However, Li Zhenwu still feels that the world is changing a bit fast!

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Chapter [-] The Hero Returns! (fourth more)

Because Yunyin surrendered, and he was negotiating with Konoha about the compensation to be made after surrendering, so now Konoha is no longer afraid of Yunyin, and there are only two chunin waiting for Li Zhenwu at this junction.

Li Zhenwu has already returned, so the two Chunin no longer need to wait here.

One of them returned with Li Zhenwu.

While walking on the road, this Konoha Chunin was still explaining to Li Zhenwu the changes of the past few days.

"Yunyin is about to surrender, so our Konoha station is not far from being completely disbanded."

The Chunin is saying: "Actually, most of the ninjas have already started to retreat back to the village, but there are still some who stay here to deal with the office and have to wait for your return, Lord Zhenwu."

"The change is really fast." Li Zhenwu sighed slightly. He was still tense a few days ago, and the oppressive atmosphere that was about to come, has now vanished.

What Li Zhenwu could feel from the Chunin next to him was full of joy and pride.

Even if he was on the road with Chunin, he couldn't fly, but Li Zhenwu didn't feel that the road was far. 657 Because along the way, this Konoha Chunin kept talking, and Li Zhenwu was very emotional.

The station has arrived, as this Chunin said, the station is not far from disbanding.

The current Konoha station is not as full of staff as before. Instead, it is sparse. Even the outer guardrails have been removed for most of the time. The tents that were originally next to each other have become sparse and lonely. Solitary.

But there is a high atmosphere that pervades it.

From a distance, Konoha Chunin, who came back with Li Zhenwu, couldn't help shouting: "Lord Zhenwu is back! Lord Zhenwu is back!"

He shouted so, making Li Zhenwu's return very grand.

In fact, after he shouted, all the ninjas left in the station had all run out.

"Master Zhenwu!" Many ninjas came out and looked at Li Zhenwu with reverence and excitement.

There were also acquaintances of Li Zhenwu who were excited to greet him.

"That's great, Zhenwu, you really are fine."

Shiranui Xuanjian came out of the crowd and came to Li Zhenwu's side, very excited.

"Hey, I said at the time that I'll be fine, so I'll let you go first..." Li Zhenwu smiled heartily, seeing that Shiranui Xuanjian was really worried about himself before, so he said a few more words Relieve him.

There were not a few Shangnin present, because almost all of the Shangnin had returned to the village, and most of the rest were Zhongnin. They respected Li Zhenwu very much and came up to greet him one after another.

It is also different from the attitude towards Li Zhenwu last time. The current Konoha ninja is completely convinced of Li Zhenwu, because Li Zhenwu almost single-handedly ended the war that almost broke out and avoided many deaths and injuries of Konoha ninjas.

Therefore, many ninjas whose life and death were unknown once the war started are very grateful for respecting Li Zhenwu.

"Zhenwu, it's really great that you can return safely!"

Nara Shikahisa waited until the other ninjas had greeted Li Zhenwu before standing up. After welcoming him, he invited Li Zhenwu to talk.

Among the pigs, deer and butterflies, the remaining two have already returned to the village first, and Nara Shikuji just stayed here, waiting for Li Zhenwu to return.

In a tent, where the sound of the outside world is isolated, Nara Shikahisa and Li Zhenwu are among them.

"We already knew about the past through Yun Ren." Nara Shikahisa said.

Before Li Zhenwu could answer, Nara Shikahisa continued: "Now the village has all this information, but you are a disciple of Hokage-sama, so you don't have to tell others about you, you just need to Just go back to the village and talk to Hokage-sama."

The implication was that he didn't need Li Zhenwu to explain anything, even if he knew that the violent gorilla was actually transformed by Li Zhenwu.

The Nara family are really smart people!Li Zhenwu sighed a little, and didn't explain anything to him. He just nodded and said, "Well, after returning to the village, I will go to Mr. Sarutobi."

"That's good." Nara Lukisa got Li Zhenwu's answer, showing a bright smile: "Welcome back, our hero!"

Li Zhenwu couldn't help but smile.

Just like when he came to the front line, when Li Zhenwu returned to Konoha, he was accompanied by Shiranui Xuanjian.

Since he was with Shiranui Xuanma, then Li Zhenwu didn't use the air dance technique to hurry, but obediently and Shiranui Xuanjian leaned on his feet on the road.

Along the way, the two of them were no longer under pressure, so they were not in a hurry, and Shiranui Xuanjian kept talking.

"We were worried about you at first, and even went deep into the country of thunder to look for you, but we didn't find it after all."

"Later, Yunyin quickly took a picture, and the main force was evacuated, but Nara Shikuhisa and I stayed, just to wait for your return!"

Shiranui Xuanjian and Li Zhenwu were separated for a few days, and it seemed that they had accumulated a lot of words, and they all said them along the way.

Now they have no pressure, because the surrender of Yunyin Ninja Village and the signing of a peace treaty means that Konoha will really usher in a period of peace.

Not only did Shiranui Xuanjian feel relaxed and relieved, but as they returned to the village, they found that the place was even more festive...

"Hey, the village seems to be celebrating the end of the war." Shiranui Xuanjian and Li Zhenwu were outside the village and had already seen some of the situation in the village.

Li Zhenwu nodded, saying that he had seen it too.

"Let's go back quickly, many people will be very happy to have you back!" Genma Shiranui laughed.


When Li Zhenwu arrived in front of the village, he spoke less.

Because he was thinking about how he would explain the changes in himself to the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Hidden!

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