Li Zhenwu had almost stumbled and fell! At the critical moment, he inserted the Vajra Ruyi Rod into the ground to stabilize his body.

“Zhenwu boy, run.” The ape demon said to Li Zhenwu imperceptibly: “The number of ninjas in Yunyin Ninja Village is too many to match. ”

The ape demon persuaded and wanted Li Zhenwu to run, because at this moment, Li Zhenwu may not be able to beat Chirabi.

“In terms of physical skills alone, I am indeed no match for his sword skills.” General Li Zhenwu let go of my ape-transformed Vajra Ruyi Stick’s hand, and then stood up straight: “However, I still have many moves, but I haven’t cast them yet.” ”

After Li Zhenwu let go of the ape demon, his hands were empty, and he lost a weight, and Li Zhenwu also removed the weight on his limbs from his body, and the weight fell to the ground with a ‘bang’.

He also carries the weight all the time! And these loads, which he exchanged from the system using combat points.

Because light is the material of the Hokage world itself, those weights may be bulky, but the weight is not applicable.

Therefore, Li Zhenwu exchanged from the system, high-tech weights, can adjust the weight within a certain range, and only thin not only does not hinder the action, but also covers a few pieces of weight up to two hundred kilograms!

As soon as the weight was removed, Li Zhenwu was light, feeling that he could float, but this was a short-term illusion after he lifted the weight, but there is no doubt that at this moment, his speed will already be faster!

“What’s that?” When Yun Ren saw Li Zhenwu’s movements, he was not quite sure: “Is it a load?” ”

“What a load, such a small and thin load, even if it is removed, what role can it pray!”

There was also Yun Ren laughing, already looking at Li Zhenwu, who looked like he was about to lose under Kirabi.

“Moreover, even if he takes down the weight, his strength will increase, but the same Lord Kirabi has not yet turned into a tailed beast!”


Seeing Li Zhenwu put down the weight, Kirabi was also a little surprised.

He was different from Yun Ren behind him, but he just thought that Li Zhenwu’s weight was very light, because when he saw the few pieces of weight dropped by Li Zhenwu on the ground, the nearby ground shook imperceptibly, and a small pit was smashed under the weight!

Therefore, Chirabi does not think that Li Zhenwu is just playing tricks at the moment.

It turned out that this was indeed the case, because the next moment, Li Zhenwu moved!

“Konoha Whirlwind!” Li Zhenwu’s faint voice suddenly came into his ears, and Kirabi was shocked to find that Li Zhenwu had arrived in front of him.

“What a speed!” Kirabi big. By Li Zhenwu’s meeting so quickly, he didn’t have time to react!


Until Li Zhenwu’s Konoha whirlwind kicked Kirabi, he didn’t react! It’s not even too late to move your own knife!

Chirabi felt that Li Zhenwu’s amount was several points stronger than just now! The whole person has already flown out upside down!

“How… What’s going on? ”

Youyun couldn’t help but be surprised, stunned: “What’s going on?” How could the speed of the Konoha monster suddenly become so much faster! ”

In the eyes of many ninjas, Li Zhenwu seemed to suddenly disappear, and when he appeared, he had already appeared next to Chirabi, and then with a whirlwind leg out, Chirabi flew out.


Moreover, Li Zhenwu has not stopped, many Yunnin just feel that their eyes are blazing, and Li Zhenwu has disappeared!

“Konoha Rigid Whirlwind!”

Chirabi had just been kicked away, and Li Zhenwu had already jumped forward and appeared above him, and a fierce downward kick directly kicked him to the ground again!

Then, Li Zhenwu continued to attack, and Kirabi was kicked around by Li Zhenwu like a toy leather ball, but there was no backhand.

“This… How can it be! Youyun couldn’t believe that Kirabi was being pressed and beaten again.

In fact, at this moment, Kirabi is indeed being beaten by Li Zhenwu, and more importantly, if it were not for the layer of tailed beast coat on Chirabi’s body, I am afraid that Li Zhenwu would be able to beat him halfway at this moment!

Rao is so, Chirabi also feels that his body is sore and full of weakness, because Li Zhenwu’s speed is too fast!

“Boom!” Kirabi hammered to the ground again, but he had thick skin and was protected by the coat of a tailed beast, but the damage he received was not too serious, but a suffocation that could not be fought back filled with his fierce voice.

“Roar!” Chirabi roared, four tails were born behind him, and the front-tailed beast coat shone brightly, and Chakra was constantly boiling.

The blazing Chakra made Li Zhenwu’s movements a little sluggish, but still an unstoppable and firm attack!

Kirabi’s tailed beast state is very different from the two Yugito, and the tail of the tailed beast behind him is said to be a tail, more accurately like an octopus tentacle, and the fold is also related to the original form of the eight-tailed bull ghost.

The posture of the eight-tailed bull ghost is a huge octopus with a hideous cow face, and eight tentacles, which represent its eight-tailed identity.

“Roar!” Chirabi roared, the tailed beast coat on his body was blazing, and the four tentacles were waving chaotically, striking Li Zhenwu away!

“It’s amazing to have a few more tentacles!” Li Zhenwu’s face did not fluctuate, but his right hand came out quietly to the side, and he drank in his mouth: “Stick!” ”

Shout! The ape demon immediately understood his intentions, and the incarnated King Kong Ruyi Rod had directly bent and flew up, and the biu flew into Li Zhenwu’s hand.

“Look at the fight!” Li Zhenwu won the King Kong Ruyi Stick, his momentum was high, and he drank violently, and swung down towards Chirabi, who was temporarily wrapped by four shots!

The cloud ninja held their breath and watched in disbelief, because at this moment, four tails had appeared in Kirabi’s tailed beast suit, but they were still being pressed and beaten by Li Zhenwu!

This made them unbelievable: “Could it be that Lord Chirabi’s tailed beast can’t defeat the Konoha monster?” ”

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