Because he has practiced strengthening his body, in order to hide it well, he has never used it, but he never imagined that I would be so strong.

"This technique has been improved." Jin Jia Xuanyuan exclaimed in surprise.

The voice fell, and the three human emperors all showed a look of horror. What a terrifying thing.

The exercises created by Xuanyuan have never been circulated, but have been improved by others.

"When I first started this method, I thought of the ordinary body, so the method was gentle, but the punch from King Zhou was extremely fierce, obviously closer to the way of true martial arts." Xuanyuan's face was full of disbelief. Except for teachers, only saints have the ability to improve.

However, what kind of mind is the sage, how can he study the exercises he created?

The only possibility is that only Li Zhenwu, the founder of Zhenwu Zhidao, the Holy Father of the Human Race, and the Emperor Zhenwu who was ordained by Heaven, has this ability.

Thinking of this, Xuanyuan, Shennong, and Fuxi looked at each other.

"King Zhou, the emperor of the human race, since there are strangers to help and the luck of the Tang, Jiangshan and mountains is not yet complete, whether or not to usher in eternal peace depends on how you act." Fuxi said without a trace.

Then, they waved and sent King Zhou back to the ancestral hall.

"The cause and effect of the world does not appear, and it is still unknown what the Holy Father is like." Shennong took a deep breath and suppressed the excitement in his heart.

"Yes, we can only wait patiently. If it is really what the Holy Father did, I am afraid that the plot is very big." At the end, Fuxi couldn't help being shocked.

The three of them worked together to deduce, and their arithmetic ability was comparable to that of a saint. Naturally, they were very clear about the general trend of the world.

But now, that seems to be changing.

"When I created the Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon, I often comprehended it in my dreams. Could it be that the teacher did it on purpose?" Xuanyuan looked puzzled, but he was quite happy inside.

In any case, even if it is not Li Zhenwu, it is probably related to Li Zhenwu.

After all, a saint can count hundreds of millions of years. Although Li Zhenwu was not a saint at the beginning, he was able to suppress the existence of a saint. It is reasonable to be able to calculate it to this day.

"Then let's make preparations as soon as possible. I'm afraid I won't be able to escape this immortal robbery." Fuxi said solemnly.

Xuanyuan and Shennong nodded with a very serious attitude.

After all, this catastrophe is even more terrifying than the original lich catastrophe, and murderous intentions are revealed everywhere.

Even if you don't participate in it, as long as Tiandao's murderous intention comes, no matter where you hide, someone will come to help Tiandao complete the revealed murderous intention.

It is no exaggeration to say that even saints cannot escape the cause and effect.

"No matter what, as long as we prepare properly, under the saint, there is no need to worry too much."

Fuxi is very confident. With his gossip deduction skills, he can easily grasp the general trend of the world. If the saints don't appear, who can do anything about them?

Chapter [-] The luck of the soup! (Second more)

The ancestral hall of the human race is a magnificent and magnificent hall.


Suddenly the void tore apart, a dark crack spread, and the embarrassed figure of King Zhou fell out of the crack.

With a thud, King Zhou ignored the pain on his body, turned over and fell on his knees.

"King Zhou, the Son of Heaven, worshipped the ancestors, as well as the Holy Father of the Human Race and the Mother of Nuwa..."

Prime Minister Shang Rong prepared the ceremonial speech, King Zhou read it very fluently, and his face was full of undisguised joy.

Until now, he still felt like a dream.

The trip to Wudang Mountain to worship the ancestors is really worth it. Not only can you see the three human giants, but also get the affirmation of the ancestors, and the luck of the soup is not dead.

As long as he doesn't make mistakes in the future, he can keep Tang Jiangshan stable and unimpeded.

Soon, after reading a sacrificial speech, King Zhou knelt down three times and nine times, and completed the process of worship. From beginning to end, he bowed his head and was extremely cautious.

"The sincerity of the emperor Zhou of the human race, the sages have already felt it, you should go back first."

The ethereal voice sounded again, but this time, it was no longer as indifferent as before, but a little more gentle.

King Zhou respectfully saluted, turned his head and left.

Outside the Ancestral Hall, thousands of civil and military officials of the imperial court, as well as palace maids and guards guarded the door, excited and uneasy.

As the door opened again, everyone's eyes focused on the past.

King Zhou had been bowing his head all the time, but at this time, he held his head high. The majesty of the emperor was born in an instant, and the confidence of the emperor in the world could not be concealed on his face.

Everyone said goodbye again outside the ancestral hall, and then they left in a mighty manner.

On the way back, King Zhou had a solemn demeanor, a rare silence, and did not say a word.

When Taishi Wen Zhong saw this, he wanted to ask, but he still endured abruptly.

The speed of going back was much faster. When he returned to Chaoge, King Zhou backed away, leaving Taishi Wen alone.

"Your Majesty, what happened during the trip to the Ancestral Hall in Wudang Mountain? Could your ancestors embarrass your Majesty?" Wen Zhong asked impatiently.

These days, he was in a state of urgency, trying to figure out what was going on at that time.

"Haha, Taishi, don't worry, my ancestors blessed me to become Tang Jiangshan."

King Zhou couldn't help laughing, and told Wen Zhong in detail what had happened.

When it was said that he was fortunate enough to meet the three emperors of the human race, Wen Zhong's face was shocked, and finally turned into a strong joy.

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