In Li Zhenwu’s words, he didn’t seem to put the two Yugi people in his eyes, but he was secretly wary.

Because in his induction, the weak aura that the two Yugito had exchanged as hostages had now recovered.

And when Li Zhenwu entered the tent, he saw that it was the two Yugi people who still looked ‘weak’.

So Li Zhenwu understood, the two Yumu people are pretending to be vulnerable at the moment! In fact, she can burst out with powerful combat power at any time.

Li Zhenwu smiled while not rushing close to prevent the other party from suddenly bursting out, but he didn’t want to waste time, so he had to force her to do it.

As soon as his arm was extended, a kunai appeared in Li Zhenwu’s hand, and as soon as his wrist moved, Kuwu went directly towards the two Yumu, aiming directly at her heart.


Ku Wu suddenly stopped because there was a hand holding it!

The owners of this hand are the two Yugito who have just been ‘weak’.

“Why don’t you continue to pretend to be weak.” Li Zhenwu laughed twice, and then said directly: “If you tie up your hands now, I can still directly take you back as a prisoner, but if you want to resist to the end, then in the soybeans, I don’t care about the life and death of the ninjas in your Yunyin Ninja Village station!” ”

“Shameless!” The two Yugito couldn’t help but say.

“Huh.” Li Zhenwu sneered, “Isn’t it shameless for you Yunyin Ninja Village to take people to raid our Konoha while calmly exchanging hostages between the two sides?” ”

Li Zhenwu’s tone became cold: “Don’t talk nonsense, if you don’t tie up your hands, then fight!” ”

At this moment, the other ninjas in the Yunyin Ninja Village station had already arrived, and seeing that they were about to surround Li Zhenwu, Li Zhenwu also lost the patience to say a few more words.

“In our Yunyin Ninja Village, the station can still be so arrogant.” The two Yugi did not answer Li Zhenwu’s words, but also sneered, stretched out their hands, and as soon as they raised their hands, eight iron claws had already been born from their hands.

“Well, it seems that I still have to knock you unconscious or crippled before I can take you away.”

Li Zhenwu also did not think that his threatening words would really let the two Yumu people tie their hands, so he was not surprised by her performance at all.

As soon as Li Zhenwu’s words fell, the whole person shook slightly, and four Li Zhenwu appeared in an instant.

Triple Afterimage Fist!

And the four Li Zhenwu in the next moment, all pounced at the same time.

“This trick again!”

When the two Yumu saw this move, they were still the same, and it was difficult to tell which one Li Zhenwu’s real body was, and they couldn’t see the flaws in the afterimage fist.

“This technique is also too difficult. Yukito thought to himself as his claws were already cutting horizontally in front of him like electric light, placing an attack from Li Zhenwu.

“Stir ‘Konoha Rigid Force Whirlwind!

As soon as Li Zhenwu came up, he directly used the most powerful Konoha Fluid Technique.

With a faint golden Chakra outer mask on his legs, he slammed into the bodies of the two Yugi, and the movements of the four Li Zhenwu were all the same!

The two Yumu people were completely blinded, unable to recognize Li Zhenwu’s real body and afterimage, and could only barely deal with it, but they had been kicked by Li Zhenwu’s fierce whirlwind with Chakra’s rigid force.

“You who don’t use the transformation of the tailed beast will not be my opponent at all.”

The two flew up by the wooden man, and Li Zhenwu rushed up, and the words in his mouth did not stop.

“Konoha Flow-1 Continuous Rigid Force Whirlwind!” Before the two Yugi people fell, Li Zhenwu had already flashed and arrived at her side again, and the continuous whirlwind of rigidity had already kicked out fiercely.

“Meow!” The two Yugi roared in the air that did not resemble humans, and their hearts were already secretly shocked beyond words.

“It’s only been so long, why is his strength improving so fast!”

The two Yugito were shocked in their hearts, and behind her, a tail unique to the tail of the tailed beast had appeared.

Moreover, a membrane coating composed of a tailed beast Chakra also covered her body.

Now it has only been two or three days since the last time she and Professor Li Zhenwu, but it is these two or three days, she found that Li Zhenwu’s strength has improved greatly compared to the last time!

Last time, even if she didn’t transform the tailed beast, she was still able to make two moves with Li Zhenwu, but at this moment, she who did not transform could only be hung and beaten by Li Zhenwu!

However, the two Yugi still underestimated Li Zhenwu’s strength.

At this moment, there are already two more tails of tailed beasts behind her, and a layer of tailed beast armor has also formed on her body, Rao is so, facing Li Zhenwu, but still has no power to fight back!

“Konoha Whirlwind!”

“Mess with your fists!”

“Rigid whirlwind!”

Li Zhenwu was completely unilaterally beating the two Yumu people at the moment, and even if the two Yumu people were half-tailed beasts, they still couldn’t fight him.

It’s just that because of the layer of tailed beast armor outside the body, Li Zhenwu’s damage to the two wooden people is not so serious.

At this moment, the aftermath of the fight between the two has completely destroyed the tent, and they are exposed to the open air.

At the same time, the ninjas of the entire station had already surrounded, faintly forming an encirclement.

Standing in the encirclement, all the ninjas could clearly look at the two Yugito who were still being hanged and beaten by the half-tailed beast, and Li Zhenwu who was carrying out the hanging!

“This, this, this is the strength of Konoha monster Li Zhenwu?” Yumo Shinobu was shocked, seeing the two-tailed human pillar force who was second to none in the Yunyin Ninja Village being beaten by the ‘Konoha Monster’ at this moment, the subversion in his heart was simply difficult to mention.

“Well… So powerful, Lord Yugito didn’t even have the power to fight back! Yukumo was worried.

“Damn, if it weren’t for Lord Kirabi and an adult going out, how could this Konoha monster be arrogant here!” There are also Yun Ren who are very sad and indignant, feeling that their side is very humiliated, and they were beaten by a ninja of Li Zhenwu’s age, and they can only watch him wantonly and wanton!

(Tenth more, a little late, so sorry!) )_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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