Walking to the entrance of the village, the ninja at the entrance of the village was slightly taken aback when they saw the two of them, and then immediately couldn't help shouting: "Zhenwu is back to the village!"

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Chapter [-]: The Great Flickering Technique (Fifth)

"Zhenwu is back!" Such a voice resounded through half of Konoha in an instant.

In the village, the villagers get along with each other kindly, and their names are relatively casual. In addition, Li Zhenwu grew up in the village and is much younger than most of them. Therefore, ordinary villagers often call their names without adults. For ninjas who know Li Zhenwu's real record, they will still call him "Master Zhenwu".

Li Zhenwu and Shiranui Xuanjian entered the village, and along the way, some villagers greeted Li Zhenwu enthusiastically, no longer the usual swallows.

Even ordinary Konoha villagers felt the solemnity of the war when Konoha was about to go to war with Yunyin ninjas, not to mention the mobilization of so many ninjas, they couldn't hide it from any villager.

In the tenseness, the Konoha villagers also suddenly learned that Yunyin suddenly surrendered. Konoha hardly suffered any loss, but Yunyin suffered heavy losses, and it was the Konoha monster in their village who brought everything to this point. Li Zhenwu.

As a result, the villagers' impression of Li Zhenwu began to change.

Today's Li Zhenwu, not only no one calls him a monster behind his back, on the contrary, some people give him the title of 'hero'.

Moreover, the respect for Li Zhenwu brought by this title is no worse than that of the 'San Ren' back then.

The villagers greeted him warmly. If the villagers came to deliver eggs or clothes or something, Li Zhenwu would almost think that he had returned to a previous life.

Passing the enthusiastic villagers all the way, Li Zhenwu did not go home, but was going to go directly to the Hokage office.

Although Li Zhenwu crushed Yun Ren alone and let his record of surrender spread in the village, the villagers did not know the specific blind date, so they did not know about Li Zhenwu's disappearance after that. Of course, his parents did the same. So Li Zhenwu didn't need time to report safety.

Instead, go to Hokage's office and give an 'explanation'.

On the way, when Li Zhenwu and Shiranui Xuanma returned together, they had already heard about what happened after they left.

He also learned that Konoha, who is well-informed, already knew about his transformation.

After all, this matter is not secret at all, nor can it be hidden. Yun Ren, who had seen this scene before, still has many lives.

Therefore, Li Zhenwu needs to consider what reason he can use to explain the fact that he will transform.

Li Zhenwu and Shiranui Genma gradually left the civilian area and approached the Hokage Building.

Nearby, there are fewer civilians, and more are ninjas. These ninjas respect Li Zhenwu even more.

"Zhenwu, go in by yourself, I won't accompany you."

At the door of Hokage's office, Li Zhenwu pushed in alone.

"Ms. Sarutobi, I'm back."

Li Zhenwu greeted Hiruzen Sarutobi who was sitting in his chair with a nod.

"I'm back, it's good to be back." The three generations of Hokage had a friendly attitude, as if they usually met: "Sit down."

After Li Zhenwu sat down, he realized that Hiruzen Sarutobi's gaze was still on his body.

Li Zhenwu looked a little uncomfortable, so he smiled embarrassingly, twisted his body uncomfortably and said, "Mr. Sarutobi, why are you looking at me like this."

"I heard the ape demon say, did you create any magic?"

The three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Hidden, but did not go straight to the point, but asked such a question.

"Uh, is it Turtle School Qigong?" Li Zhenwu asked.

"Is it called this name? It's very unique." Sarutobi Hizan said.

"How can I say this technique, it's not my own creation." Li Zhenwu didn't take credit this time, but prepared to reveal a little something.

"Oh?" Sarutobi Hizan suddenly became interested.

Li Zhenwu smiled, just waiting for Sarutobi to take the bait.

Then Li Zhenwu began to explain in a serious manner, he looked serious and sighed softly.

"Teacher Sarutobi, in fact, I..."

Sarutobi Hiizan perked up to listen.

Li Zhenwu didn't go on to say what happened to him, but changed the subject: "Do you know 'universe'?"

"Huh?" Sarutobi Hiizan asked.

"The so-called universe is the space in which we live, and the land under our feet is actually a sphere."

Sarutobi Hizan was a little stunned, but Li Zhenwu started to explain in a gushing way. "The moon is actually a sphere, and besides that..."

Then, Li Zhenwu very well gave Sarutobi Hizan a lot of knowledge about the universe and galaxies.

In the end, Li Zhenwu concluded: "So, the world we live in is like dust in the vast universe of knowledge. Do you understand Sarutobi-sensei?"

Sarutobi Hizan was still a little stunned, but after a while he nodded slightly: "I understand a little."

"That's good." Li Zhenwu nodded with satisfaction, and then continued his flickering, no, it was an explanation: "Since you can understand the concept of the universe, then I can tell you my origin."

"In summary, our world is actually just dust in the vast universe. Then, the life in our world is actually not the only one in the universe!"

Seeing that Hiruzen Sarutobi was fascinated, Li Zhenwu secretly praised himself, and then continued to say slowly in a solemn voice:

"In the universe, there is a people called Saiyans... They are warlike in nature. They are born with a tail as a sign. There is a powerful energy hidden in their bodies, and they can choose to transform on the night of the full moon..."

"Are you this kind of cosmic Saiyan?" Sarutobi Hizan asked with a bewildered look on his face.

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