Fortunately, even if the Konoha ninja found something abnormal, they were not really kidnapped by the foreign ninja.

But although they were not kidnapped, most of their blood had been taken away, and there were several wounds on their bodies, which directly put their lives in a state of jeopardy.

Then there is the matter of receiving treatment in the medical department.

After listening to the story, Li Zhenwu frowned. Why did the ninja who wanted to kidnap his parents draw blood on them?

Also, what are those ninjas from?

Li Zhenwu was still thinking, and already felt the familiar aura rushing over.

And Li Locke had already shouted outside the door, "Cousin cousin! Lord Hokage is here!"

"I see."

Li Zhenwu had already pushed out the door at this time, and looked at the three generations of Hokage who came.

"Teacher Sarutobi." Li Zhenwu greeted the three generations of Hokage.

"Zhenwu, you're back." Three generations of Hokage nodded: "I heard that you're back, I rushed over immediately, about your parents..."

Before the words of the three generations of Hokage were finished, in the ward behind Li Zhenwu, Li's father and Li's mother had come out, and said respectfully: "Lord Hokage."

The words of the three generations of Hokage were immediately blocked, and they looked at the ruddy and healthy Li's father and mother with a surprised look.

Chapter 0 No need to endure! (The third update [-]

The three generations of Hokage looked at Li's father and Li's mother in surprise. At this moment, their faces were ruddy and full of energy. How could they still look like they were dying from serious injuries and lost too much blood!

"Uncle and aunt, you..." Li Locke was also very surprised, his mouth was wide open, as if he had seen a ghost.

His laughing head is still incomprehensible. The uncle and his wife, who were lying on the chuang just now, are suddenly better now?

"This is?"

The three generations of Hokage were also shocked. He looked at Li's father and Li's mother, and then looked at his disciple Li Zhenwu.

The three generations of Hokage are experienced and experienced. Although they were surprised to see the recovered Li family at this moment, they were also able to think of the key point in an instant.

That's why he looked at Li Zhenwu for the first time and wanted to ask.

After all, the Li family had been lying on the bed for a few days and didn't get better, and they were still half-dead, but just after Li Zhenwu came back, they perfectly returned to their healthy state before they were injured.In this case, if this incident is artificial, then that 'person' must be Li Zhenwu.

However, Li Zhenwu did not answer immediately, but asked with a serious face: "Teacher Sarutobi, do you know why my parents were attacked? And where is the murderer?"

In the face of Li Zhenwu's question, the three generations of Hokage turned their eyes on the two parents who left home, and then sighed: "Come with me, I will tell you."

Although the three generations of Hokage intuitively skipped the two parties of the Li family and his wife, the two parties did not have any opinions. After all, they are just ordinary civilians. Only Li Zhenwu is a ninja who is qualified or has the strength to solve these problems.

Therefore, after Li Zhenwu gave his parents a reassuring look, he followed the three generations of Hokage behind him.

Sarutobi Hizan originally came here to comfort Li Zhenwu after seeing his injured parents, but now that the Li family and his wife are miraculously healed, Sarutobi Hizan is no longer in a hurry, and just considers how to get along with him. Li Zhenwu said the whole story.

They went directly to the Hokage office.

"Sit down." Sarutobi Hizan greeted Li Zhenwu to sit down.

Just as Li Zhenwu sat down, he asked again, "Mr. Yuan Fei, what happened to my parents... what's going on?"

Sarutobi Hiizan took his pipe, took a sip in his mouth, highlighted the faint smoke, and said, "The ninja who attacked your parents this time is from Soemura."

Sarutobi Hiizhan explained: "Because you were too much limelight in the public exam last time, plus you are different from ordinary people and your age, the whole ninja world is almost aware of it, so some people think you are There is a special bloodline limit on the body, and then someone spied on it."

Hiru Sarutobi slapped the pipe in his hand: "That's why your parents were attacked this time. Well, it was also negligent in the village for a while, and I didn't think of this."

"Is that so?" Li Zhenwu was thoughtful and his eyes were calm, "Then can you tell me that it was the ninja from that village who came to attack my parents this time?"

Li Zhenwu asked directly, and the three generations of Naruto Sarutobi were silent for a while before answering: "After that ninja was stopped by the Konoha ninja on the spot, he also committed suicide, leaving no trace, but according to their shots, The village preliminarily judged it to be Yun Ninja of Yunyin Ninja Village."

"Yun Ren, it's Yun Ren again!" In Li Zhenwu's eyes, a cold light flashed, and he felt that the last time he entered the Yun Ren station alone, he was so good to them that he didn't even kill them. How many Yun Ren, just came back with two Yumu people.

"Next time, there won't be such a good thing!" Li Zhenwu was angry and decided that the next time he faced Yun Ren, he would never show any mercy!

"Zhenwu." Seeing Li Zhenwu's appearance, the three generations of Hokage spoke, but said in a very calm tone:

"Although we are now fighting between Konoha and Yunyin Ninja Village, but... Konoha is still trying his best to seek peace." Three generations of Hokage said: "Because the price that can be paid for peace must be the loss that can be caused by the war. Laugh little."

"It's only been a while since the last ninja war, and we Konoha have not fully cultivated and recovered our vitality. If we fight again and again, then Konoha..." Said, the three generations of Naruto Sarutobi Hizan sighed.

Li Zhenwu clearly knew that what Sarutobi had said was very reasonable, but Li Zhenwu himself could not agree.

So Li Zhenwu opened his mouth and said, "Why do you have to endure so blindly."

"From the last time with the Hyuga family, Yun Ren has been making small moves, using despicable means to take the lead in breaking the peace treaty. Under such circumstances, why should we Konoha continue to endure?"

Li Zhenwu continued: "Why did Yun Ren be dishonest many times later, threatening to go to war at every turn, and we Konoha have to endure many times?"

"Teacher Sarutobi, what do you mean by telling me these words now, do you want me to bear with me a little?" Li Zhenwu asked.

"I want to ask, why do you continue to be patient? Why do you want Yun Ren to be so arrogant? And Konoha is just forgiving?"

Li Zhenwu said a word, and Sarutobi Rizhan was stunned for a moment, before speaking after a moment of silence.

"Although Konoha has been the most powerful village in the ninja world since the establishment of the village, but over the years, the wars year after year, and the Nine-Tails Rebellion a few years ago, Konoha has been weakened."

Sarutobi Hidden said: "So...5.4 Konoha needs peace for the time being."

Li Zhenwu shook his head and said solemnly: "It's this kind of mentality that Yun Ren has only been able to make progress again and again!"

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