"This is the luck of the soup. As long as the king works hard and does not make mistakes, no barbarian in the Western Zhou Dynasty will be able to shake the king's country, and the people of Li will be able to truly settle down."

When King Zhou finished speaking, Wen Zhong was already shocked beyond words.

You must know that seeing the three emperors of the human race is such a dazzling glory for them, proving that they have become Tang Jiangshan and their luck is endless.

What Western Zhou tribe, what other people help, in front of the three emperors of the human race, a word can turn things around.

"What Taishi said is reasonable, and it is the same as what this king thinks in his heart. It's just that the stranger in the martial arts hall, if it wasn't for his reminder, this kind of thing would not have happened." King Zhou said.

"Your Majesty, the owner of the martial arts hall is an expert from outside the world. It is not known to what extent it is directly reached. If it is often disturbed, I am afraid that it will give birth to annoyance."

"Then the kindness should be kept in mind. If there is a chance, this king will definitely thank that gentleman."

Hearing what Wen Zhong said, King Zhou gave up the idea of ​​going to thank him. After all, if people from outside the world often disturb him, it may be counterproductive.

At this point, the two were discussing some political affairs, and King Zhou still concealed his strength in order to paralyze his opponent.

When the time is ripe, we will drive the Western Expedition to crusade the turbulent Western Zhou Dynasty.


In the martial arts hall, the hall is deserted, and pedestrians passing by outside will glance in disgust.

Li Zhenwu sat in the hall as if he hadn't seen him, with a relaxed attitude.

"Your Majesty, King Zhou has returned from the sacrifice. After my calculations, it seems that Xuanyuan Huangdi and the others have made some moves."

Outside the hall, Yao Chi was dressed in a light gauze, and the lotus came in every step.

Decades of living in the dust have made her more mature. She has long been born slim, with picturesque eyebrows, red lips like jade, and a delicate face.

Stepping forward at this moment, the breeze is blowing, with a touch of girly fragrance, tangy to the nostrils.

"Oh, that has nothing to do with us. If Yaochi is too boring, you can walk elsewhere. You don't need to accompany me here." Li Zhenwu opened his eyes, looked at the exquisite girl, and smiled lightly.

"Your Majesty actually taught King Zhou's Taoism, why did he ignore it?"

"It's not just ignoring it, but when you don't pay attention, the fate of the human race is related to Mount Tai's status. As long as you understand this, all problems are not problems."

Li Zhenwu explained patiently: "No matter what the three emperors of the human race do, they will never endanger the prosperity of the human race. In this case, no matter what they think of King Zhou, it has nothing to do with us."

"In that case, Yao Chi is over-hearted." Yao Chi nodded as if he understood.

In the end, she still accepted Li Zhenwu's proposal and left alone to see other forces of the human race.

After all, the quasi-sage cultivation base, placed in this world, under the saints, has no choice but to obtain the existence of Yaochi, so Li Zhenwu is relieved.

"If Yaochi does what he wants, will it hinder the king's plan?" Before leaving, Yaochi asked.

The answer you get is no problem, you can do whatever you want.

"As long as you feel that it has no effect on the Immortal Tribulation, any behavior will not lead to causal changes."

Hearing this sentence, Yao Chi nodded firmly, his clothes fluttered, and he went away in the wind.

At the same time, Chaoge welcomed an uninvited guest.

"I think I, Shen Gongbao, was pityed by the Holy Father. I should have worshipped the saint and enjoyed the immortal way of immortality, but because of the saint's selfishness, he has not been taught any divine passage method for decades."

Shen Gongbao wore a Taoist robe, looked up at the city gate in front of him, and couldn't help sighing.

Since he left the Jiang family when he was a child, he has been traveling in the Great Wilderness, desperately cultivating the way of true martial arts, and his strength has passed.

Because of this, he was favored by Yuanshi Tianzun and was admitted to the mountain gate, but he finally learned that he was also a conferred god, so he was left out in the cold.

It was not until later that he violated the door rules, was kicked out of the teaching, and was transferred to the door of the interception.

Chapter [-] Goodbye Holy Father! (third more)

I have to say that Shen Gongbao's experience is legendary, and countless monks can't imitate it.

There are even great supernatural powers, who can't figure out the essentials.

He is also the only one who has worked in both interpretation and interception.

In the original age of conferring gods, Shen Gongbao was once suspected by later generations. He was the murderer sent by the Tao of Heaven. After being calculated by the saints, he kept sending the high disciples who intercepted the sect to welcome the robbery.

After all, the Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun in the Three Purities, as well as the two Western saints, are all two saints.

Under their joint deduction, they know more cause and effect than Tongtian sect master.

It was also because of the Conferred God War that Intercepted Sect declined and completely withdrew from the arena of hegemony.

"Fortunately, Sage Tongtian takes pity on him. After Big Brother Ziya left, both parents followed the sect of the sect, and they were two high-ranking stewards."

Thinking of what he saw in the interception, Gongbao Shen was deeply grateful to Tongtian in his heart.

"Forget it, I came today to do business."

While speaking, he stopped thinking about it and walked into the Chaoge City Gate.

The streets are prosperous, there are endless pedestrians, and there are many shops. Compared with the clean environment of Taoism, it is simply two extremes.

Shen Gongbao hadn't joined the WTO for a long time, and he was curious about everything he saw. For a while, he even forgot the purpose of his trip.

"It's okay, I finally joined the WTO, and I haven't enjoyed the happiness in the world. This time, I have to feel it."

As soon as he thought of this, he no longer had any worries, walking on the bustling streets, his mood was quite high.

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