters under this stick, and when the stick hit him, there was already a sound of ‘clicking’ and ‘clicking’ bones inside his body!

“Phew!” Li Zhenwu let out a soft breath, and the depression that had just been electrified, with this stick, had been vented to Darui’s body.

After taking a breath, Li Zhenwu did not stop for a moment, his hind foot kicked heavily on the ground, and the whole person had entered the direction of Darui flying out like an arrow from the string and rushed over!

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