A farce unfolded like this.

At this time, Jizhou was just a poor country, and faced with the [-]-strong army of Bei Bohou, it was almost swept away.

Even if Su Quanzhong, the son of 907 Su Hu, was brave and unparalleled, he was finally defeated by the iron-mouthed condor of Chonghou Hu, and all of them were captured alive.

You must know that although the Su family is only a small place, Su Hu is a magnanimous person, and he and Ji Chang, the Marquis of Xibo, are friends of life and death.

After Ji Chang learned about it, he came to the camp overnight, and it happened that King Zhou's secret decree was also delivered.

"Brother Hou Hu, Su Hu and I are friends of life and death. Since the king has ordered not to hurt them, can you give me a favor and hand them over to me to escort them into Chaoge?"

Chonghou Hu naturally couldn't ask for it. After all, he also knew at this moment that he had been tricked.

So without saying a word, he left Su Hu's family behind, and he left with an army of [-] troops. Before leaving, he took the janitor directly away, it seemed that he wanted to entertain him.

In the tent where Su Hu's family was imprisoned, it was dark at the moment.

"Sir, the more than [-] lives of the Su family are handed over to you." Suddenly, Hu Hu's voice sounded, full of anxiety.

"Don't worry, Master Su, Shen Gongbao is a high-ranking disciple of the Intercept Sect, and he has already figured out the secrets. This trip is not a big deal for the Su family."

Shen Gongbao was also imprisoned, but he was calm and calm, but was a little blamed for why Su Hu didn't go to the martial arts hall in the first place.

Chapter [-] Daji enters the court! (third more)

"Sir said, Su Hu naturally wouldn't doubt it, but unfortunately at the time, in a rage, he rushed home!" Su Hu's face was full of bitterness.

You know, he is far away from Chaoge, and those rumors are passed, and his heart is also swaying.

After learning that You Hun was already on his way, he became reckless in his anger.

"Master Su don't need to blame yourself too much. Now that King Zhou has worked hard to manage the situation, it is a great success. The trip to the Song Dynasty may be a good thing!" Shen Gongbao could only comfortably said.

He wouldn't have dared to act like this if he hadn't been instructed by the Holy Father of the Race.

Not to mention Tang Jiangshan, even if the human race in the world, who is the orthodox emperor, the words of the Holy Father Zhenwu may be better than the way of heaven.

But Shen Gongbao was calm, but it was difficult for Ji Chang.

He and Su Hu have always been on good terms, and this time, he only thought of Chaoge, so that King Zhou could intercede.

After all, they are princes from all over the world, even the emperor of the imperial court should give some face.

There was nothing to say along the way, saying that they were escorting Su Hu's family. In fact, their treatment was almost the same as Ji Chang's, eating and drinking well, and no one was embarrassed.

Chaoge, outside the Budokan.

The endless street suddenly became noisy, and countless pedestrians were paying attention.

The people didn't know what was going on, but when they saw Xibo Hou in such a big battle, they all came out to watch the fun.

"It seems that the restaurant is going to recruit some people."

Inside the martial arts hall, Li Zhenwu suddenly opened his eyes, with a smile at the corner of his mouth, and muttered to himself.

Then, under the escort of Ji Chang, the Su Hu family was arranged, and both Su Hu and the little girl Daji were secretly summoned into the palace.

For this interrogation, the only one left by King Zhou was Grand Master Wen Zhong, and the rest were brutally driven away by him.

The magnificent hall, surrounded by sandalwood, is solemn and sacred.

Ji Chang and Su Hu were uneasy in their hearts, and walked in with a veiled woman.

"Sinner Su Hu, sinner Daji, I have seen Your Majesty."

Su Hu and the little girl entered, just about to salute, but were held up by Wen Zhong's hand.

"Ji Chang, Marquis of Xibo, I have seen His Majesty." Ji Chang cupped his hands.

He and Wen Zhong were also old acquaintances. Although he didn't know King Zhou's secret, he felt at ease when he saw Wen Zhong here.

"You don't need to be more polite!" King Zhou was depressed, thinking why he was like a tyrant.

Although the Su Hu family came to Beijing to apologize, King Zhou felt that he was the one who apologized.

"Your Majesty summoned the daughter of the Su family to enter the palace, why did Hu Hu stop her?" Taishi Wen Zhong said with an expressionless face.

As soon as these words came out, the whole room was shocked, and the atmosphere was suddenly suppressed.

Su Hu and Ji Chang were shocked. They looked at each other and could see the worry in the other's heart.

King Zhou, who was sitting on the big treasure, did not have the same thoughts as them. Although he looked at the woman, he must have been extraordinary, but he paid more attention to tempering his xinxing, but he did not have the slightest malice.

"Criminal..." Su Hu spoke with difficulty.

However, before his words were finished, Master Wen Zhong spoke again.

"The queen has been troubled recently. Her Majesty is sympathetic to his wife. It is benevolence. Since you have come to Beijing to apologize, this time it will be revealed."

Wen Zhong said slowly, with no doubts about his attitude: "But to resist the decree is to violate the laws of heaven. If you don't punish it, you can't explain it to the world."

"I read that you have a heart of apology, Su Hu's daughter will stay and accompany the queen day and night. This Taishi will find a yard outside the king's city, so that she can settle down."

As soon as these words came out, Ji Chang and Su Hu both froze in place.

Is this different from what you thought?

"You wait for Hugh to guess randomly. Recently, the country has been turbulent, and the queen is under too much pressure, which has caused her body to gradually weaken. This Taishi has discussed with the king, and let the queen leave the palace and the vortex of government affairs, so that you can enjoy a little purity."

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