Black deep fur, scarlet evil eyes, violent and murderous fangs, muscles like mountains and rivers bulging limbs, Li Zhenwu’s transformed gorilla, for Yunnin, and Kirabi, have an incomparable impact.

Moreover, the gorilla’s body exudes a violent and evil aura.

Saiyans claim to be the strongest fighting people in the universe, and it is not an exaggeration to say that their blood is full of tyranny and evil, because of their destructive nature and warlike character, many peoples in the universe have perished.

How do they commit genocide on the planet in general? It’s a gorilla! It only takes a part of the Saiyans to go out and then turn into gorillas, which is enough to wreak havoc and destroy the race on a planet!

Sun Wukong is an exception among Saiyans, because his brain is broken, so he does not have the tyranny and cruelty of Saiyan instincts, but is very peaceful.

But this is what causes him to transform into a gorilla, and the Saiyan nature in his body will be released, full of destructive desire and violence!

Li Zhenwu inherited this, and he can be very peaceful and leisurely and quiet in daily life, but at this moment, after turning into a gorilla… The true nature of the Saiyans is unleashed!

The gorilla’s eyes flashed scarlet, looking evil, and then it moved.

This movement was simply shaking, and the ground shook the emergency, which was a little more important than the equally huge eight-tailed cow ghost.

“What is it.” Many Yunnin were already dumbfounded.

And Kirabi, who bears the brunt of the eight-tailed bull ghost, is silently communicating with Yao.

“Do you know this?”

“I don’t know, in my long life, I have never seen and heard of such a monster!” Yao replied that the gorilla in front of him was obviously not a tailed beast, so it was probably a youkai, but he didn’t know it.

Moreover, there are almost no monsters that can be powerful to this point in the entire world!

Their tailed beasts are already in the ninja world, standing at the peak outside of humans.

Chirabi had just exchanged two words with Yaoi, and the gorilla transformed by Li Zhenwu over there had fallen in two steps, and the earth seemed to shake twice, and it came to the tailed beast Kirabi.

Wow! The scarlet-eyed gorilla directly stretched out his huge pillar-like arm and punched out.

The eight-tailed bull ghost raised its forelimbs, wanting to resist and weigh the depth and shallow of the gorilla.


The eight-tailed bull ghost retreated violently, taking many steps in a row, and almost fell directly!

Because of Yaoi’s retreat, its ninja body was almost trampled!

Rao was so, although no one was stepped on, but the whole quickly scattered.

After dispersing, they were still horrified. Lord Chirabi’s tail is animalized… And flew away? ”

“Roar!” Chirabi was unwilling to roar, he did not expect that the violent ape incarnated by Li Zhenwu was so strong that even his eight-tailed strength was difficult to match.

You know, even among the nine tailed beasts, the power of the eight tails is among the best!


The gorilla stepped forward, his eyes flashed with evil scarlet, and came to the eight-tailed cow ghost again, this time directly stretched out and came out, and grabbed one of the tentacle-like tails of the eight-tailed cow ghost!

Then, the biceps on the gorilla’s arm bulged like a mountain bag, and with a loud drink, he had already lifted the eight-tailed drunkard alive!

Then, “Boom!!!! ”

The ground is shaken!

The figure of the eight-tailed bull ghost fell fiercely! The ground is cracked! The sky is dusty and the trees are flying!

At the same time, there are also Yun Shinobu who are affected, either dead or injured!

“Ugh!” Chirabi shouted, and after being completely tailed into a beast, he was also given a sense of powerlessness by the gorilla, and at the same time, he was very shocked in his heart: “How can its power be so strong!” ”

After a Saiyan transforms into a gorilla, it can generally increase its strength tenfold, but coupled with the reminder advantage, this enhancement is even more amazing!

And Li Zhenwu suppressed the transformation he should have had many times because of the previous ‘transformation inhibitor liquid’! All those energies were suppressed in the body, but at this moment, they were all released!

Therefore, Li Zhenwu’s transformation at this moment is not just like ordinary Saiyans, and his strength increases tenfold after transformation!

So at this moment, Li Zhenwu’s transformed gorilla can suppress the complete eight-tailed cow ghostly Kirabi.

“Boom, boom!” After suddenly grabbing Kirabi’s tail fiercely and raising it, the gorilla incarnated by Li Zhenwu did not stop, but became more skillful, changed direction, and dropped the eight-tailed bull ghost fiercely, and this action is still continuing!

The successive shaking, like an earthquake!

Yun Ren, who had fled to the distance, was already terrified one by one! Lord Chirabi, who was extremely powerful in their hearts, was even beaten like this after being completely beastized.

“Roar!” The eight tails roared angrily, wanting to open their mouths and spit out the tailed beast bullet, but in the blink of an eye, they were slammed over their shoulders! The whole person hit the ground!

Li Zhenwu can’t be said to be completely irrational at the moment, to be precise, he has completely awakened the evil nature of tyranny and destructive desire hidden in his body, and when he sees what is in front of him, he will want to destroy, not to mention this eight-tailed cow ghost who has just abused him.

After many consecutive beatings, the chakra on the eight-tailed bull ghost was scattered a lot! But the tyrannical gorilla flashed scarlet evil eyes, but felt that it was not too enjoyable, and suddenly lifted the tailed beast, and reached out and grabbed it with both hands.

Then, the gorilla poses, grabbing an eight-tailed cow ghost octopus-like tail in one hand and tearing it apart!

Kirabi is horrified, or he is equally horrified by the eight-tailed bull ghost!

At this moment, under the threat of life and death, the eight-tailed bull ghost directly took over the battle control of the body, and then…


The gorilla’s hands are empty, and the eight-tailed bull ghost with a huge body is no longer in his hands, and all that remains in his hands are two broken tails!

Rao is that Li Zhenwu has turned into a violent gorilla and almost lost his mind, and he is slightly stunned at the moment.

Because the eight-tailed bull ghost after decisively breaking its tail was moving quickly in one direction at an extremely fast speed… Run! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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