Kirabi was knocked out by the Turtle Sect Qigong Wave, and while being shocked by the power of Li Zhenwu’s move, there was also a faint sense of grievance.

When he and Li Zhenwu only used physical skills to fight off at the beginning, he was pressed and beaten, and there was almost no way to fight back!

And when he began to perform his sword skills, he was able to suppress Li Zhenwu’s physical skills at first, but in the blink of an eye, Li Zhenwu summoned the ape demon incarnation King Kong Ruyi Stick! Beat him again!

Then, he carried out tail beastization, and after abusing Li Zhenwu once or twice, he was completely suppressed and beaten again after Li Zhenwu lost his weight!

Then, he carried out the second stage of tail beast transformation, and before he abused Li Zhenwu twice, he released a tailed beast jade, but he was still bombarded by Li Zhenwu’s self-esteem with a turtle school qigong!

Chirabi felt very aggrieved, and there was anger in his heart that wanted to be released, so he suddenly roared, and the whole person lay on the ground and did not get up.

Then, the Chakra on his body quickly surged out of his body, and the air rose and trembled under the condensation of Chakra.

Everyone at the scene just felt a smoke in front of them, and then Chirabi had disappeared from the place.

Instead… Eight-tailed cow ghost!

Yao, which was more than ten meters tall or even larger, appeared, completely replacing the original appearance of Kirabi.

A hideous and huge bull’s head, a pair of thick, long and strong arms supporting the ground, and eight huge tails like octopus tentacles behind him, and white suction cups.

“Lord Kirabi is completely tailed in a state of bestiality.” Yukumo Shinobu exclaimed.

In the cloud ninja formation, there was a commotion, and there was a fear of the terrifying appearance of the eight-tailed beast.

Before Kirabi, the eight-tailed beast was in the Yunyin Ninja Village, but the previous few human pillars all died from the tailed beast’s violent departure.

So before Chirabi, Yao was also unknown in their village!

However, since Kirabi became a human pillar force, he overcame the problem of the tailed beast’s violent escape, and became able to coexist harmoniously with the eight-tailed beast bull and ghost, and perfectly use its power.

It was from here that Kirabi became a respected human pillar force in the village, and even the two-tailed human pillar force and the two Yugito were the methods he learned to completely control the tailed animalization.

The eight-tailed look hideous, and the sound is like a golden drum: “Little ghost! That’s it, the battle is about to end here! ”

After the complete tail beastization, Chirabi has the victory in hand, and there is no longer the slightest worry that Li Zhenwu will turn over.

As soon as the words fell, Kirabi moved!

In the state of the huge tailed beast eight-tailed cow ghost, he only walked, and the earth was a little shaken, extremely terrifying.

“Zhenwu, run!” The ape demon said a word, came to Li Zhenwu’s side, and ran away with him!

“Don’t run yet!” Li Zhenwu rejected the ape demon’s proposal, raised his head to look at the tall eight-tailed bull ghost, and said in his mouth: “If I run away at this time, it means that these cloud ninja will go straight to the Konoha station on a large scale.” ”

“But it’s useless for you to stay here, just die in vain!” The ape demon shouted, wanting to get Li Zhenwu to accept the suggestion to run.

“It’s different.” Li Zhenwu slowly shook his head: “We, Konoha, have already retreated too much in the face of Yunyin Ninja Village!” I will never back down at this moment! ”

“Besides.” Li Zhenwu slowly exhaled: “If I give in, then who else can come to fight for my parents’ innocent wrongs attacked?” ”

The ape demon didn’t know what Li Zhenwu’s parents’ grievances meant, but from Li Zhenwu’s words, he heard a meaning, that is, he would definitely not give in at this moment!

The ape demon sighed, feeling that Li Zhenwu was a little paranoid at the moment, knowing that he would die and stay here!

While the two were talking, the eight-tailed bull ghost had already taken two steps, and only two steps had crossed a distance of more than ten meters to Li Zhenwu’s side.

Then, the eight-tailed bull ghost smashed down with a punch!

As if the sky was falling down, the fist of the bull ghost was as big as the bottom of the car, and standing underneath, it was even more as if it was covering the sky!

Li Zhenwu’s face changed slightly, if this is smashed and strong, the lighter one is smashed like the ground, and the heavier one may be directly smashed into a meatloaf!

This time, Li Zhenwu sealed the seal at an unprecedented speed.


The eight-tailed oxtail’s fist fell heavily, but Li Zhenwu had already used the stand-in technique, and the whole person went to the other side, and as for the wood used for lifting, it had turned into a cloud of powder!

As for the ape demon, he has long seen that the situation is not good and has already run away.

“In this case, staying here is just sending to death, and there is no way to block anything!” The ape demon made a final persuasion effort, wanting to make Li Zhenwu run.

“Lord Ape Demon, you’re in trouble this time.” Li Zhenwu raised his head and suddenly thanked the ape demon.

“You want?” The ape demon was faintly uneasy, guessing that Li Zhenwu wanted to disarm the psychic technique and let himself leave the battlefield.

However, this kind of action of wanting others to leave behind is not even more of wanting to wait for death? The ape demon was uneasy and wanted to speak.

But at this time, Li Zhenwu had already lifted the psychic technique!

The ape demon is gone!

Although the ape demon disappeared, Kirabi, who turned into the eight-tailed bull ghost, did not stop!

“The difference in body size is the most annoying.” Kirabi, who incarnated as the Eight Tails, said Ruohongzhong, and then rolled his tail.

“Tailed Beast Eight Rolls!” The eight tails were curled up on the body, forming a spiral shape, and then rotated as a whole.

Suddenly time! Flying sand and rocks, forming a tornado hurricane! Yao’s body is like a millstone spinning at high speed!


At this moment, Li Zhenwu could not dodge, was hit by the edge, and the high-speed rotating eight-tails swept Li Zhenwu up fiercely, and then landed heavily on the ground.

“Poof!” Li Zhenwu opened his mouth and spat out a few mouthfuls of blood, but looking at Yao’s huge body and the cloud ninja behind him, his face showed a bit of fierceness:

“Isn’t it just transformation! When Lao Tzu won’t! ”

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