
This leopard spirit is quite spiritual, and immediately knew that he had encountered a master, so he whimpered, turned around and ran.


Accompanied by a faint voice, an invisible force hung the Leopard Essence in the air and slowly flew towards the carriage.

"My life is over!" Leopard Jing exclaimed, the hair all over his body exploded, and there was a feeling of despair in his heart.

He didn't need to think about it, he knew that this time, he really kicked the iron plate.

"You are running!"

The door curtain was lifted in the carriage, and Li Zhenwu calmly took a step forward and came to the Leopard Jing.

"Daxian spare your life, the little demon did not intend to offend."

The weak spiritual sense was passed on. Obviously, this leopard's cultivation level is not high, and he does not understand any spiritual channel method. He only has an instinctive struggle for survival.

Chapter [-] Shen Gongbao! (Second more)

In the north of the Shang Dynasty, the Great Wilderness Mountains.

This is an ordinary country, and no one has been here yet.

And this psychic wild leopard is already the king of the nearby hills.

It originally swallowed the essence of the sun and the moon, and cultivated selflessly, but suddenly it smelled a fragrant smell, which immediately made his appetite greatly increased.

I thought that God would bless me and I could hunt delicious food.

Unexpectedly, he is now imprisoned by a mysterious young man, unable to move, like meat on a chopping board, without the power to resist.

It understands spirituality, and naturally also knows that in the land of China, there are many hidden world experts, and these are all immortals who have successfully cultivated Taoism.

But I didn't expect to be met by myself, and under such an embarrassing predicament, it can be described as embarrassing to the extreme.

"Is this monster the person who was conferred by the king?" Yaochi got out of the carriage, and a hazy fairy mist filled his body, obscuring the coveting of all living beings.

Only a pair of clear and bright eyes stared quietly at the leopard lying on the ground, his expression full of curiosity.

This leopard spirit is very ordinary, no different from ordinary little monsters, no matter how you look at it, there is nothing strange about it.

"Yes, in its 21st past life, it was a good person in the tenth life. It was only because of the evildoer that he entered the way of animals and plants, but the way of heaven circulates, and the suffering in this life will definitely be rewarded in the next life."

Li Zhenwu talked eloquently, half-truth and half-truth: "After reincarnation, in the next life, he will be able to join the sage's door, but he is a person with a deep fortune, but unfortunately, the sage's stealing the sky will let him not get a good end. "

In fact, in the battle of conferred gods, the disciples of the sect of the sect and the sect of the sect were crushed.

In the end, if Primordial and Taishang Laojun didn't lose face and personally take action against the disciples, Tongtian Sect Master would not have lost so unfairly.

They are both saints, so they can't help each other, but if the two saints join forces, they can make each other's face, and even cut off the luck of the great sect.

"Is what the fairy said true?" Leopard Jing, the future Shen Gongbao, was overjoyed, surprised and delighted in his heart, and immediately made a kowtow to express his respect.

"If you believe it, you have it, if you don't believe it, you don't have it. It's true and false. This is the way of heaven. Who can figure it out?" Li Zhenwu said with a smile.

This remark is mysterious and mysterious, let alone Shen Gongbao, even Yao Chi felt a little shaken.

"The immortal's way is profound, and the little demon has nothing that the immortal covets. The little demon naturally believes in what the immortal said." Shen Gongbao said sincerely.

"Yes, but I have some knowledge. I will not hide it from you. I came to find you this time to promise you a good fate. If you can master it, it will be nothing more than that of the saints." Li Zhenwu stared at Shen Gongbao and said with a deep gaze. .

"Xiao Yao, thank Xianchang for your kindness, but I don't know where the good fate is?"

"Fall on yourself!"

While speaking, Li Zhenwu's eyes shot out two rays of divine light, splendid and terrifying, directly sunk into Shen Gongbao's forehead.


Shen Gongbao was inexplicably horrified, and when his consciousness went black, he fell to the ground and died.

Immediately afterwards, a clear light group floated up from the leopard's body, like a human face, containing desperate fear.

"I'll find a family for you today, and when I'm conferred a god in the future, remember not to let the living beings suffer." Li Zhenwu smiled lightly.

"Is it really possible for the king to do this?" Yao Chi's face was surprised, and he expressed the doubts in his heart.

After all, after being reincarnated, he is only a mortal person, and he has no spiritual treasures and no divine passage method, so how can he compete with the masters of the two religions?


Li Zhenwu didn't answer, stretched out his hand, and the leopard's body on the ground immediately melted into a pool of liquid, and instantly turned into two treasures.

One of them, there are countless tiny needles, densely packed, circulating this jet-black light.

The other thing is a leopard skin, which is used to defend against spiritual treasures.

"This is the refining of your body in this world. One is three thousand leopard tail needles, below the true immortal, and one hit kills you. As for this piece of clothing, it is your defensive spiritual treasure."

"Xiao Yao, thank you for the gift of the fairy!"

"It doesn't matter, I will teach you the way of true martial arts. If you meet me in the future, the way you cultivate will naturally react."

While speaking, Li Zhenwu casually sealed two spiritual treasures into Shen Gongbao's true spirit.

Then, a chaotic ray of light shot out and went straight into Shen Gongbao, and countless mysterious avenues of runes suddenly appeared in his true spirit.

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