However, the image of the gossip is to measure cause and effect, and uphold the way of heaven.

Unless there are saints, there is nothing unpredictable in the world.

"It must be that I am over-hearted, that martial arts alien, at best, is just a master of Taoism."

Thinking of this, Ji Chang shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Because of Su Hu's matter, even he began to doubt whether his hexagram was accurate.

"Master Hou, something is bad."

The stone door of the secret room was knocked loudly, pulling Ji Chang back to the display.

"Why so panic?"

Ji Chang opened the stone gate and saw a soldier, sweating profusely, walking back and forth in place.

Seeing Ji Chang appearing, the soldier forgot his etiquette and said quickly, "Master Hou, Fengming Mountain, where the camp is stationed, has the Phoenix Ruixiang landing!"


Hearing this, Ji Chang was stunned for a moment, and then his face changed drastically.

"How long has Ruixiang been present?"

"When the villain came, he hadn't retreated."


When the voice fell, the stone door of the secret room was closed, and Ji Chang hurriedly ordered the horse to be prepared, and rushed out as if flying.

Dozens of guards had been waiting outside for a long time, and when they saw Lord Hou coming out, they galloped quickly.

After half an hour.

On Fengming Mountain, the sky is filled with colorful auspicious clouds. On the top of the mountain, there is a phoenix chirping, and the sound is crisp and resounding throughout the world.

At this time, the millions of troops in the military camp were all watching from a distance.

The scene there is so magnificent.

The colorful rays of light bloom and are dazzling, accompanied by the chirping of phoenix birds, shocking everyone.

When Ji Chang arrived, Ruixiang hadn't dispersed. On the top of the mountain, there was a phoenix outlined by the glow of the sun, with its wings spread out, as if it was about to fly into the sky.

"The disaster of Xiqi." Seeing this scene, Ji Chang had no luck, his face turned pale.

You know, if the Ruixiang in front of him falls on Chaoge, then there is absolutely no problem.

But in Xiqi, it was Fengming Mountain, where the army was stationed.

"Dad, it's Xiqi's blessing to see Ruixiang from heaven!" In the army, a sharp-mouthed child with wings on his back shouted beside him.

Hearing this, Ji Chang glared at him sternly, and the sharp-mouthed child immediately lowered his head and no longer dared to speak.

"Father, this is Phoenix Ruixiang, if it is known to King Zhou, our Xiqi will be in danger!" The second son Ji Fa said with a hand.

"Why doesn't the father know?"

Ji Chang sighed, but he didn't see Ji Fa behind him, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

Three hours later, the Phoenix auspiciousness completely disappeared.

The Xiqi army, millions of people, all fell silent, and everyone's face was full of thoughts.

On the other side of Fengming Mountain, Kong Xuanhua turned into a human body and came to Bai Ze's side.

"Elder Bai, can you see it?"

"It's too deep to be seen, and since Xibo Hou is proficient in the book of gossip, it's hard for me to tell if he wants to cover up cause and effect." Bai Ze shook his head and said.

After the two left Chaoge, they went all the way to Xiqi by 830.

The auspicious auspiciousness just now is Kong Xuanhua's original appearance, secretly changing his breath, the supernatural powers and treasures radiated.

After all, it is the realm of Daluo Jinxian, unless there are great supernatural powers and saints, otherwise Ji Chang can't figure it out.

"Then let's act according to the circumstances." Kong Xuan said, but he was not in a hurry.

As great supernatural powers, they are bold and talented, and with Li Zhenwu behind them, even if the saints come, they have the confidence to fight.

However, the news that Fengming Mountain descended to Ruixiang soon reached Chaoge and the ears of King Zhou.

The entire court was in an uproar, and countless civil and military ministers were angry.

"Xiqi's antipathy is obvious. The so-called auspiciousness is just created by them to stabilize the military's morale."

"No, the country is calm and peaceful now. I'm afraid someone with a heart will deliberately blame Xiqi, so that my court will lose a lot of help."

"But Xiqi Tian will be auspicious, how should we deal with it?"

In the court hall, there was a lot of discussion about the cultural relics of the Manchu Dynasty, and all of them held their own words.

In the end, the quarrel could not end, and it suddenly became quiet. Everyone turned their heads and looked at King Zhou on the great throne.

Feeling the gaze of the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty, King Zhou's eyes twitched and his fists clenched slightly.

Chapter [-] Flooded Chentangguan!

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