In these days, Li Zhenwu's reputation has completely resounded through the Yunyin Ninja Village.

Now there is no one in the entire ninja village who does not know Li Zhenwu's record!

One was defeated and the captives were able to completely transform into beasts. The two Yuki people, the two-tailed people, and the other time, they directly took the famous and powerful elite in the village, Joinin, the only successor of the Black Thunderbolt, and Tatsuya, who also owns Landun. Rui returned from a serious injury to Dacheng.

Then, he broke into the Yunyin Ninja Village by himself, and under the eyes of many ninjas, he was hanging and beating Yuyumu!

Such a record not only made many Yunyin Ninja Village feel ashamed, but also felt chilled and frightened by Li Zhenwu's strength.

Therefore, these Yun Ren just saw the very iconic Li Zhenwu, and when they recognized him for the first time, they couldn't help but feel a sense of fear in their hearts.

"Yes, it's me!"

Li Zhenwu tacitly accepted their title of '443 Konoha Monster', and while answering in a cold voice, he walked to a few Konoha ninjas.

"Master Zhenwu!" Several wooden ninjas couldn't help shouting Li Zhenwu excitedly.

Seeing that they were about to fall into death, Li Zhenwu was rescued by a magic weapon, how could it not be worthy of their respect to be called 'adult'!

Konoha was excited, but Yun Ren was dumbfounded!

Because with Li Zhenwu, there is also a Shiranui Xuanjian, and another Chunin.

Several Chunin members of Yunyin Ninja Village glanced at each other and found the kind of 'running or not running? ''Hurry up and run! 'the meaning of.

At this moment, their eyes are the windows to their souls, expressing their new life with emphasis.

These ninjas had their intentions to retreat, but the other one and only Yunyin ninja, Murakami Shinobi, behaved differently.

"Wood, Leaf, Monster, Object, Li, Zhen, Wu!"

This Joinin looks quite handsome in his twenties, but at the moment he is gnashing his teeth and reciting Li Zhenwu's name with hatred.

Li Zhenwu frowned, feeling that this Jōnin's hatred for him was a little unusual, "Do you know me?"

"Haha, of course I know you!" The Junin said with hatred.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, you will be dead later." Li Zhenwu responded indifferently.

"You underestimate me so much!" Yunyin Ninja Murakami was angry, and said to Li Zhenwu, "Did you forget the Jinin named Yunshui that you killed at the door of Hyuga's house last night?"

"It's called Yunshui's Jinnin?" Li Zhenwu thought about it for a while, and then calmly said: "I did hit a Jinnin who wanted to do something wrong with me that time. As for his name, I don't care about that. ."

"Ah ah ah!" This Jōnin shouted in anger and resentment: "That ninja is called Yun Shui! It's my brother!"

"Oh that's not bad, congratulations." Li Zhenwu said calmly.

"Congratulations for what?" The elder brother of the self-proclaimed Yun Shui had no idea why.

"Congratulations, you can go and reunite with him today."

Li Zhenwu has already stretched out his hand gently, and you have taken it out all the time, and said: "Your brother must be very lonely over there alone, now you go to accompany him."

As soon as the words fell, the Kunwu in Li Zhenwu's hands had already been slammed away!

Immediately behind Kunai, is Li Zhenwu's figure as fast as lightning!

"Withdraw!" At this moment, the other Chunin members of Yunyin Ninja Village glanced at each other, and they all saw what the other party meant, and then the next moment, they ran around.

"I want to run!" Shiranui Xuanjian didn't eat dry rice either, he had already raised his hand to seal, and his intention was in his mouth.

"Thousands of Rains!"

Then, from the thousand books in his mouth, they quickly differentiated, like a downpour of secret books, and went to a few escaped Yun Ren!

On Li Zhenwu's side, as Kuwuru was passing by like a meteor, Li Zhenwu's voice was tightly sneaking behind Kuwu, not inferior at all!


Yunyin Ninja Murakami Shinobi pulled out and pulled out the sword he was carrying, a silver light flashed, Kunai had already been beheaded by him, and in the face of Li Zhenwu, he did not show weakness at all, he was cut down with a sword!

"Ding!" Another sound of gold and iron symphony! , but Li Zhenwu had already taken out another Kunai, which blocked the sword of Shangnin.

"The Konoha monster really lives up to its reputation!" This Yun Shui brother couldn't help but sneered, and then raised his hand to land another sword on Li Zhenwu.

"The Konoha Whirlwind!"

Then, at this speed of Joinin, before the sword in his hand fell, Li Zhenwu had already attacked!

A Konoha Whirlwind was used by Li Zhenwu with a slight jump!Directly kicked the bear's mouth of this Junin!


The Joinin of Yunyin Ninja Village flew up, and the man vomited a few mouthfuls of blood in the air, feeling like he was kicked fiercely by an elephant.

He flew up weakly, and before he fell, Li Zhenwu had already rushed forward, twisted his waist, and kicked the Konoha Whirlwind fiercely to the side again, again, 'Bang! ' for a moment.

After this, Li Zhenwu did not continue to pursue, but stopped. Because of the attack just now, he kicked the opponent's waist in the middle. Under the powerful force, the lumbar vertebrae in the opponent's body were broken. !

"Hi!" Genma Shiranui, who had just dealt with two or three chunin, gasped, shocked by Li Zhenwu's strength.

"Two moves! It was only two moves to defeat a Shangin! The speed is too fast! The power is too strong!" Every time I see Li Zhenwu fighting, for Shiranui Xuanjian, the shock is so strong!

I didn't know Huo Xuanjian imagined for a while, if he moved from place to place, he could barely hold on to a few tricks in Li Zhenwu, but he didn't want to think about it anymore...

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Chapter [-]: A Great Wave of Cloud Forbearance (Second)

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