Until this time, Su Hu and Ji Chang were taken aback.

Queen Jiang always liked to be clean, and the busy affairs in the royal city caused the queen to feel restless. Now this arrangement cannot be refuted.

"Your Majesty's name!" This time, Su Hu's attitude was extremely sincere.

As long as King Zhou is not a tyrant, he is relieved, but now it seems that Shen Gongbao has not fooled him.

Originally, in the sixty-four hexagrams, every hexagram was a big murder, but now, it has passed so easily.

"Since you are Tang courtiers, how can this king embarrass you?"

At the end of the day, King Zhou lost interest, waved his hand, and left alone.

I have endured countless pressures, and as the emperor, I also feel difficult.

After King Zhou left, only Wen Zhong and the others were left in the hall.

"Master Su, I'll make arrangements for your daughter. I hope you don't talk about today's affairs, and don't disturb the luck of the court." Wen Zhong looked solemn, and repeatedly warned.

At this time, Su Hu and Ji Chang also noticed something different.

The rumors circulating in the world do not seem to be the same as the king they have seen, and there may be conspiracy in them.

"Teacher, don't worry, as a courtier, I will never say anything." Ji Chang and Su Hu both solemnly replied.

As for Daji, Wen Zhong arranged for a female alien and sent her to Chaoge's martial arts hall.

"Master, what's so special about Chaoge's martial arts hall?"

At this time, Su Hu asked with a puzzled face.

When he came, he didn't take it to heart, but seeing Wen Zhong's arrangement at the moment, he was surprised.

Ji Chang didn't know what was going on, but he was very interested in what the two of them said.

"Oh, Master Su also knows about this?" Wen Zhong said in surprise.

"To be honest with the two adults, I, Su Hu, fortunately received advice from a stranger. When I was in trouble, I went to the martial arts hall. Su Hu was also puzzled. What is the martial arts hall?"

Hearing this, even Ji Chang was deeply curious.

"If the two of you want to know, you can go together later. Master Su's little girl should be settled there, and it should be fine." Taishi Wen Zhong was reluctant to say more.

Whether he can get the chance depends on Li Zhenwu's attitude towards the two.

In the martial arts hall at the moment, Shen Gongbao was extremely respectful, brewing tea like a flattery, and bowed to Li Zhenwu.

"You asked Hu Hu's daughter to come here, which embarrassed me."

Li Zhenwu shook his head with a wry smile, took a sip of the strong tea, and sighed.

That is Daji. Even if there is no demon fox possessed, his face is peerless. If he settles down, God knows what will happen.

Chapter [-] Accept Daji!

Shen Gongbao's face was full of smiles, as long as the Holy Father didn't blame him, everything was negotiable.

In fact, he could not have imagined that Wen Zhong's thoughts coincided with him.

"Don't laugh, that woman has come, but not because of you." Li Zhenwu said.

"That must be Grand Master Wen Zhong." Shen Gongbao said flatteringly.

In the entire Chengtang Jiangshan, only Wen Zhong can be regarded as a real master, and the rest are not in his eyes.

Moreover, after King Zhou offered sacrifices, Shen Gongbao knew that King Zhou and Wen Zhong had both received advice from Li Zhenwu, so they naturally understood.


Wen Zhong cast a spell, controlled Xiangyun, and landed in the courtyard with Ji Chang and Su Hu.

"Haha, it turned out to be Senior Sister Jin Ling's apprentice."

Before the three of them went in, Shen Gongbao greeted him and burst out laughing.

"Uncle Shen Gongbao?"

Seeing the person coming, Wen Zhong exclaimed in shock, he couldn't believe it, even Shen Gongbao was in the martial arts hall.

Regardless of whether it is to explain the teaching or to intercept the teaching, Shen Gongbao's status is quite high, and he is regarded as a second-generation disciple, while Wen Zhong is a third-generation disciple.

"Holy... The owner of the museum has been waiting for you for a long time, and come in with me." Shen Gongbao led the crowd in.

At this time, before Daji arrived, Su Hu's beloved daughter was deeply concerned and quickened her pace, wanting to see who the legendary owner of the museum was.

Ji Chang's expression remained unmoved, and he followed closely and walked in.

The hall of the martial arts hall is still deserted, without the slightest anger, as if no one has lived in it for a long time.

However, the ground and furnishings were spotless and clean like a mirror.

In the center of the hall, there are only two items of tables and chairs, and there are no other decorations. No wonder it is so deserted, and there are no seats for guests.

"Master Chengtang Wen Zhong, I have seen Mr.

Wen Zhong had been here a few times, but he knew each other very well, so he bowed and saluted.

This time, his attitude was even more respectful than before, also because seeing Shen Gongbao here fulfilled his thoughts.

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