"The husband is strict with the leopard, the child is still young, how can you be so heartless."

Compared to Jiang Biefeng who always wanted to change Shen Gongbao's temperament, Shen's love for Shen Gongbao can be described as incomparable.

At this moment, Shen Gongbao's exit from home completely broke her mind.

"Don't be sad, Mom and Dad, it's Ziya's younger brother, Ziya will go out to find his younger brother. If he can't find him, Ziya will not come back."

Jiang Ziya woke up with a start, and was very sad in his heart. As he spoke, he turned around and wanted to rush out the door.

"Come back, are you even going to abandon your mother?" Mrs. Shen stepped forward and grabbed Jiang Ziya, crying so sad.

"My fault!"

Jiang Biefeng looked remorseful and sighed, not bothering the lady, so he could only go out silently.

When he came to a no-man's land, he took out a few tortoise shells from his robe and placed them on the ground in different directions.

"Fuxi's gossip technique, even if I, Jiang Biefeng, lose my lifespan, I have to make a fortune for the leopard."

As he spoke, his eyes were bright and words were chanting in his mouth.

The tortoise shell on the ground seemed to be moved by an invisible force, gradually falling out of its original position, swimming like a yin and yang fish.


After a while, Jiang Biefeng spat out a mouthful of blood and his face was as pale as paper.

However, he was very happy and smiled bitterly: "Leopard has another chance. Fortunately, there is no danger, so I can explain to my lady."

Just now, the fortune-telling is hazy, and when he wants to give up, he finds that he has glimpsed a corner of the future.

In the future picture, he saw the army of millions behind Shen Gongbao, majestic and majestic, and it seemed that he had indeed made a big deal.

Shen Gongbao's departure and Shen's sadness gradually calmed down under the baptism of time.

Even, when she learned that the whereabouts of her son were deduced by life span, a corner of the picture in the future made them feel at ease.

As long as your child is fine, no matter what the future holds, it doesn't matter anymore.

Three years after Shen Gongbao left, auspicious clouds suddenly fell from the sky, and there was a lot of movement in the sky.

"Father and mother, a Taoist priest came outside."

Jiang Ziya, who went out fishing early, hurried home, looking panicked.

"It's just a Taoist priest. Your mother and I are also Taoist priests. What a panic." Jiang Biefeng laughed loudly.

"The Taoist priest was standing in Xiangyun, he... he looked at me and smiled."

Hearing this, Jiang Biefeng and his wife were taken aback, they quickly pulled Jiang Ziya and pushed the door out nervously.

In fact, they already knew in their hearts, I am afraid that the vision of the original image of Flying Bear will be implemented today.

Sure enough, when the family of three went out, they saw a Taoist figure standing in the void, wearing a golden crown and jade clothes, extremely majestic, but at this moment, they smiled at them.

"The immortal is polite!" Without thinking, they knew that they had encountered a great supernatural power.

However, when the Taoist opened his mouth to speak, Jiang Biefeng's expression changed drastically, he quickly pulled his wife and Jiang Ziya, and fell to the ground.

"I am a saint of the original Tianzun. I came today to accept Jiang Ziya as a disciple." The original Tianzun said lightly. For him, being worshipped by ants is a normal thing.

Saints accept disciples?

Don't say Jiang Ziya was stunned, even Jiang Biefeng and his wife were surprised.

Although the original appearance of Fei Xiong was destined to be extraordinary, it was something that could not have been imagined in the past to be able to disturb the saint.

"Ziya is willing!"

Suddenly, without Jiang Biefeng and his wife's orders, Jiang Ziya fell to the ground.

Above the void, Yuanshi Tianzun was in a good mood when he saw this. He ignored the mortals who were watching nearby, waved his hand at will, and sprinkled the blessings all over the sky.

"Very good, Ziya has a relationship with my Jade Void Realm, so let me leave." While speaking, Yuanshi Tianzun waved his hand and put Jiang Ziya on the auspicious cloud.

Immediately afterwards, he turned around and left without even looking at the mortals below.

Jiang Ziya stood in the auspicious cloud, and felt uneasy in his heart. He turned to look at his parents who were gradually leaving, his face full of reluctance.

In Juzhou, the auspicious clouds dissipated, and the sky returned to its former blue.

"The saint accepts disciples. It seems that Ziya's luck is far deeper than we thought."

Jiang Biefeng sighed, and his heart was full of awe for the saint.

You know, for mortals like them, the great supernatural powers are already looking up, let alone saints, as if looking at the sky.

"Huh? What about the conferred gods?"

At this moment, there was a surprise from the sky, accompanied by a moo of bull roar, and I saw a Taoist man with a sword on his back, walking from a distance.

The one who came was the Sect Master Tongtian.

But when he saw the scene of the village, he hurriedly counted, and suddenly his eyebrows stood upright, exuding a fierce evil spirit.

"What a good Sanqing, Taishang and Yuanyuan joined forces to make calculations, and they even tried to rob me of teaching luck."

At this moment, the sect master of Tongtian was filled with soaring anger.

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