At the moment, the group of them set off for the barbecue shop again.

However, on the way, they ran into Qiu Dao Dingzuo and Yamanaka Haiichi in the pig, deer and butterfly, and they all brought their own children.

A fat man like a small meat ball, one of the future nine strong men, Qiu Dao Dingji.

There is also a little loli who has seen Yamanaka Ino.

"Hi Zhenwu, I heard you're back." Yamanaka Haiyi greeted Li Zhenwu.

"Well, we're going to have a barbecue dinner."

"It's a coincidence that we are going too, so let's go together."

Just like that, these people filled the entire barbecue shop...

Chapter [-] The Truth (Second)

If Li Zhenwu was despised by many civilians before, then the more he despised him at that time, the higher the respect he received at this moment.

Along the way, they were a group of people, but there were people on the side of the road who greeted each other with enthusiasm and anger, and they were full of respect.

Li Zhenwu was a little disturbed, but he could see that the attitude of ordinary villagers towards themselves had really changed from the inside out.

His current situation is like that of ordinary people Zhuli, for example, the eight-tailed person Zhuli, who was once in their Yunyin Village, also represents unknown, but in the end, after Kirabi completely controlled the eight tails, he also received the respect of the villagers.

And now, Li Zhenwu has turned the situation on the battlefield with the power of one person, almost saving many people, so he has received a lot of respect.

A bunch of them walked into the barbecue shop, and immediately made the small barbecue shop full and noisy.

"Boss, serve the meat, keep serving it!"

As soon as Pu entered the door, the fat Qiu Dao Dingzuo shouted, and his son Qiu Dao Dingci's eyes lit up.

"Boss, keep serving meat." Li Zhenwu also shouted, fearing that the meat would not be enough to eat.

There are several big stomach kings in their house, and Li Zhenwu himself is a terrifying existence.

"Okay." The owner of the barbecue shop greeted Li Zhenwu with a smile, and then started to work constantly, serving them meat.

Ten minutes passed, and little Lori Yamanaka Ino was full, sat on the stool, and looked at the adults and Li Zhenwu curiously with a pair of big eyes blinking.

She still remembered that when Li Zhenwu went to her flower shop to buy flowers last time, he deliberately teased her and his friend Haruno Sakura.

"Why did he become a big hero in the village?" Yamanaka Ino looked at Li Zhenwu, his little head was full of puzzlement. He was originally a monster Li Zhenwu, but now he has become a hero Li Zhenwu.

Twenty minutes passed, and Li Locke had already finished eating, and Shiranui Xuanjian had also finished eating.

Thirty minutes passed, and the little fat Qiu Dao Ding was full.

Forty minutes have passed...

Fifty minutes have passed... Except for Li Zhenwu, the rest are full.

sixty minutes...

Eighty minutes...

In front of Li Zhenwu's barbecue, the plate was already stacked high, and everyone in the room looked at it in astonishment.

"Hiccup!" Li Zhenwu burped gently, let out a breath, and said slowly, "[-]% full."

Everyone was dizzy, and they all opened their eyes.

When he came out of the barbecue shop, it was already dark, and Li Zhenwu said goodbye to the people.

"Zhenwu, you must come play with me when you have time."

Finally, Naruto Uzumaki said unfinished business.

"Okay." Li Zhenwu said perfunctorily, but if he really wanted him to play with Naruto Uzumaki, it was unrealistic at that time... It's just that Naruto Uzumaki already regarded Li Zhenwu as a real good friend at this moment.

The next day, Li Zhenwu got up early as usual, before it was completely dawn, and then went out to exercise, running hundreds of laps around the village with a load on his back.

On the road, I met Jagged Kai and also did the same exercise.

Jagged Kai gave a thumbs up, and the two of them worked out together.

In the process of exercising, it is quite good to have Jagged Kai shouting slogans enthusiastically.

Li Zhenwu stopped when the sky was completely lighted up, then stopped, wiped his sweat and said, "Mr. Akai, I'm here today, I'll have something else to do later."

He did have something to do today, instead of taking a break just after returning to the village from the front line.

What he has to do is not to fight with passion, but to make a request to Yunyin Ninja Village as a winner.

Because of the surrender, Yunyin Ninja Village, which prayed for a new peace treaty, sent ninjas of sufficient weight to negotiate as messengers.

In this negotiation, the main purpose is to pay tribute to the victorious party as the defeated party.

What Li Zhenwu has to do is to make a request to Yunyin Ninja Village.

"About the attack on my parents... You Yun Yin must hand over all the murderers and all the masterminds behind them!"

In a discussion hall, Yunyin Ninja Village and Konoha were negotiating, and Li Zhenwu also appeared here.

The leader of the messenger from Yunyin Ninja Village is a person Li Zhenwu is very familiar with, Darui.

Darui's eyes on Li Zhenwu were complicated, with a bit of hatred, a bit of conviction, and a bit of fear.

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