“I’m going back to Konoha immediately!”

Li Zhenwu was resolute.

When he heard that his parents had been attacked, he was naturally angry, but then when he heard that his parents were only seriously injured, he was relieved.

Because, as long as he didn’t die immediately, even if he still had a breath, Li Zhenwu could immediately return to normal as long as he took out a fairy bean for them to eat!

“Okay, you can go back to the village first.” Seeing that Li Zhenwu’s mood was quite stable, he just asked to return to the village, and Nara Lujiu was also slightly relieved.

What he is most afraid of is that Li Zhenwu will lose his mind and break out after hearing that his parents were attacked and seriously injured, after all, Li Zhenwu is powerful, but his actual age is only four years old in the eyes of others, and it is too normal to make any out-of-line behavior.

On the contrary, now Li Zhenwu’s composure is somewhat abnormal.

“Let the unknown fire genma go back with you.” Nara Shikaku thought about it and said.

“Okay, I’ll go now.” Li Zhenwu did not continue to delay and prepared to leave immediately.

Without delay, the news of his parents’ serious injury made Li Zhenwu have no time to care about other things, and he just wanted to bring the fairy beans back to them immediately to eat.

“I already knew that I left them two fairy beans for emergencies!” Li Zhenwu was a little remorseful, but there was no way to do it, after all, he would never have thought that his parents, who lived in an ordinary life in the village, would be attacked.

“No matter who sent the ninja, he is absolutely dead!” Li Zhenwu’s heart was full of chills.


Li Zhenwu and Wu Huo Xuanma rushed day and night, without stopping at all.

I don’t know that Huo Xuanma followed Li Zhenwu, and he was bitter in his heart, but he didn’t dare to show it on the surface.

Because Li Zhenwu was bent on returning to Konoha, he was Chinese worried about his parents, so he used the fastest speed all the way, and he didn’t stop, he could stand it, but he didn’t know that Huo Genma was struggling to follow his speed, and he was only hanging from afar if he tried his best.

Under the speed of this rapid march, Li Zhenwu quickly returned to Konoha.

Seeing Konoha from afar, there were ninjas guarding the entrance of the village, Li Zhenwu did not want to delay time, and shouted from afar:

“I, Li Zhenwu, am back, get out of the way!”

Li Zhenwu shouted from afar, coupled with his very iconic appearance, so the ninja at the entrance of the village did not mean to embarrass him, and directly let him enter the village.

After entering the village, Li Zhenwu still flew as fast as he went, rushing to the place where the medical department was located.

His parents, who are in medical treatment at the moment, are not at home.

Behind Li Zhenwu, I don’t know that Huo Genma was late, and after Wu returned to Konoha, he was panting and relieved: “It’s finally here.” Then, not so nervous, slow Hokage’s office, ready to look for the latest events of the Hokage report.

Li Zhenwu ran to the medical department in one breath, and without asking anyone, he already felt some faint breath from his parents, and then quickly ran over.

“Dad, Mom!” As soon as Li Zhenwu entered the door, he saw his father and mother who were pale and bloodless, and his cousin Xiao Li was waiting by the window.

“Cousin, you’re back!” Li Luo looked at Li Zhenwu who suddenly appeared in surprise, as if he had found the backbone of the main heart.

“Well, I’m back.” Li Zhenwu nodded, quickly walked to the side of the two parents, and found that they were now in a state of sleep, there was no blood on their bodies, and his father’s refined face was weak at the moment.

Li Zhenwu immediately became angry from his heart: he couldn’t help but feel distressed, while taking out two immortal beans from the system space, thinking about it, he first asked Li Luo to close the door tightly and not let people in.

Then, Li Zhenwu stuffed one of each immortal bean into the mouths of the two of them.

With the undoubtedly swallowing action of the two parents, the blood color on their bodies quickly recovered, their complexions quickly became rosy, and their faces became more energetic.

And two seconds later, the two opened their eyes together.

“Phew.” Li Zhenwu breathed a sigh of relief, and when he saw his parents recovering healthily, his heart was slightly relieved.

“Hey Zhenwu, are you back to the village?”

Father Li opened his eyes and saw Li Zhenwu beside him.

“This happened, how can I not come back!” Li Zhenwu asked in a deep voice, “Tell me, what happened?” ”


With Li Zhenwu’s serious questioning, Li’s father and Li’s mother also carefully talked about their energy.

On the day a while ago, they were working at the cutting gear shop as usual, and two people who looked like tourists and outsiders came to their shop.

Just as they were about to entertain each other, the other party suddenly made a move, controlled the two, and was about to draw their forehead blood in the shop, and then prepared to take the two out of the village.

Fortunately, even if the Konoha ninja found an abnormality, they were not really taken away by the alien ninja.

But although they were not taken away, most of the blood on their bodies had been sucked away, and there were several wounds on their bodies, which directly put their lives in danger.

Then came the treatment in the medical department.

After listening to the story, Li Zhenwu frowned, why did the ninja who wanted to kidnap his parents draw their blood?

Moreover, where did those ninjas come from?

Li Zhenwu was still thinking, and he already felt a familiar aura rushing over.

And Li Rock was already shouting outside the door, “Cousin cousin! Naruto-sama is here! ”

“I see.”

Li Zhenwu had already pushed the door out at this time and looked at the three generations of Hokage who were coming.

“Sarutobi-sensei.” Li Zhenwu greeted the three generations of Hokage.

“Zhenwu, you’re back.” The third generation of Hokage nodded: “I heard that you came back, I rushed over immediately, about your parents…”

The words of the three generations of Hokage were not finished, in the ward behind Li Zhenwu, Li’s father and Li’s mother had already walked out, and said respectfully: “Lord Hokage.” ”

The words of the three generations of Hokage were immediately blocked back, and they looked at Li’s father and Li’s mother, who had a rosy and healthy face, with a surprised look. _

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