When he came to this world, his relationship with his parents was the closest, and even in Li Zhenwu's heart, his parents were better than the village.

It's just that his parents are ordinary people, so Li Zhenwu never worried that they would be in trouble because of the ninja affair. After all, according to the original book, Konoha is still very peaceful, especially for civilians.

In addition to the Nine-Tails Rebellion ten years ago, only the 'Konoha Collapse Plan' a few years later will cause damage to the civilians.

So Li Zhenwu didn't expect the so-called bad news about himself to be the news that his parents were attacked.

"How are they?!" Li Zhenwu asked anxiously when he heard the news, unable to remain calm.

Nara Shikahisa's face was heavy, and his tone was low: "The attacker was a ninja from Somura, disguised as an ordinary person who came to Konoha to release a mission and escaped the scrutiny, and then suddenly attacked at your parents' knife shop."

"Their purpose should be to capture your parents, but they were discovered by ninjas in the village, and then they fought abnormally."

"The alien ninja didn't take your parents away in the end, and was left behind by the village ninja."

Nara Shikahisa said slowly: "During this process, your parents were seriously injured and lost a lot of blood in their bodies."

"Because your parents are ordinary people, even if there are medical ninjas to give treatment, it is not easy to recover from the injury, so...it is very likely that your parents may fall behind in the future..."

Before Nara Shikahisa finished speaking, Li Zhenwu already understood, but when he heard that his parents were only seriously injured and did not die, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"I want to return to Konoha immediately!"

Chapter [-]: Parents' Encounter

"I want to return to Konoha immediately!"

Li Zhenwu resolutely said.

When he heard that his parents were attacked, he was naturally angry, but when he heard that his parents were only seriously injured, he was relieved.

Because, as long as he didn't die immediately, even if he still had a breath, Li Zhenwu would be able to return to normal as long as he took out a fairy bean for them to eat!

"Okay, you can go back to the village first." Seeing that Li Zhenwu's mood was relatively stable, but he just asked to return to the village, Nara Shikahisa was also slightly relieved.

What he is most afraid of is that Li Zhenwu will lose his mind and explode when he hears that his parents were attacked and seriously injured. After all, Li Zhenwu is powerful, but in the eyes of others, his actual age is only four years old. The behavior is too normal.

, On the contrary, Li Zhenwu's calmness is a little abnormal now.

"Let Shiranui Genma go back with you." Nara Shikahisa thought for a while and said.

"Okay, I'll set off now." Li Zhenwu did not delay any further and was ready to set off immediately.

Without delay, the news that his parents were seriously injured left Li Zhenwu no time to take care of other things, and just wanted to bring the fairy beans back to them to eat immediately.

"If I had known, I would have left them two fairy beans for emergency!" Li Zhenwu felt a little remorse, but there was nothing he could do. After all, he never thought that his parents, who lived ordinary lives in the village, would be attacked.

"No matter who sent the ninja, he is absolutely dead!" Li Zhenwu's heart was full of chills.

Li Zhenwu and Shiranui Xuanjian traveled day and night together without stopping at all.

Shiranui Xuanjian followed behind Li Zhenwu, complaining in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it on the surface.

Because Li Zhenwu returned to Konoha with all his heart, Guoyu was worried about his parents, so he used the fastest speed all the way, and he did not stop. He could bear it, but Shiranui Xuanjian was struggling to follow his speed. hanging far away.

Under the speed of this rapid march... Li Zhenwu quickly returned to Konoha.

Seeing Konoha from a distance, there are ninja guards at the entrance of the village, Li Zhenwu didn't want to waste time, and shouted from a distance:

"I, Li Zhenwu, are back, get out of the way!"

Li Zhenwu shouted from a distance, and because of his iconic appearance, the ninjas at the entrance of the village did not mean to embarrass him, and let him enter the village directly.

After entering the village, Li Zhenwu still trotted fast and rushed to the place where the medical department was located.

His parents are being treated at the medical department at the moment, so they are not at home.

Behind Li Zhenwu, Shiranui Xuanjian arrived late, and after returning to Konoha with Li Zhenwu, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Finally here." Then, not so nervous, he slowly went to the Hokage office where, ready to look for Hokage to report the latest incident.

Li Zhenwu ran to the medical department in one breath, without asking anyone, he already felt the faint breath of his parents, and then quickly ran over.

"Dad, Mom!" As soon as Li Zhenwu entered the door, he saw his father and mother who were pale and bloodless, and his cousin Xiao Li was waiting by the window.

"Cousin, you're back!" Li Locke looked at Li Zhenwu who suddenly appeared in surprise, as if he had found the backbone.

"Well, I'm back." Li Zhenwu nodded and walked quickly to the two parents, and found that they were in a state of drowsiness. There was no blood on their bodies, and his father's refined face was weak at the moment.

Li Zhenwu immediately got angry in his heart: he couldn't help feeling distressed, and while taking out two fairy beans from the system space, after thinking about it, he first asked Li Locke to close the door tightly and not let anyone come in.

Then, Li Zhenwu stuffed each fairy bean into their mouths.

With the unmistakable swallowing action of the two parents, the blood on their bodies quickly recovered, their complexions quickly turned rosy, and their faces became more energetic.

And two seconds later, the two of them opened their eyes together.

"Phew." Li Zhenwu breathed a sigh of relief, seeing his parents recovering healthily, he felt a little relieved.

"Hey Zhenwu, have you returned to the village?"

Father Li opened his eyes and saw Li Zhenwu beside him.

"When something like this happened, how could I not come back!" Li Zhenwu asked in a deep voice, "Tell me, what happened?"

Following Li Zhenwu's serious questioning, Li's father and Li's mother also carefully expressed their energy.

On the day before, they were working in the knife shop as usual, and two people who looked like tourists and outsiders came to their shop.

Just when they were about to entertain each other, the other party suddenly took action and controlled the two of them. They were about to draw their foreheads in the store, and then they were ready to take them out of the village.

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