"You can't say that." Li Zhenwu shook his head decisively, without admitting it, he still didn't want to regard himself as an outlier.

So Li Zhenwu said: "The Saiyans have an inheritance mechanism, or their ethnic group is not strictly a group, but more like a will, just like the will of Konoha fire, the difference is that their this This kind of will can be truly inherited.”

"Humans who have inherited the will of the Saiyans will acquire the characteristics and part of the nature of the Saiyans..."

Chapter [-] Dinner (First)

"So, it can also be understood as a unique bloodline boundary?"

The third-generation Hokage Sarutobi Rizao, who was somewhat dizzy by Li Zhenwu's series of words, took a while to slowly digest and understand the meaning of Li Zhenwu's words, so he asked.

"Well, that's understandable." Li Zhenwu nodded: "Those so-called new 'techniques' are based on this bloodline limit."

"So that's the case." Sarutobi Hizan suddenly said, feeling that Li Zhenwu's statement has no loopholes.

"Thank you for telling me." Sarutobi Hizan said, thanking Li Zhenwu, because strictly speaking, Li Zhenwu has no obligation to tell him, let alone Konoha and Yunyin this time. Dao peace came down, the biggest contributor was Li Zhenwu.

"It's nothing." Li Zhenwu shook his head, and then said, "If Mr. Sarutobi has nothing else to do, I want to go home. I haven't seen my parents for many days."

"Okay, you go back first." Sarutobi Hiizhan nodded and promised.

Then Li Zhenwu left. After leaving the Hokage office, Li Zhenwu breathed a sigh of relief together, saying that he had finally flickered.

In fact, Li Zhenwu is not completely flickering. There is still a bit of truth in his words, but apart from this bit of truth, it's all nonsense and flickering.

After all, it is impossible for him to reveal his true origins, and the system is also his biggest mystery.

... Shortly after Li Zhenwu left, a person appeared in Hokage's office, Shimura Danzo with a robe covering his body and a white bandage covering his eyes.

"Sarutobi, did Li Zhenwu explain anything to you?" Shimura Danzo asked when he appeared in Hokage's office.

"Explained, but you don't need to know." Sarutobi Hiizhan lightly knocked on his pipe and replied casually.

"The village must know, otherwise, Li Zhenwu, who can transform into a monster, is definitely a hidden danger!" Shimura Danzo said.

"True martial arts won't be a hidden danger." Sarutobi Hizan flicked a little, but he still said: "True martial arts, there is a special kind of blood-based limit, it is this kind of deeply hidden blood-based limit that allows him to have these special characteristics. The place."

"Xueji limit?" Shimura Danzo's eyes flickered: "What kind of mysterious fairyland would be as terrifying as Li Zhenwu... Only four years old! He can slaughter a monster with nearly half of Yunnin Village's power."

Shimura Danzo looked at Sarutobi Hizan, his eyes flickered and he asked, "Do you believe him?"

"Of course I believe him, he is my disciple." Sarutobi Hizan said firmly.

Shimura Danzo smiled and didn't say anything, but a strange light shone in the eyes of the scorpion.

... Out of Hokage's office, Li Zhenwu left together with Genma Shiranui who was waiting outside, but on the way, he met the news of their return, and he specially looked for Shiranui Xuanshui and Inuzuka Hana.

"Cousin! Zhenwu!" Shiranui Xuanshui greeted loudly, a little excited.

"True martial arts! Lord Xuanjian"

Inuzuka Hana also smiled, and the ninja greeted with a little excitement.

They hadn't seen each other for a while, but during this period of time, too many things had happened.

One is that a war almost broke out, Li Zhenwu went to the front line, and then the war ended quickly, and Li Zhenwu has become a hero who turned the whole war around.

After Shiranui Xuanshui greeted his cousin, his thoughts were complicated, and he was still a forbearer, but his teammates were already famous as heroes who ended the war by himself.

But with so many similar things happening, Shiranui Xuanshui has quietly learned to get used to it.

On the other hand, Inuzuka Hua had no desire to fight, and just looked at Li Zhenwu with joy.

After chatting with them for a while, they walked together, but Li Zhenwu didn't go home immediately, because his parents were probably not at home at the moment, so Li Zhenwu decisively proposed to eat Yile Ramen!

I haven't been to Yile Ramen for so long, and Li Zhenwu really misses that delicious and cheap ramen.

However, they were only halfway there, and someone else joined...

This time, it was Li Zhenwu's little cousin, Li Locke, and with Li Locke, there was Jagged Kai.

"Zhenwu, I knew you would definitely come back!" As soon as we met, Jie Xuekai gave Li Zhenwu his thumbs up and said with a bright smile.

After a few simple words, Li Locke asked Li Zhenwu what he was going to do with a curious look on his face.

"Go to Yile Ramen." Li Zhenwu replied.

Immediately, Li Locke's eyes lit up.

"Come together." Li Zhenwu said helplessly.

"Wow, Zhenwu, you're back!" Suddenly, there was another surprised child's voice. In a blink of an eye, a little ghost with yellow hair and full of energy was Uzumaki Naruto.

Naruto Uzumaki jumped over happily and greeted Li Zhenwu.

Helpless, Li Zhenwu only invited: "We are going to Yile Ramen, shall we go together?"

"Okay!" Uzumaki Naruto's face glowed, and he affirmed decisively.

"However, there are not so many seats for Yile Ramen!" Uzumaki Naruto said suddenly.

Li Zhenwu thought about it for a while, and it was true. The seat of Yile Ramen couldn't hold so many of them.

After a little thought, Li Zhenwu changed his mind: "Then let's go eat barbecue."

"Okay!" Li Luohe smiled, and the first 1.4 agreed.

"Yeah!" Uzumaki Naruto was excited. Although Ichile Ramen is delicious, in comparison, barbecue is also very tempting and seductive!

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