Li Zhenwu has been experimenting for a long time, and he has sent many Turtle Qigong waves in a row, and has already figured out where the Turtle Sect Qigong knocks.

And compared to the beginning, the power of the Turtle Sect Qigong Wave has increased a lot!

The key is that after using the Turtle Sect Qigong, Li Zhenwu can clearly feel that after his Qi recovers, he will improve a little.

The so-called turtle school qigong, sent out is also called turtle school qigong wave, but remove the wave word, is turtle school qigong, that is, a way of qi cultivation, because it is a school created by turtle immortals, so it is called turtle school qigong.

Li Zhenwu was so happy with the experiment that he returned to the camp until it was completely dark and he had already sucked two immortal beans.

“Zhenwu, you’re back.” I don’t know how Huo Xuanma is.

“Well, it’s back.” Li Zhenwu nodded and said.

“How’s your experiment?” Unknown Fire Genma asked.

“Very good, very good.” Li Zhenwu had an unconcealed joy on his face, so I didn’t know why Huo Xuanma asked like this.

“Congratulations Congratulations.” Seeing Li Zhenwu’s generous admission, I don’t know that Huo Xuanma thought that Li Zhenwu really created a new technique, and it was very smooth.

“This kid is such a monster! The afterimage avatar technique he created himself, and the Shocking Palm of All Nations, were powerful enough, and now he had made a new technique. ”

I don’t know Huo Xuanma’s emotion, and I feel that the world is changing too fast, and I can’t keep up with Li Zhenwu’s rhythm.

Originally, under the plan of Nara Shikahisa, he was going to return to the station when the limelight passed a little, after all, there they could look at the ninjas of the Yunyin Ninja Village from the air, and they could also prevent them from entering the Land of Fire.

But because Li Zhenwu made another play in the Yunyin Ninja Village, Nara Shikaku was a little worried that the Yunyin Ninja Village might be even crazier, so they stayed in the valley for two or three days.

In the past two or three days, they have waited for support.

Iron-blooded Kai came, the Uchiha clan came, and some other powerful ninjas in the village also came, just to watch out for the Yunyin Ninja Village to start a large-scale decisive battle.

The atmosphere, tense because of this war situation, solemnity shrouded everyone’s heart, and it seemed that a big war could break out at any time.

Because of the arrival of reinforcements, they have returned to the station, sorted it out, and stationed here again.

And because of the tense and dignified atmosphere, faintly with the appearance of war, the country of thunder and the country of fire on both sides are also ready to move, and the army is ready to go.

It was in this atmosphere that the Konoha side, who did not want to really start a war, urgently negotiated with the Yunyin Ninja Village, and the bargaining chips included the two-tailed man Pillar Force and the two Yugito.

Li Zhenwu has recently been very unhappy in the station with a solemn atmosphere, because this has to fight or not, which makes him feel awkward, so usually, he often runs out to exercise, exercise his body, and exercise the Turtle Sect Qigong.

On this day, after exercising his body, he returned to the station when it was time for sunset.

As a result, after returning to the station, he met Tie Blood Kai, but Tie Blood Kai’s face, the moment he saw Li Zhenwu again, was full of worry.

“What’s wrong? Akai-sensei? “Li Zhenwu discovered the oddity of Iron-Blooded Kai.

Iron-blooded Kai is a hot-blooded straight person, and he can’t hide things in his heart, or when he wants to hide things, he will actually show it on his face.

“Alas…” Iron-blooded Kai uncharacteristically did not have a high mood, but sighed low, and then said: “Matake, you go to Nara Shikaku, he will tell you the news, a news about you.” ”

“News about me?” Li Zhenwu was stunned, not knowing why, but judging from the performance of Tie Blood Kai, it didn’t seem to be good news.

“Okay, then I’ll take a look.” Li Zhenwu nodded, and then went to find Nara Deer for a long time.

Li Jinwu came to the outside of Nara Shikahisa’s tent, greeted and walked in.

“I heard from Mr. Akai that there is news about me?” Li Zhenwu found a stool and sat down and asked.

Nara Shikahisa’s face was dark: “It’s news about you, but I hope you are mentally prepared.” ”

“What news?” Hearing that Nara Lujiu was still selling so much, Li Zhenwu was even more curious, what bad news would there be, would he need to be mentally prepared?”

“Your parents… Attacked in the village. ”


Li Zhenwu Huoran stood up, and his tone had changed.

Coming to this world, his relationship with his parents is the closest, and even in Li Zhenwu’s heart, his parents are superior to the village.

It’s just that his parents are ordinary people, so Li Jinwu has never worried that they will suffer trouble because of things between ninjas, after all, according to the original book, Konoha is still very peaceful, especially for civilians.

Aside from the Nine-Tails Rebellion ten years ago, only the ‘Konoha Collapse Plan’ a few years later will cause damage to civilians.

Therefore, Li Zhenwu did not expect that the so-called bad news about himself turned out to be the news that his parents were attacked.

“How are they?!” Li Zhenwu heard the news and found it difficult to remain calm, and asked a little anxiously.

Nara Shikahisa’s face was heavy, and his tone was low: “The attacker was a ninja from the outer village, and an ordinary person disguised as an ordinary person who came to Konoha to issue a mission escaped the scrutiny, and then suddenly attacked when you were at your parents’ blade shop.” ”

“Their purpose should be to capture your parents, but they are discovered by the ninjas in the village, and then there is an abnormal fight.”

“The alien ninja didn’t take your parents in the end, and was left behind by the village ninja.”

Nara Shikaku said slowly: “In this process, your parents were seriously injured and lost a lot of blood in their bodies. ”

“Because your parents are ordinary people, even if you have a medical ninja to do their best to heal, it is not easy to recover from the injury, so… It is likely that your parents may be left behind in the future…”

Nara Lujiu did not finish speaking, Li Zhenwu already understood, but when he heard that his parents were only seriously injured and did not die, he also quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and did not care about Nara Lujiu’s words later, but said in a solemn tone:

“I’m going back to Konoha immediately!” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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