"Excited Konoha Gangli Whirlwind!"

As soon as Li Zhenwu came up, he directly used the most powerful Konoha fluid technique.

With a faint golden chakra outer film on his legs, he slammed into the two Yumu people, and the movements of the four Li Zhenwu were all the same!

The two Yumu people were completely blinded, unable to identify Li Zhenwu's real body and afterimage, so they could only barely cope, but they were kicked by Li Zhenwu's violent whirlwind with Chakra.

"You who don't transform into a tailed beast will not be my current opponent at all."

The two flew up from the wooden man, Li Zhenwu bullied him up, and the words didn't stop.

"Konoha Liu-1 continuous force whirlwind!" Before the two Yumu people could fall, Li Zhenwu had already dodged and came to her side again, and the continuous force whirlwind had kicked out again.

"Meow!" The two Yumu roared in the air with a roar that was not human-like, and they were already secretly shocked beyond words.

"How long has it been, why has his strength improved so fast!"

The two Yumu people were shocked by this, and behind her, the unique tail of the tailed beast had already appeared.

Moreover, a film coat composed of tailed beast Chakra also covered her body.

It has only been two or three days since the last time between her and Professor Li Zhenwu, but in these two or three days, she found that Li Zhenwu's strength has improved a lot compared to the last time!

Last time, even though she hadn't transformed into a tailed beast, she was still able to make two moves with Li Zhenwu, but at this moment, she could only be hanged and beaten by Li Zhenwu without her transformation!

However, the two Yumu people still underestimated Li Zhenwu's strength.

At this moment, there are two more tailed beast tails behind her, and a layer of tailed beast armor has also formed on her body. For this reason, facing Li Zhenwu, she still has no power to fight back!

"The Konoha Whirlwind!"


"Gangli whirlwind!"

At this moment, Li Zhenwu was completely unilaterally beating the two Yumu people. Even if the two Yumu people were turned into half-tailed beasts, they still couldn't fight him.

It's just that because of the layer of tailed beast armor on the body, the damage Li Zhenwu caused to the two wooden figures was not that serious.

At this moment, the aftermath of the fight between the two had completely destroyed the tent, and they were exposed to the open air.

At the same time, the ninjas of the entire station had already surrounded them, and they had become an encirclement.

Standing in the encirclement, every ninja could clearly see the two Yugi who were still being hanged and beaten, and Li Zhenwu who was carrying out the hanging!

"This, this, this is the strength of the Konoha monster Li Zhenwu?" You Yun Ren was shocked, seeing that the second-tailed person Zhuli, who was second to none in the Yunyin Ninja Village, was hanged and beaten by the 'Konoha monster' at this moment. Subversion is simply hard to mention.

"Okay... so powerful, Yumu-sama doesn't even have the strength to fight back!" You Yun Ren was worried.

"Damn, if it wasn't for Lord Kirabi and some kind of adults to go out, how could this Konoha monster be arrogant here!" Yun Ren was also very sad and angry, feeling that he was very aggrieved by being beaten by a ninja of Li Zhenwu's age. Come to the door, and you can only watch him wantonly!

(The tenth update, it's a little late, I'm so sorry!)

Chapter [-]: Defeat Erwei Again (First Update)

In the Yunyin Ninja Village resident, within the encirclement of many Yun Ninjas, Li Zhenwu has turned into a half-tailed beast while hanging, and the two Yumu people who have two tails are protected by tailed beast clothing, although they are not so bad. He was beaten to death by Li Zhenwu, but he was almost unable to fight back!

At this time, the cloud people in a circle did not want to help the two Yumu people.

But... Li Zhenwu and the two Yumu people were fighting too fast!

Ordinary ninjas can't get involved at all, or in other words, they can't lock the target when they release ninjutsu!

The two Yumu people were extremely aggrieved. After they had already turned into half-tailed beasts, they were still not Li Zhenwu's opponents. While they were shocked at the rapid progress of Li Zhenwu's strength, they were simply depressed and going crazy.

"Everyone step back!" The two Yumu people suddenly shouted, and the chakra on their bodies spewed out of their bodies faster.

"Master Yumu is going to be completely tailed beast!"

"Everyone spread out!"

"Yes, be careful of accidental injury."

The Yun Ninjas surrounding them hurried to a farther place, so that the encirclement would inevitably have some loopholes.

"Roar!" The two Yumu people roared loudly, and the whole person burst out with strength, breaking free from Li Zhenwu's full force, the whole person was already lying on the ground 503, and the thick chakra had appeared to drown it.

After a while, the eye-catching thing dissipated, and the two Yumu people had disappeared, replaced by the transformed giant two-tailed beast, the cat demon traveled again!

"Is this a transformation? I really played and am addicted."

Li Zhenwu muttered to himself, and he did not dare to be careless in the face of the two Yumu people who had completely transformed into tailed beasts.

The two Yumu people who were only half-tailed beasts just now, Li Zhenwu can indeed hang and beat them, but now the two Yumu people who are completely tailed beasts are not necessarily.

After the complete tail beast transformation, the chakra of the human column is almost endless, although this infinity is only a lower standard.

In addition to the advantages of chakra, it is the unique chakra attribute of the tailed beast. For example, the one-tailed guard crane is regarded as the pinnacle of wind and sand, and the strength of the two-tailed brigade itself is also called perverted.

Therefore, the two Yumu people who turned into two tailed beasts can already pose a great threat to Li Zhenwu.

Li Zhenwu didn't fight Erwei recklessly at the first time, but after hesitating, he turned around and ran!

The direction he ran was a bit special. He found the most dense direction of Yun Ren and rushed over.

"Hey, how are you?"

Li Zhenwu also greeted Yun Ren and the others. The two Yumu people who were waiting to vent their anger faced this scene, but they roared in anger.

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