The surface of the rock was shattered, and smoke and dust were scattered.

After a while, the smoke and dust dissipated, revealing what it looked like after being hit by the turtle qigong wave.

On the other side, Li Zhenwu has slowly exhaled a sigh of relief, and has a satisfied and happy feeling that he has learned and performed Turtle Qigong.

Li Zhenwu walked forward and looked at the power of his Turtle Qigong.

Seeing this, Li Zhenwu's face fell a little.

Because at this moment, there was only a small pothole on the rock that the Turtle School Qigong hit.

This pit is only about ten centimeters in diameter, and its depth is only three or four centimeters.

"The power is a little weak." Li Zhenwu scratched his head. The power of this turtle-style qigong released for the first time was not as powerful as his full-strength use of chakra to cast Chidori.

But soon, Li Zhenwu was relieved.

In the original Dragon Ball, before Sun Wukong, Turtle Qigong can be regarded as the strongest unique skill on earth. Turtle Immortals also say that this kung fu requires at least fifty years of skill.

Although Sun Wukong, who was already in his teens, used Turtle Qigong for the first time, his power was not strong, he just overturned a car.

Strictly speaking, Turtle Qigong is not only a way of attacking, but also a kind of kung fu that can quickly increase one's own 'Qi'!

The Qi cultivation method that Li Zhenwu obtained only allowed him to learn how to use Qi, but how to make Qi stronger and stronger still had to be exercised by means of Turtle Qigong.

Therefore, using the power of Turtle School Qigong for the first time does not prove anything.

Chapter [-] Parents are attacked! (first update)

Li Zhenwu has been experimenting for a long time, and he has sent out the Turtle Qigong waves many times in a row, and he has already figured out the knock on the door of the Turtle Qigong.

And compared to the beginning, the power of the turtle qigong wave has increased a lot!

The key is that after using the Turtle School Qigong, Li Zhenwu can clearly feel that after his Qi recovers, there will be a little improvement.

The so-called Turtle-style qigong is also called Turtle-style qigong wave, but without the word wave, it is Turtle-style qigong, which is a kind of cultivation method of qi.

Li Zhenwu's experiment was very enjoyable, and it was not until it was completely dark that he had eaten two fairy beans before returning to the camp.

"Zhenwu, you are back." Shiranui Xuanma followed Hu.

"Well, I'm back." Li Zhenwu nodded and said.

"How's your technique going?" Shiranui Xuanma asked.

"Very good, very good." Li Zhenwu had an undisguised look of joy on his face, that's why Shiranui Xuanjian asked such a question.

"Congratulations, congratulations." Seeing Li Zhenwu's generous admission, Shiranui Xuanjian thought that Li Zhenwu had really created a new technique, and it went well.

"This kid, what a monster! The afterimage avatar he created by himself, and a world-shaking palm, are already powerful enough, and now he has come up with a new technique."

Shiranui Xuanjian sighed with emotion, feeling that the world was changing too fast, and he couldn't keep up with Li Zhenwu's rhythm.

Originally, under the plan of Nara Shikahisa, he was going to wait for the limelight to pass a little before returning to the station. After all, there, he could see the ninjas of Yunyin Ninja Village across the air, and he could also prevent them from entering the country of fire from where.

But because of what Li Zhenwu did in Yunyin Ninja Village, Nara Shikaku was a little worried that Yunyin Ninja Village might be even more crazy, so they stayed in the valley for two or three days.

In the past two or three days, they still waited for support.

Jagged Kai came, the Uchiha clan came, and some other powerful ninjas in the village also came, just to beware of Yunyin Ninja Village starting a large-scale decisive battle.

The atmosphere was tense because of this battle situation, and it shrouded everyone's hearts solemnly. It seemed that a war might break out at any time.

Because of the arrival of reinforcements, they have returned to the station again. After sorting out, they are stationed here again.

And because of the tense and dignified atmosphere, with a faint look of war, the two countries, the Kingdom of Thunder and the Kingdom of Fire, are also just around the corner, and the troops are all ready to go.

It was in this atmosphere that Konoha, who didn't want to start a real war, was still urgently negotiating with Yunyin Ninja Village, and among the bargaining chips, there were two tails, Zhuri and Yuki.

Li Zhenwu has been very unhappy in the dignified atmosphere of the station recently, because it makes him feel awkward to fight or not, so usually, he often runs out to exercise by himself, exercising his body, and exercising the turtle style qigong.

On this day, after exercising his body, he returned to the station when it was about sunset.

As a result, after returning to the station, he met Jie Xue Kai, but Jie Xue Kai's face was full of worry when he saw Li Zhenwu again.

"What's wrong? Teacher Akai?" Li Zhenwu discovered the strangeness of Jagged Kai.

Jie Xue Kai is a hot-blooded and straightforward man. When he can't hide things in his heart, or when he wants to hide things, he will actually show it on his face.

"Hey..." Unusually, Jie Xue Kai didn't feel high, but sighed down, and then said, "Mamu, go to Nara Shikuji, he will tell you the news, a news about you."

"About me?" Li Zhenwu was stunned for a moment, not sure why, but judging from Jagged Kai's performance, it didn't seem to be good news.

"Okay, then I'll go take a look." Li Zhenwu nodded, and then went to look for Nara Shikuji.

Li Zhenwu came to Nara Shikuji's tent, greeted him and walked in.

"I heard from Teacher Akai that there is news about me?" Li Zhenwu sat down on a stool and asked.

Nara Shikahisa's face was dark: "It's news about you, I just hope you are mentally prepared."

"What news?" Li Zhenwu was even more curious when he heard that Nara Shikuji was still so stubborn, what bad news would there be, and would he need to prepare himself psychologically?"

"Your parents... were attacked in the village."


Li Zhenwu suddenly stood up, his tone changed.

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