Darui saw that he had just become popular with Lan Dusheng, and he had achieved great results and subdued the enemy.

Originally, he was slightly relieved and relieved, but he was startled when he saw that the ape demon was coming to his side!

The subsequent change made him directly dumbfounded!

Li Zhenwu, who originally rushed to the street, got up from the ground, only to see him wipe his mouth, and then the injuries all over his body had recovered in an instant!

“Konoha’s Kido?” Darui exclaimed, remembering the magical Blood Succession Realm that shocked the entire ninja world.

Then, I saw Li Zhenwu walking towards this side with high fighting intent, or anger, and Darui was frightened.

“Monster! This kid is a monster! Darui cursed in his heart while his mind turned at a high speed, thinking of a way to get out.

Standing up with his body abruptly propped up, Darui drank while encouraging his chakra and preparing his ninjutsu.

“Li Zhenwu, you know what? Now your Konoha station is difficult to protect itself! ”

“What do you mean?” Li Zhenwu was attracted by these words and asked with a frown, but he had no intention of letting Li Zhenwu go.

“At the time you guys came to trade, our Yunyin Ninja Village has already begun another large-scale raid on the Konoha camp!”

Darui saw that his words attracted Li Zhenwu, and quickly poured beans to say the rest of the words, and was ready to grease the soles of his feet at any time,

“This time, the scale of our Yunyin Ninja Village dispatch is not comparable to the last time!” Darui took advantage of Li Zhenwu’s attraction by the words, and quickly said: “This time, the younger brother of Lord Lei Ying in our village, Lord Kirabi, is personally out of the horse, presumably you will suffer a big loss in this station!” ”

Darui said this, but hoped that after hearing this, Li Jinwu would return to Konoha, so that he could get out smoothly.

However, after hearing this, Li Zhenwu only paused, and then suddenly accelerated towards Darui.

At the same time, Li Zhenwu had obvious unhappiness on his face: “Then I will solve you first, and then go back to support the ninja of Konoha!” ”

“Not good.” Darui did not expect Li Zhenwu to be unmoved, and secretly screamed bad in his heart, and at the same time was ready to start his other preparations.

“If you want to go back, you’d better be quick, Lord Kirabi’s speed is very fast.”

While saying another word to try to distract Li Zhenwu, Darui had already activated his own means.

“Ninjutsu – Body Activation Technique!”

Darui drank lowly, and the iconic black chakra surged all over his body, and then flashed on his body, stimulating his own body.

Ninjutsu is a technique that is popular in Yunyin Ninja Village, and unlike physical arts, the activation does not require sealing, as long as Chakra is mobilized, it can be done.

, Moreover, most of the ninjas in Yunyin Ninja Village are thunder attribute chakra, which is more helpful for the stimulation and activation of the body.

Darui, as the elite Shangnin of the Yunyin Ninja Village, is naturally good at ninjutsu in addition to his own blood succession limit realm Lan Dun and the black thunder dun that he received from the third generation of thunder shadows.

Especially now, Darui is using Chakra to activate his body with crazy stimulation, especially the legs and parts, and the Dao light flashes!

As soon as the words fell, his whole person had already rushed out!

“Pretend to be forced to run, how can it be so easy.” Li Zhenwu’s eyes were cold, at this moment, the speed of Darui seemed to be a new height, and the speed could be comparable to the ninja after casting a thousand birds.

The ninjutsu of Yunyin Ninja Village really has its own uniqueness.

Even so, Li Zhenwu did not let him go easily.

Li Zhenwu’s movements were fast, and he took out a handful of kunai.

“Chidori Ryu – Chidori Ku Wu!”

Li Zhenwu quickly sealed the seal, and a thousand birds converged on his hand, and then came to his bitterness.

This is a follow-up variant that he figured out by himself after learning Ku Wu! Can be used as a means of long-range attack!

The chirping of a thousand birds gathered on the Ku Wu, and a handful of black Ku Wu had become a little golden because of the golden chakra and thunderbolt.

Then, Li Zhenwu’s arm was forceful and flung it fiercely!

“Tweet Tweet!” The sound of a thousand birds was streaked through the air by Ku Wu, and the sound of birdsong became more urgent and sharp!

Darui was originally telling the forward runner that the whole person only left a faint black shadow on the road, but it was in this state of running at high speed that he heard a tight bird call, and this sound was getting closer and sharper.

“Caught up?” Darui was shocked in his heart, and couldn’t help but turn his head slightly, swept his eyes with the afterlight, and found that a kunai with golden lightning had flown behind him with the sound of a thousand birds!

“Golden Thunder? Plover? Between the electric light and flint, these two thoughts popped up in Darui’s heart, and then, Chidori Ku Wu had already landed on him fiercely with the voice of Chidori Kuwu!

Where the bitterness hit was Darui’s left shoulder.

The power formed by the sharp kunai and the unmatched thousand birds of breaking power directly penetrates directly from Darui’s shoulder! Sheng Sheng left a penetrating wound!

Darui screamed, his figure flashed, and he was almost brought down by the impact of Ku Wu!

However, in the huge threat of life and death, Darui, who was worried that Li Zhenwu was chasing him, bit his teeth fiercely, the strongman was in pain, and blood oozed from his gums… He didn’t stop! He still maintains ninjutsu, uses his high-intensity activated body, and rushes quickly.

“The shoulder was penetrated, and it didn’t even stop, is it quite strong.” Li Zhenwu stood in place at the moment and did not continue to pursue.

If Darui was dragged down under this thousand birds, then Li Zhenwu did not hesitate to pursue him and easily killed him.

But now that Darui’s shoulders have been penetrated, the speed has not dropped much, and if Li Zhenwu wants to pursue, it will inevitably take a lot of effort!

Therefore, Li Zhenwu did not move.

“It’s cheap for this black charcoal.”

Li Zhenwu glanced at the back of Darui who was far away, and while he had suddenly turned around, he hurried towards the direction of Konoha’s station!

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