"Open your eyes!"

Suddenly, Jiang Biefeng drank in a low voice, a divine light blooming on his forehead, containing mysterious fluctuations.


When the divine light shone on the two babies, both husband and wife took a deep breath.

"The real Prime Minister Feixiong?" Jiang Biefeng exclaimed in surprise.

I saw behind the two babies, a flying bear emerged from each of them, which was amazingly unparalleled.

The white-haired baby's flying bear was lying on his stomach quietly, like a mountain, quiet and gentle, while the other baby's flying bear was leaping and tumbling in the void.

The original appearance of Flying Bear is a vision, and it will definitely be extraordinary in the future.

"We left Luzhou. We originally wanted to live here in seclusion and live a peaceful life, but I didn't expect that the child born today will be destined to have an extraordinary life." Jiang Biefeng sighed and felt extremely emotional.

"No matter in the future, they will always be our children, husband should name the children first!" Shen Shi was more indifferent, after all, it was his own child, and his face was full of doting.

"It's too much for my husband. Since I can't escape, for the sake of the two children, even if I go against the sky, I will do anything."

While speaking, Jiang Biefeng frowned and thought, almost thinking about breaking his head for the names of the two children.

"Since the two children have extreme temperaments, they will follow the surnames of your husband and I. The white-haired person has a mild temperament and is born with a scholarly atmosphere, so he named him Ziya and followed his husband's surname."

"As for the younger brother, his flying bear is lively and active, like a wild leopard in the mountains, so he named it Gongbao and followed the surname of the lady Shen."

Hearing Jiang Biefeng's words, Mr. Shen had no opinion.

After all, her husband, who can break through the world's vision, and let a child follow his surname, is already a rare husband.

Just like that, the days passed by.

In the small fishing village of Juzhou, the Jiang family has almost become the focus of the eight townships.

It's nothing, but the two sons of the Jiang family, who are different from children in other families.

White-haired Jiang Ziya, twelve or thirteen years old, reads books all day, and goes fishing by the river in his spare time, but he does not fight or make trouble. Compared with the liveliness of ordinary children, he is like a reclusive Taoist, full of otherworldly temperament.

The younger son of the Jiang family, Shen Gongbao, has a different personality from his elder brother Jiang Ziya. He gets up early every day, turns around and flies into the mountains, and does not return home until evening, full of mystery.

But fortunately, the two brothers often talk to each other and have a deep relationship.

Once there was a village child who saw Jiang Ziya's gentleness and elegance, and when he was fishing, he threw stones to make trouble.

Later, Shen Gongbao learned that more than a dozen children were beaten to the ground.

"If you dare to bully my brother again, you must look good." Shen Gongbao also warned strongly after beating up.

In the end, Shen Gongbao's evil deeds were complained by the neighbors, which provoked Jiang Biefeng's scolding.

"They bullied the big brother first, and the male leopard is justified."

In the face of Jiang Biefeng's scolding, Shen Gongbao was tough and still fought hard.

"No matter what your reason is, it's wrong to hurt someone." Jiang Biefeng's family education is very strict, and he is very dissatisfied with Shen Gongbao, who is like a wild child all day.

"Is it right to be bullied by others?" Shen Gongbao was persistent and dissatisfied.

"Father, don't embarrass Brother Leopard, everything is Ziya's fault."

When the two fathers and sons could not argue, Jiang Ziya stood by to discourage them.

Jiang Biefeng liked his elegant temperament very much. Even if he taught Shen Gongbao, "Look at your big brother Ziya, if you have three points of his ability, father doesn't need to worry so much."

Hearing this, Shen Gongbao immediately exploded.


When everyone was caught off guard, he knelt on his knees and kowtowed to Jiang Biefeng and Shen Shi.

Chapter [-] The Age of Conferred Gods!

This is?

Shen Gongbao's actions shocked everyone, and they couldn't react for a while.

You know, although Jiang Biefeng scolded Shen Gongbao, he was still very fond of his own children.

After all, the two of them were born with the original appearance of flying bears, and they are destined to be extraordinary. With Jiang Ziya's character, they may not cause trouble in the future.

But Shen Gongbao is different, he is persistent, and even ten cows can't pull back the things he looks for.

Jiang Biefeng was also afraid that the child would suffer in the future, so he has been educating him hard, but it backfired. Shen Gongbao is more mature than ordinary children, and he can refute it with reason every time, making Jiang Biefeng speechless.

This time, it was a disaster, and almost half of the children in the village were injured.

For Jiang Biefeng, who was looking for purity, how could he bear it? He was furious for a while, and he spoke a little harshly.

"Father and mother are waiting, the boy will go and make a career. When I return home, I will definitely let you enjoy the peace and happiness in the world."

After finishing speaking, Shen Gongbao ignored the crying mother behind him, Jiang Ziya who was stunned, and Jiang Biefeng who was full of regret.

After a moment, he rushed out of the house and disappeared from the sight of the family of three.

Shen Gongbao's speed was very fast, like a whirlwind, three feet a step, when Jiang Biefeng chased out, everyone disappeared.

For a time, Shen's tears kept streaming down and she was heartbroken.

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