Although it is completely Erwei's mentality at this moment, in fact, the two Yumu people are still conscious at this moment, and can control Erwei's body to act autonomously at this moment.

That's how, she saw Li Zhenwu's 'escape' reaction and chased after him, but Li Zhenwu ran into the cloud forbearance.

In this way, her strength will not be able to play, otherwise, if any tailed beast jade goes down, not to mention whether it can hit Li Zhenwu or not, Yun Ren who is accidentally injured will suffer heavy casualties!

"Come on, I'm right here, the tailed beast cannon will come directly." Li Zhenwu laughed, jumped at random, grabbed a Yun Ren who was about to run away, and threw it to Erwei.

"Roar!" With a roar, the two Yumu people were depressed and angry. Unexpectedly, Li Zhenwu, who had just opened up and closed, actually played such a wretched trick after he completely transformed into a tailed beast.

Facing Yun Ren who was thrown over, the two Yumu people couldn't ignore it.

However, when its attention was placed on this Yun Ren, Li Zhenwu had already made a seal.

It seemed that there were thousands of birds chirping in a hurry. It came from Li Zhenwu's palm, and a group of pale golden thousand birds had formed in his hand.

"It's this technique again."

The two Yumu people had just rescued a Yun Ren who was thrown over, and then they were shocked when they saw that Li Zhenwu had already prepared Chidori.

Yesterday, she was transformed into Erwei, but after this technique and another strange operation, she was captured by Li Zhenwu. Now that Li Zhenwu uses this technique again, why not worry!

However, its worries seemed a little useless. Li Zhenwu, who had gathered Chidori in his hands in surprise, had his body under Chidori and was highly activated, comparable to Yun Ren's unique ninjutsu.


Li Zhenwu let out a low voice, and under the gaze of the two Yumu people, the whole person disappeared in place in an instant, as fast as a flash of lightning.

And another wooden man stared at Li Zhenwu and aimed at him. At this moment, he opened his mouth, and a small tailed beast jade had formed and was about to spray out at Li Zhenwu who was coming.

However, at this time, Li Zhenwu's original straight forward route took a twist and turned into a curved route, but his speed did not decrease.

"What a fast speed!" The two Yumu people were startled. They didn't expect that Li Zhenwu, who was maintaining such a fast speed, would be able to turn around at will.

This episode also directly caused the tailed beast jade in the mouths of the two Yumu people to lose the direction of the launch. It is worth hurriedly twisting his body to find the trace of Li Zhenwu.

However, in just this moment, Li Zhenwu had already arrived at Erwei's side because of the high speed brought by Chidori!


Chidori released it on Erwei's body, and the destructive power of the grab was accompanied by a burst of dazzling golden lightning, which could be seen in an instant for a long time!

And Erwei's body was also hit by this blow, and the energy body was struck by Chidori to remove a small gap.

Before this gap could be filled with chakra recovery, Li Zhenwu had already done the same as he did a few days ago, with a low drink in his mouth!

"The Shocking Palm of the Nations!"

Li Zhenwu, who was full of output, quickly turned pale and consumed a lot, but he also achieved remarkable results. The two Yumu people have already passed out!

"Lord Yuki has been defeated!" Yun Ren exclaimed.

There was also Yun Ren's eyes flickering: he rushed forward, "Although Lord Muren was defeated, the Konoha monster has also consumed a lot and is already very weak. Now is a good time to take him down!"

Chapter seventy-ninth amazing act (the second is more customized)

The Myriad Kingdoms Shocking Palm, which is fully output, is very objective in the consumption of qi. The qi in Li Zhenwu's body is almost exhausted after the high-intensity output, so his complexion is pale.

But fortunately, the two Yuki people have already swooped on the street under this move.

The figure of Yun Ren who was watching was surging, and Li Zhenwu, who was pale and had lost his intentions, was very moved, and he was about to come forward.

"You'd better let Master Yumu Ren!" You Yunren stood up at this moment and shouted at Li Zhenwu.

"If those high-end combat powers in your station are still there, if you say such words and surround me, maybe I will really run away."

Li Zhenwu's face was pale, but he showed a sneer, and he was not afraid of being surrounded, but calmly said: "But, what are you guys?"

"If you are so weak, you dare to talk big. It's really like there is no one in our Yunyin Ninja Village." When a ninja rose up, he was about to stretch out his hand to make a seal, facing Li Zhenwu with a bad expression.


Li Zhenwu didn't talk nonsense either. He took out a fairy bean from the system space and put it in his mouth~.

"Not good! What is he going to eat!"

There is Yunren's warning. In the Naruto world, there are many pills that stimulate potential, such as military food pills and the like.

Therefore, Li Zhenwu's behavior of stuffing something into his mouth at this moment was alerted by Yun Ren.

However!Their worries are overdone and too late!

Li Zhenwu had already stuffed the fairy bean into his mouth, and in an instant, his pale face turned rosy, and his condition completely recovered.

This scene directly shocked many Yun Ren, and even some Yun Ren almost failed the ninjutsu in his hands.

"Hehe." After Li Zhenwu recovered, with frightening pressure in his eyes, he swept his surroundings indifferently, and then suddenly formed a seal.


When the thousands of birds on one hand gathered, Lao Tzu's forehead and Nuan grabbed the two Yuki figurines who had been knocked unconscious after being hit by the Heaven-shattering Palm of the World, then looked for a direction, and moved suddenly.

The dazzling Chidori, with the sound of birdsong, dragged Li Zhenwu at a very fast speed, even if Li Zhenwu carried a two Yuki figurines at the moment.

"The front, look at the move!" Li Zhenwu shouted, the thousand birds in his hand were dazzling, and the power of the move just now was in everyone's eyes.

As a result, no ninja dared to stand on Li Zhenwu's forward path for a while, and they all stepped aside.

Then, Li Zhenwu rode out of the encirclement.

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