"This is……"

In an instant, if Shen Gongbao was not a true spirit, he would have jumped up excitedly.

That Dao method is exquisite to the extreme. It does not cultivate the way of immortals and gods, but concentrates on cultivating one's own body, which is very miraculous and unparalleled.

"Are you the Holy Father of the Human Race?"

Suddenly, Shen Gongbao exclaimed, and the body of the true spirit vibrated violently.

"That's right, since you know, you will be reborn in the future, so you can be a human being." Li Zhenwu said with a smile, spread out his fingers, and held the body of the true spirit in the palm of his hand.

Shen Gongbao was confirmed, and he felt that the real spirit was floating, as if he was about to become a flying immortal.

But the next moment, his consciousness was pitch black, but he fell into a deep sleep.

"Your Majesty, the next step is to reincarnate him with 183 families?" Seeing this, Yao Chi knew a thing or two.

"That's not an ordinary family. Let him be reincarnated there this time, but it will be a cause and effect in the future."

Li Zhenwu spoke softly, then returned to the carriage with Yaochi and headed straight for Juzhou.

The three maids still followed the carriage, walking in the mountains in the wilderness, as leisurely as strolling in the courtyard.

"Your Majesty, why did the so-called immortal robbery fall into the human dynasty?" Yaochi asked in confusion on the carriage.

"Because whoever can win the country, whoever can get the fate of the human race, but unfortunately, this time, the sage's calculation is probably going to fail." Li Zhenwu shook his head and said, and did not want to say more.

At this moment, his identity is inconvenient to reveal, and he can only use some means.

But as just said, whoever supports the side wins the country, whoever can get the luck of the entire human race.

And he Li Zhenwu, as the holy father of the human race, does not need luck at all, and his disciples have no one who should be robbed.

"It's just that there are some causes and effects, but it is necessary to do so."

In the carriage, there was a sound of Li Zhenwu muttering to himself, and he thought of Kong Xuan, the apprentice, only by being with the sage, but karma, can he truly belong to Zhenwu's sect.

Chapter [-] The Jiang family has a son! (third more)

Juzhou, located on the bank of the East China Sea, is only [-] miles away from the ancestral land of the human race.

At this time, the evening is approaching, the sun sets in the west, the water and the sky are the same color, like flames filling the sky, and the reflected mountain villages and water villages are like a landscape painting, the scenery is beautiful and quiet.

There are only dozens of households in the village, which is close to the East China Sea. The villagers rely on hunting and fishing for a living.

At this time, it was Tang Jiangshan, a descendant of the Yellow Emperor. At present, Emperor Yi is the king. As for the future King Zhou, Emperor Xin, he has not yet been born!


Suddenly, a scream broke through the peaceful mountain village.

In a courtyard at the end of the village, there were the cries of women and the anxious and comforting voices of men.

"Brother Biefeng, the child in my womb is about to be born."

"What, ma'am, don't be afraid, just be patient with me, and I'll call a midwife for you."

The gate of the courtyard opened, and a middle-aged man left in a hurry.

Soon, the entire mountain village was shocked.

It was not until midnight, along with the loud wow, that the woman's painful groaning gradually quieted down.

After the middle-aged man sent the midwife and the villagers away, he turned around and went inside the house to visit his wife and children.

"Big Brother Biefeng, I'm afraid we won't be able to cleanse in the future."

As soon as the man entered the house, the woman had a bitter face and motioned him to look at the child beside him.

Seeing this, the house was suddenly silent.

I saw two babies lying beside the woman, sleeping peacefully.

A baby with gray hair, sleeping peacefully.The other one, however, was frowning tightly, and his tender little face had a hint of publicity.


Seeing this scene, the middle-aged man was stunned for a moment.

"My Jiang Biefeng's children are twins?"

The middle-aged man was Jiang Biefeng, the man of the gods, and the father of Jiang Ziya.

But at this moment, he was stunned in place, his face full of incredulity.

"Brother Biefeng, we all miscalculated. I didn't expect that a bunch of twins were born." The woman Shen said with a wry smile.

"Although we are only mortals, we have cultivated the Fuxi Bagua formation technique since childhood. How could the calculation of the heavenly secrets be wrong?"

Until this time, Jiang Biefeng still couldn't believe it.

You must know that his ancestors once helped Dayu control the floods, and he was assigned the land of Lu and given the surname Shang.

The two of them, husband and wife, have cultivated Fuxi's book of gossip since childhood. Although they did not practice the method of spiritual passage, they were able to calculate bad luck.

When they were pregnant, the husband and wife worked together to calculate that their child would be extraordinary in the future.

But after all the calculations, they didn't count, and they turned out to be twins.

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