I didn't know if I came to the front of the martial arts hall, and I was still unfulfilled. I woke up, and just turned to leave, but found that the martial arts hall was deserted, and it formed a bright contrast with the bustling streets.

"Don't look at this Taoist priest, the owner of this pavilion is a liar."

The passers-by saw Shen Gongbao wanting to go in, and immediately came to remind him.

"Oh, why do you say that?" Shen Gongbao asked curiously.

"No one knows about the entire Chaoge in this martial arts hall. He just wants to cheat. The owner of the hall needs to pay thousands of dollars to accept his apprentices, and what he teaches is just to keep fit."

"Yes, since the establishment of this martial arts hall, almost no one has bothered."

"I have never seen the owner of the museum accept apprentices, and the owner of the museum is only a young man who has just reached the weak crown."

"If no one has been deceived, and with the laws of the imperial court, there is no way it would exist."

The passers-by around saw this and came to tell them.

But the words of everyone did not let Shen Gongbao leave, but gave birth to a strong curiosity.

You must know that in Chaoge, the largest city of the human race, it is extremely strange. It can open a martial arts hall that can accommodate hundreds of people, and there has been no business.

Ordinary mortals may not think of it, but Shen Gongbao is a monk, so he will naturally feel curious.

"Just to let everyone know that poor Taoism is a little bit of Taoism, but today I want to see the magic of this martial arts hall, so I'm sorry."

While speaking, Shen Gongbao ignored everyone's persuasion and lifted the front of his clothes, so he couldn't buy it.

It's strange to say that the people who were persuading hard outside, after Shen Gongbao stepped over the threshold, they dispersed automatically, as if they forgot about it in an instant.

Such a bizarre scene, no need to guess, to know that this place is not an ordinary place.

"Pindao will have a good life today to see who is pretending to be a ghost."

Shen Gongbao snorted coldly, the art master was bold, but he didn't have the slightest fear.

After all, this place is Chaoge, not the barren mountains and ridges outside the city. Any evildoer who dares to make trouble must think clearly about the consequences.

The hall was deserted and not at all angry, but the table and floor were spotless, which was strange.

"Pin Dao Shen Gongbao is a high school disciple, I don't know..." Shen Gongbao shouted loudly.

But before he finished speaking, he saw a young man in a green shirt striding out from the backyard.

The young man's face is immature, his brows are sharp, his body is tall and straight, and his temperament is quite dusty between his hands and feet.

Looking intently, Shen Gongbao's hair stood on end, and immediately fell to the ground: "Shen Gongbao pays respects to the Holy Father Zhenwu."

The person who came was Li Zhenwu.

He was half-smiling, looking at Shen Gongbao with great interest, until he saw Shen Gongbao's hair, he walked to the chair and sat down.

"Get up, you're not stupid."

"The great grace of the Holy Father, the male leopard does not dare or forget it at all times."

Hearing that Li Zhenwu had acquiesced in his identity, Shen Gongbao's heart couldn't be more shocked, he hurriedly kowtowed, and then got up and stood there respectfully.

"I have nothing to do with you, you don't have to act like that."

Li Zhenwu waved his hand gently, a cup of hot tea appeared on the table, took a sip, and then spoke lightly.

He had already calculated the arrival of Shen Gongbao.

After all, the conferred god is coming, if this fake conferred god does not appear again, then the cause and effect will be messed up.

In fact, he and Jiang Ziya are siblings, but no one thought that Shen Gongbao's real cause and effect was that he was murdered.

As long as he is in that formation, that formation will be miserable.

After all, where the cause and effect lies, in the age of conferred gods in the previous life, Shen Gongbao personally sent countless people to answer the calamity.

I am afraid Yuanshi Tianzun has already arrived, so he will be driven out of the door.

In the end, he fell into the interception, causing the efforts of the Tongtian sect master to be wasted.

However, since Li Zhenwu appeared, naturally he would not let these things happen. As long as he acted properly, the saint would be sent to the robbery.

"The grace of the Holy Father is greater than the sky, and the male leopard dare not forget it."

No matter what Li Zhenwu said, Shen Gongbao didn't dare to let go. After all, he practiced the way of true martial arts.

If he is known by other saints, this world will not be able to tolerate his existence.

"Forget it, you came to Chaoge, but you have an understanding?" Li Zhenwu asked.

"Don't dare to hide the Holy Father, Shen Gongbao figured out that Chengtang Jiangshan's luck was the weakest, so he wanted to help King Zhou..."

The more he continued, the lower Shen Gongbao's voice became. In the end, his face was red and he bowed his head silently.

"You're saying that the luck of the Shang Dynasty is weak. You are here, I am afraid that you want to take revenge on the teachings." Li Zhenwu glanced at him, and he hit the nail on the head.

"Holy Father Mingjian, there are many arrogant people in the school of Chan, but they are a scourge for the world."

"Then I'll just point it out directly. You can enjoy another [-] years of luck in the soup. If you really help King Zhou, you can enjoy a long immortal life."

As Li Zhenwu's voice fell, Shen Gongbao froze in place.

This can be calculated the sky is different, right?

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