In addition to leaving an immortal bean for each of his parents, Li Zhenwu also took out an extra immortal bean and let his parents hand it over to Sarutobi Hizen, which can be regarded as an explanation for the reason why his parents recovered from their injuries in an instant. .

In addition, Li Zhenwu also resisted his parents tens of thousands, and only gave the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi to cut a fairy bean, and they must keep the rest for themselves.

After explaining all this, Li Zhenwu's heart was slowly attached to Yunyin Ninja Village, and he set off to return to the front line again.

I don't know Huo Xuanjian's heart is bitter, because he has to return to the front line with Li Zhenwu.

In terms of strength, Li Zhenwu doesn't need him to follow him now, and he can roam freely throughout the Ninja world by himself.

But the point is that Li Zhenwu at the moment is not very old after all, and in many aspects, he has no experience in the way ninjas handle things, so he needs someone.

I don't know Huo Xuanma, this person is the best choice.

Although I complained in my heart, I don't know if Huo Xuanjian would follow Li Zhenwu to protect him?In other words, there is no complaint that he follows and assists him.

After all, Li Zhenwu's strength is strong enough to be convincing, not to mention Li Zhenwu's previous achievements, two consecutive captures of Erwei Ren Zhuli and Yumu Ren, even more credit for Konoha if converted into a task The level is comparable to the S-level task!

When he went back, Li Zhenwu didn't seem to be as compact as he was when he came back, and he was the fastest.But there is not too much pressure, although there is an accumulation of anger towards Yun Ren in my heart, but I can also travel calmly.

It's just that the savings at this moment are all waiting for the explosion later!

Li Zhenwu, who rushed back to the front line, surprised many people.

Outside the station, Nara Shikahisa saw Li Zhenwu, and he was even more surprised and asked, "Why did you come back so quickly, could it be...?"

Nara Shikahisa secretly cried out, wondering if Li Zhenwu's parents had passed away?Otherwise, why did he come back so soon?

In a blink of an eye, it wasn't quite right.If the real parents died, how could it be possible to return to the front line so quickly!

On the other hand, Jie Xue Kai, a straight-minded person, had already taken the lead in asking: "Zhen Wu, how are your parents?"

"It's okay, I've recovered." Li Zhenwu nodded calmly and answered his question.

never mind?Nara Shikahisa was a little surprised. According to the information he got from the intelligence, Li Zhenwu's parents couldn't recover so quickly.

However, although he had doubts in his heart, Nara Shikahisa didn't really ask it out of ignorance.

After returning from a trip, Li Zhenwu didn't have any abnormal performance in the first two days, he just worked hard every day.

Until two days later, Konoha, who was in urgent negotiations with Yunyin Ninja Village, had some conflicts in the border area between the two.

It was at this time that Li Zhenwu decisively came to the front of Nara Shikaku.

"Let me settle this dispute!" Li Zhenwu's words were sonorous and powerful.

"Uh..." Nara Shikahisa pondered and thought about it carefully, and felt that Li Zhenwu was indeed suitable for this task and his strength was sufficient.

After thinking for a while, Nara Shikahisa nodded and agreed.

Then Li Zhenwu set off decisively, of course, Shiranui Xuanjian also followed behind him.

The mission this time was because in the middle of the two, the ninjas of the two sides had a dispute.

The objects of the original battle were just some Chunin, but the opponent suddenly increased the combat power of the shinobi, so Konoha's side, in order not to fall behind, also sent a ninja with the strength of the shinobi.

The incident was very urgent, so Li Zhenwu rushed to the scene with Genma Shiranui and the ninja who had come to report before.

At the scene, there was blood on the ground and it was a mess, but there was no trace of the ninjas on both sides.

Li Zhenwu felt a little bit of qi on the spot again, and then looked in another direction.

"Here! Should be alive, but the situation is very bad!"

This incident was the friction between the two teams of Konoha and the two teams of Yun Ren. The other party invited him to think of Join, so Konoha quickly separated a ninja and returned to the station to ask for help, so there was Li Zhenwu. the coming.

Li Zhenwu sensed the breath of the Konoha ninja at this moment, but it was very unstable, because there were other ninjas chasing the breath.

So he rushed over, Shiranui Xuanjian and Chunin also hurried to follow, but Chunin was a little strange: he didn't have the special boundary of blood, like the white eye, but how did he notice that people were in the woods?


Not long after entering the woods, Li Zhenwu had already seen Konoha's ninjas, who were being besieged at the moment, and a Yunyin ninja village's Jōnin was sneering and performing ninjutsu attacks.

Konoha has five Chunin here, but almost all of them are injured, and a female ninja is seriously injured and has already hit the ground.

Li Zhenwu's eyes froze, and there were a few kunai in his hand that he threw out, and he shouted in a low voice: "Stop!"

Li Zhenwu didn't hope that his stop could really make Yun hold back his hand. He made such a voice just to scare the snakes, distracting a few Yun Ren, and have enough time for him to rescue the Konoha Ninja.

As expected, the resulting movement caught Yun Ren's attention. Yun Ren had already raised his head vigilantly, and the one with the hidden ninja Murakami Ren felt that a fierce wind was coming from him, and a sense of crisis welled up in his heart.

Without further ado, the cloud-hidden ninja Murakami Shinobi quickly formed a seal and disappeared with a 'bang' sound.


Li Zhenwu's kunai was just stuck on Rabbit's body, while the Shangnin had already appeared not far away through the avatar technique.

That is to say, this blow was startled, and several Yun Ninjas stopped their movements, and the surrounding layer that originally besieged Konoha Ninja was also broken.

Moreover, these Yun Ninjas all turned their heads and saw the visitor clearly, and suddenly they couldn't help screaming:

"The Leaf Monster!!??"

Chapter [-]: Two-legged defeat on the forbearance! (first update)

Because of Li Zhenwu's low voice and the arsenal in that episode, Yun Ren turned their heads and followed the sound, and then they saw Li Zhenwu clearly, and then couldn't help but exclaimed: "The Konoha Monster!"

There was a mixture of panic and faint fear in their voices.

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